10 research outputs found

    Learning Deep Similarity Metric for 3D MR-TRUS Registration

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    Purpose: The fusion of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and magnetic resonance (MR) images for guiding targeted prostate biopsy has significantly improved the biopsy yield of aggressive cancers. A key component of MR-TRUS fusion is image registration. However, it is very challenging to obtain a robust automatic MR-TRUS registration due to the large appearance difference between the two imaging modalities. The work presented in this paper aims to tackle this problem by addressing two challenges: (i) the definition of a suitable similarity metric and (ii) the determination of a suitable optimization strategy. Methods: This work proposes the use of a deep convolutional neural network to learn a similarity metric for MR-TRUS registration. We also use a composite optimization strategy that explores the solution space in order to search for a suitable initialization for the second-order optimization of the learned metric. Further, a multi-pass approach is used in order to smooth the metric for optimization. Results: The learned similarity metric outperforms the classical mutual information and also the state-of-the-art MIND feature based methods. The results indicate that the overall registration framework has a large capture range. The proposed deep similarity metric based approach obtained a mean TRE of 3.86mm (with an initial TRE of 16mm) for this challenging problem. Conclusion: A similarity metric that is learned using a deep neural network can be used to assess the quality of any given image registration and can be used in conjunction with the aforementioned optimization framework to perform automatic registration that is robust to poor initialization.Comment: To appear on IJCAR

    TRUSTED: The Paired 3D Transabdominal Ultrasound and CT Human Data for Kidney Segmentation and Registration Research

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    Inter-modal image registration (IMIR) and image segmentation with abdominal Ultrasound (US) data has many important clinical applications, including image-guided surgery, automatic organ measurement and robotic navigation. However, research is severely limited by the lack of public datasets. We propose TRUSTED (the Tridimensional Renal Ultra Sound TomodEnsitometrie Dataset), comprising paired transabdominal 3DUS and CT kidney images from 48 human patients (96 kidneys), including segmentation, and anatomical landmark annotations by two experienced radiographers. Inter-rater segmentation agreement was over 94 (Dice score), and gold-standard segmentations were generated using the STAPLE algorithm. Seven anatomical landmarks were annotated, important for IMIR systems development and evaluation. To validate the dataset's utility, 5 competitive Deep Learning models for automatic kidney segmentation were benchmarked, yielding average DICE scores from 83.2% to 89.1% for CT, and 61.9% to 79.4% for US images. Three IMIR methods were benchmarked, and Coherent Point Drift performed best with an average Target Registration Error of 4.53mm. The TRUSTED dataset may be used freely researchers to develop and validate new segmentation and IMIR methods.Comment: Alexandre Hostettler, and Toby Collins share last authorshi

    Real-time multimodal image registration with partial intraoperative point-set data

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    We present Free Point Transformer (FPT) - a deep neural network architecture for non-rigid point-set registration. Consisting of two modules, a global feature extraction module and a point transformation module, FPT does not assume explicit constraints based on point vicinity, thereby overcoming a common requirement of previous learning-based point-set registration methods. FPT is designed to accept unordered and unstructured point-sets with a variable number of points and uses a "model-free" approach without heuristic constraints. Training FPT is flexible and involves minimizing an intuitive unsupervised loss function, but supervised, semi-supervised, and partially- or weakly-supervised training are also supported. This flexibility makes FPT amenable to multimodal image registration problems where the ground-truth deformations are difficult or impossible to measure. In this paper, we demonstrate the application of FPT to non-rigid registration of prostate magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and sparsely-sampled transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) images. The registration errors were 4.71 mm and 4.81 mm for complete TRUS imaging and sparsely-sampled TRUS imaging, respectively. The results indicate superior accuracy to the alternative rigid and non-rigid registration algorithms tested and substantially lower computation time. The rapid inference possible with FPT makes it particularly suitable for applications where real-time registration is beneficial

