88 research outputs found

    Developing an interactive electronic maternity record

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    Women have a strong need to be involved in their own maternity care. Pregnancy hand-held records encourage women's participation in their maternity care; gives them an increased sense of control and improves communication among care providers. They have been successfully used in the UK and New Zealand for almost 20 years. Despite evidence that supports the use of hand-held records, widespread introduction has not occurred in Australia. The need for an electronic version of pregnancy hand-held records has become apparent, especially after the introduction of the Electronic Medical Record in Australia. A personal digital assistant (PDA) was developed as an interactive antenatal electronic maternity record that health-care providers could use in any setting and women could access using the internet. This article will describe the testing of the antenatal electronic maternity record

    Evaluation of EMR Implementation in a Private Hospital from User’s Perspective

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    Implementation of an electronic medical recordsystem increases efficiency of health services, quality of careand patient satisfaction. Successful implementation dependson multiple factors; one of which is users’ response to EMR.This study aimed to assess physicians and nurses’ views on theuse, quality and user satisfaction with EMR at a tertiarycare center in Karachi, Pakistan. Since its inception theHospital is accredited for being Pakistan’s first paperlesshospital. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using aself-administered questionnaire to evaluate use, quality and usersatisfaction with EMR. The questionnaire assessed: 1) computerrelated experience; 2) perceptions regarding EMR use; 3)quality of EMR system and 4) level of satisfaction with EMRsystem. The response rate was 75% nurses and 61% physicians.It was found that 80% of the respondents used EMR to obtainresults of patients’ investigations and test reports.81.6% respondents were of the opinion that the EMR Systemprovides the needed information about patients andreported their satisfaction with the accuracy of the system.Concerning user satisfaction with EMR, 94.6% of EMR usersbelieved that EMR is a useful system and 90.8% agreed on itssignificance for the better care of the patients. Type ofrespondents emerged as a significant correlate with overallusers’ satisfaction (p < 0.05). 90% respondents emphasized ona user-friendly EMR system and adequate training on its usage.Besides respondents, gender and computer relatedexperience have also significantly correlated with variousaspects of use, quality and user satisfaction with EMR (p <0.05). We were unable to correlate age with satisfaction with anEMR. EMR implementation positively effects workflow andpractice efficiency in a hospital. This study provides asystematic evaluation of various d imens ions of EMR andits correlates which is essential to understand reasons andbarriers for success, and methods to increase success inEMR implementation. Hospital management should ensure theavailability of technical expertise along with adequate trainingof HMIS staff

    Handheld computers for self-administered sensitive data collection: A comparative study in Peru

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Low-cost handheld computers (PDA) potentially represent an efficient tool for collecting sensitive data in surveys. The goal of this study is to evaluate the quality of sexual behavior data collected with handheld computers in comparison with paper-based questionnaires.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A PDA-based program for data collection was developed using Open-Source tools. In two cross-sectional studies, we compared data concerning sexual behavior collected with paper forms to data collected with PDA-based forms in Ancon (Lima).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The first study enrolled 200 participants (18–29 years). General agreement between data collected with paper format and handheld computers was 86%. Categorical variables agreement was between 70.5% and 98.5% (Kappa: 0.43–0.86) while numeric variables agreement was between 57.1% and 79.8% (Spearman: 0.76–0.95). Agreement and correlation were higher in those who had completed at least high school than those with less education. The second study enrolled 198 participants. Rates of responses to sensitive questions were similar between both kinds of questionnaires. However, the number of inconsistencies (p = 0.0001) and missing values (p = 0.001) were significantly higher in paper questionnaires.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study showed the value of the use of handheld computers for collecting sensitive data, since a high level of agreement between paper and PDA responses was reached. In addition, a lower number of inconsistencies and missing values were found with the PDA-based system. This study has demonstrated that it is feasible to develop a low-cost application for handheld computers, and that PDAs are feasible alternatives for collecting field data in a developing country.</p

    Implementing electronic medical record systems in developing countries

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    The developing world faces a series of health crises including HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis that threaten the lives of millions of people. Lack of infrastructure and trained, experienced staff are considered important barriers to scaling up treatment for these diseases. In this paper we explain why information systems are important in many healthcare projects in the developing world. We discuss pilot projects demonstrating that such systems are possible and can expand to manage hundreds of thousands of patients. We also pass on the most important practical lessons in design and implementation from our experience in doing this work. Finally, we discuss the importance of collaboration between projects in the development of electronic medical record systems rather than reinventing systems in isolation, and the use of open standards and open source software

    BabyCare: decision support system for primary child care using personal digital assistant

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    The purpose of this work was to develop a digital device - referred as BabyCare System - for the collection, storage, and decision support for healthcare professionals and other concerned people, in order to assist patients in primary child care in deprived communities. This system is based on handheld device technologies to be used locally in basic healthcare units in deprived communities, whether assisted or not by the Family Health Program/Strategy (PSF), as well as in ambulatory facilities and hospitals. Java was used as programming language. Evaluations have been conducted regarding 62 users at São Paulo city including volunteers from the Pastoral da Criança, an ecumenical institution for children. The applied questionnaires resulted in a high level of general acceptance (98.3%); the on-site training was considered as appropriate (91.9%); a perception of routine improvement and decrease in the time of consultation (100.0%), and a decrease in the volume of paperwork (96.7%). The prototype has proven to be robust and effective for the use in deprived communities with precarious computer and telecommunication infrastructure.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver um instrumento digital - aqui denominado Sistema BabyCare - para coleta, armazenamento e apoio à decisão dos profissionais de saúde e demais envolvidos na assistência primária infantil em comunidades carentes. Esse sistema baseia-se em tecnologias de dispositivos móveis para utilização local em unidades básicas de saúde em comunidades carentes, assistidos ou não pelo Programa/Estratégia Saúde da Família (PSF), organizações não governamentais, ambulatórios e hospitais. Utilizou-se Java como linguagem de programação. Foram realizadas avaliações sobre o uso do sistema na cidade de São Paulo, envolvendo 62 usuários com diferentes formações, incluindo voluntários da Pastoral da Criança e do PSF. Os questionários aplicados resultam em alto índice de aceitação geral (98,3%); treinamento in loco considerado adequado (91,9%); percepção na melhoria na rotina e na redução de tempo da consulta (100,0%) e na redução no volume de documentos (96,7%). Conclusão: o protótipo apresentou-se robusto e eficiente para uso em comunidades carentes com infraestrutura precária de informática e telecomunicação.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Informática em SaúdeUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Pediatria e NutrologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Informática em SaúdeUNIFESP, Depto. de Pediatria e NutrologiaSciEL

    Implementing electronic medical record systems in developing countries

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    Mobile technologies to support healthcare provider to healthcare provider communication and management of care