    Open electronics for medical devices: State-of-art and unique advantages

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    A wide range of medical devices have significant electronic components. Compared to open-source medical software, open (and open-source) electronic hardware has been less published in peer-reviewed literature. In this review, we explore the developments, significance, and advantages of using open platform electronic hardware for medical devices. Open hardware electronics platforms offer not just shorter development times, reduced costs, and customization; they also offer a key potential advantage which current commercial medical devices lack—seamless data sharing for machine learning and artificial intelligence. We explore how various electronic platforms such as microcontrollers, single board computers, field programmable gate arrays, development boards, and integrated circuits have been used by researchers to design medical devices. Researchers interested in designing low cost, customizable, and innovative medical devices can find references to various easily available electronic components as well as design methodologies to integrate those components for a successful design

    Automatic analysis of medical images for change detection in prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer and second most common cause of cancer death in men in the UK. However, the patient risk from the cancer can vary considerably, and the widespread use of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening has led to over-diagnosis and over-treatment of low-grade tumours. It is therefore important to be able to differentiate high-grade prostate cancer from the slowly- growing, low-grade cancer. Many of these men with low-grade cancer are placed on active surveillance (AS), which involves constant monitoring and intervention for risk reclassification, relying increasingly on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect disease progression, in addition to TRUS-guided biopsies which are the routine clinical standard method to use. This results in a need for new tools to process these images. For this purpose, it is important to have a good TRUS-MR registration so corresponding anatomy can be located accurately between the two. Automatic segmentation of the prostate gland on both modalities reduces some of the challenges of the registration, such as patient motion, tissue deformation, and the time of the procedure. This thesis focuses on the use of deep learning methods, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), for prostate cancer management. Chapters 4 and 5 investigated the use of CNNs for both TRUS and MRI prostate gland segmentation, and reported high segmentation accuracies for both, Dice Score Coefficients (DSC) of 0.89 for TRUS segmentations and DSCs between 0.84-0.89 for MRI prostate gland segmentation using a range of networks. Chapter 5 also investigated the impact of these segmentation scores on more clinically relevant measures, such as MRI-TRUS registration errors and volume measures, showing that a statistically significant difference in DSCs did not lead to a statistically significant difference in the clinical measures using these segmentations. The potential of these algorithms in commercial and clinical systems are summarised and the use of the MRI prostate gland segmentation in the application of radiological prostate cancer progression prediction for AS patients are investigated and discussed in Chapter 8, which shows statistically significant improvements in accuracy when using spatial priors in the form of prostate segmentations (0.63 ± 0.16 vs. 0.82 ± 0.18 when comparing whole prostate MRI vs. only prostate gland region, respectively)

    Medical Image Registration Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Registration is a fundamental problem in medical image analysis wherein images are transformed spatially to align corresponding anatomical structures in each image. Recently, the development of learning-based methods, which exploit deep neural networks and can outperform classical iterative methods, has received considerable interest from the research community. This interest is due in part to the substantially reduced computational requirements that learning-based methods have during inference, which makes them particularly well-suited to real-time registration applications. Despite these successes, learning-based methods can perform poorly when applied to images from different modalities where intensity characteristics can vary greatly, such as in magnetic resonance and ultrasound imaging. Moreover, registration performance is often demonstrated on well-curated datasets, closely matching the distribution of the training data. This makes it difficult to determine whether demonstrated performance accurately represents the generalization and robustness required for clinical use. This thesis presents learning-based methods which address the aforementioned difficulties by utilizing intuitive point-set-based representations, user interaction and meta-learning-based training strategies. Primarily, this is demonstrated with a focus on the non-rigid registration of 3D magnetic resonance imaging to sparse 2D transrectal ultrasound images to assist in the delivery of targeted prostate biopsies. While conventional systematic prostate biopsy methods can require many samples to be taken to confidently produce a diagnosis, tumor-targeted approaches have shown improved patient, diagnostic, and disease management outcomes with fewer samples. However, the available intraoperative transrectal ultrasound imaging alone is insufficient for accurate targeted guidance. As such, this exemplar application is used to illustrate the effectiveness of sparse, interactively-acquired ultrasound imaging for real-time, interventional registration. The presented methods are found to improve registration accuracy, relative to state-of-the-art, with substantially lower computation time and require a fraction of the data at inference. As a result, these methods are particularly attractive given their potential for real-time registration in interventional applications