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    Background: The widespread use of mobile technologies can potentially expand the use of telemedicine approaches to facilitate communication between healthcare providers, this might increase access to specialist advice and improve patient health outcomes. Objectives: To assess the effects of mobile technologies versus usual care for supporting communication and consultations between healthcare providers on healthcare providers' performance, acceptability and satisfaction, healthcare use, patient health outcomes, acceptability and satisfaction, costs, and technical difficulties. Search methods: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase and three other databases from 1 January 2000 to 22 July 2019. We searched clinical trials registries, checked references of relevant systematic reviews and included studies, and contacted topic experts. Selection criteria: Randomised trials comparing mobile technologies to support healthcare provider to healthcare provider communication and consultations compared with usual care. Data collection and analysis: We followed standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane and EPOC. We used the GRADE approach to assess the certainty of the evidence. Main results: We included 19 trials (5766 participants when reported), most were conducted in high-income countries. The most frequently used mobile technology was a mobile phone, often accompanied by training if it was used to transfer digital images. Trials recruited participants with different conditions, and interventions varied in delivery, components, and frequency of contact. We judged most trials to have high risk of performance bias, and approximately half had a high risk of detection, attrition, and reporting biases. Two studies reported data on technical problems, reporting few difficulties. Mobile technologies used by primary care providers to consult with hospital specialists. We assessed the certainty of evidence for this group of trials as moderate to low. Mobile technologies:. - probably make little or no difference to primary care providers following guidelines for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD; 1 trial, 47 general practices, 3004 participants);. - probably reduce the time between presentation and management of individuals with skin conditions, people with symptoms requiring an ultrasound, or being referred for an appointment with a specialist after attending primary care (4 trials, 656 participants);. - may reduce referrals and clinic visits among people with some skin conditions, and increase the likelihood of receiving retinopathy screening among people with diabetes, or an ultrasound in those referred with symptoms (9 trials, 4810 participants when reported);. - probably make little or no difference to patient-reported quality of life and health-related quality of life (2 trials, 622 participants) or to clinician-assessed clinical recovery (2 trials, 769 participants) among individuals with skin conditions;. - may make little or no difference to healthcare provider (2 trials, 378 participants) or participant acceptability and satisfaction (4 trials, 972 participants) when primary care providers consult with dermatologists;. - may make little or no difference for total or expected costs per participant for adults with some skin conditions or CKD (6 trials, 5423 participants). Mobile technologies used by emergency physicians to consult with hospital specialists about people attending the emergency department. We assessed the certainty of evidence for this group of trials as moderate. Mobile technologies:. - probably slightly reduce the consultation time between emergency physicians and hospital specialists (median difference −12 minutes, 95% CI −19 to −7; 1 trial, 345 participants);. - probably reduce participants’ length of stay in the emergency department by a few minutes (median difference −30 minutes, 95% CI −37 to −25; 1 trial, 345 participants). We did not identify trials that reported on providers' adherence, participants’ health status and well-being, healthcare provider and participant acceptability and satisfaction, or costs. Mobile technologies used by community health workers or home-care workers to consult with clinic staff. We assessed the certainty of evidence for this group of trials as moderate to low. Mobile technologies:. - probably make little or no difference in the number of outpatient clinic and community nurse consultations for participants with diabetes or older individuals treated with home enteral nutrition (2 trials, 370 participants) or hospitalisation of older individuals treated with home enteral nutrition (1 trial, 188 participants);. - may lead to little or no difference in mortality among people living with HIV (RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.55 to 1.22) or diabetes (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.28 to 3.12) (2 trials, 1152 participants);. - may make little or no difference to participants' disease activity or health-related quality of life in participants with rheumatoid arthritis (1 trial, 85 participants);. - probably make little or no difference for participant acceptability and satisfaction for participants with diabetes and participants with rheumatoid arthritis (2 trials, 178 participants). We did not identify any trials that reported on providers' adherence, time between presentation and management, healthcare provider acceptability and satisfaction, or costs. Authors' conclusions: Our confidence in the effect estimates is limited. Interventions including a mobile technology component to support healthcare provider to healthcare provider communication and management of care may reduce the time between presentation and management of the health condition when primary care providers or emergency physicians use them to consult with specialists, and may increase the likelihood of receiving a clinical examination among participants with diabetes and those who required an ultrasound. They may decrease the number of people attending primary care who are referred to secondary or tertiary care in some conditions, such as some skin conditions and CKD. There was little evidence of effects on participants' health status and well-being, satisfaction, or costs.publishersversionpublishe

    Integration of recognition, diagnostic, and treatment strategies between prehospital emergency medical services and hospital emergency departments in the management of patients with acute sepsis and septic shock

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    Sepsis and its manifestation as a shock state in “septic shock” have long caused medical issues and death worldwide. The disease requires quick identification, diagnosis, and intervention with very high mortality rates prevalent otherwise. Historically this has been due to limited awareness of the disease and misclassification of its prevalence, severity, and incidence. Luckily in the past decade there has been increased interest and therefore resources devoted towards improving care and further understanding a disease that is one of the leading causes of mortality in hospitals worldwide. Over the past handful of years novel interventions and diagnostic techniques have become available. Unfortunately, in many cases these new discoveries have not yet trickled down to many of the providers on the frontline and a large amount of variation in care exists across the country. Because of the time sensitivity of sepsis, it is imperative that individuals working in the areas of healthcare who first come in contact with these patients have a clear understanding of the newest advances and resources available. In this thesis the goal is to first analyze the current protocols and standards of care for sepsis and then secondly consider new developments available both in the hospital and in prehospital emergency medical services (EMS). From the current information, strategies and protocols based on improvement of patient outcomes, can be streamlined and optimized moving forward. As predicted, there is currently an incredibly large amount of variation and knowledge on the subject with some areas implementing very progressive protocols while others still lack a sepsis protocol all together. In general, the current consensus in the field is that rapid identification and initiation of treatment is the most important component to long term survival. Improvement of outcomes therefore relies on standardization of protocols with incorporation of education components for healthcare providers. This aims to raise awareness and encourage utilization of the newest information and suggestions available. Increased interdisciplinary cooperation between prehospital providers in EMS and care providers in the hospital can also lead to improvement of recognition and treatment times for these patients. Future considerations were also examined that may potentially be applicable moving forward to improve these standards even further. There is a much opportunity available in each of these areas currently and progress is key to improving outcomes

    Tuberculosis laboratory information systems for resource-poor settings

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, February 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 132-143).Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients in resource-poor settings experience large delays in starting appropriate drug regimens and are often not monitored appropriately due to an overburdened health care system, communication delays, and missing or error-prone data. Medical information systems can be used to alleviate these problems by increasing the timeliness and quality of laboratory information available. The research reported in this thesis developed, implemented, and evaluated two such systems in the urban, resource-poor setting of Lima, Peru in institutions with and without internet. The first part addresses the electronic collection of tuberculosis (TB) laboratory information from multiple institutions without internet. A handheld computer-based system was developed and implemented. A cluster randomized controlled trial and before-and-after comparison showed that this system had a significant effect in reducing processing times from 23 to 8 days, the proportion of cultures with delays >90 days from 9.2% to 0.1%, the number of errors by 57.1%, and the work-hours necessary to process results by 60%. A cost and timeline framework was developed to allow other organizations in resource-poor settings to implement this technology. The second part addresses a web-based system, e-Chasqui, developed to provide electronic communication and reporting of TB laboratory information to health care personnel within institutions with internet. A cluster randomized controlled trial showed that access to e-Chasqui resulted in significantly less time to receipt of test results, a 56% reduction in tests taking over 60 days to arrive and a 98% reduction of results that never arrived, as well as a significantly faster time to culture conversion among patients in intervention versus control centers.(cont.) These two parts describe verified medical informatics tools and an implementation methodology for settings both with and without internet connectivity.by Joaquin Andres Blaya.Ph.D

    Evaluation of computerized health management information system for primary health care in rural India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Comprehensive Rural Health Services Project Ballabgarh, run by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi has a computerized Health Management Information System (HMIS) since 1988. The HMIS at Ballabgarh has undergone evolution and is currently in its third version which uses generic and open source software. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a computerized Health Management Information System in rural health system in India.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The data for evaluation were collected by in-depth interviews of the stakeholders i.e. program managers (authors) and health workers. Health Workers from AIIMS and Non-AIIMS Primary Health Centers were interviewed to compare the manual with computerized HMIS. A cost comparison between the two methods was carried out based on market costs. The resource utilization for both manual and computerized HMIS was identified based on workers' interviews.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There have been no major hardware problems in use of computerized HMIS. More than 95% of data was found to be accurate. Health workers acknowledge the usefulness of HMIS in service delivery, data storage, generation of workplans and reports. For program managers, it provides a better tool for monitoring and supervision and data management. The initial cost incurred in computerization of two Primary Health Centers was estimated to be Indian National Rupee (INR) 1674,217 (USD 35,622). Equivalent annual incremental cost of capital items was estimated as INR 198,017 (USD 4213). The annual savings is around INR 894,283 (USD 11,924).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The major advantage of computerization has been in saving of time of health workers in record keeping and report generation. The initial capital costs of computerization can be recovered within two years of implementation if the system is fully operational. Computerization has enabled implementation of a good system for service delivery, monitoring and supervision.</p