6,193 research outputs found

    The silver lining: cloud computing and small and medium enterprises

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    This paper shows how Australian businesses can get the most out of one of the biggest global innovations: information communications technology. Overview: Innovation – the successful application of new ideas – drives Australia’s productivity. Australia’s biggest innovation opportunity lies in creatively exploiting global innovations. One of the biggest of these is information and communications technology. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are an engine of the Australian economy. They employ two-thirds of Australian private sector workers and contribute half of Australia’s private sector GDP. Yet many SMEs have low productivity. Innovations may spread slowly to many smaller firms because they lack the capital or market intelligence that large firms can access. Online innovations – including mobile devices, e-commerce, and cloud computing – offer opportunities for firms of all sizes to become far more productive. This paper explores issues raised at a workshop run by Grattan Institute and Google on how policymakers and business can accelerate the spread of cloud computing among SMEs. It uses cloud computing – the delivery of on-demand information technology services over the Internet – as a case study for how online technologies can benefit smaller firms. Cloud computing can help level the playing field for smaller firms. It allows them to access sophisticated IT services that were previously out of reach. For example, it can allow them to manage and monitor their sales, operations and finances in real time. The cloud also offers capabilities that were previously unavailable to firms of any scale. For example, it allows multiple users to access applications or update documents at the same time from mobile devices. Cloud computing makes it easier for small firms to take new ideas to market. Firms that use cloud computing report more growth in revenue and profit than others do. But many Australian SMEs say they do not use cloud services. Many are not aware of the benefits or believe they do not have skills to capture them. Some are concerned about transition costs, data security and privacy. Networks are too slow or unreliable for cloud services in some areas of the country. Workshop participants agreed that government and industry can remove obstacles to the use of cloud computing and help SMEs capture its benefits. The industry itself should lead the education of SMEs on the case for cloud computing. Yet government can:  Choose policy settings that promote broader productivity growth and innovation;  Ensure interaction with government over the internet is the default for all businesses;  Provide an appropriate policy environment for investment in broadband networks that meet the needs of small business. Information technology’s contribution to productivity is just getting started. Small and medium enterprises should get on board

    Using bricolage to facilitate emergent collectives in SMEs

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    Starting a new business is often done in a realm of improvisation if resources are scarce and the business horizon is far from clear. Strategic improvisation occurs when the design of novel activities unite. We conducted an investigation of so called ‘emergent collectives’ in the context of a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). Emergent collectives are networks of information nodes with minimal central control and largely controlled by a protocol specification where people can add nodes to the network and have a social incentive to do so. We considered here emergent collectives around an enterprise resources planning (ERP) software and a customer relation management (CRM) software in two open source software (OSS) communities. We investigated how the use of bricolage in the context of a start-up microenterprise can facilitate the adoption of an information system (IS) based on emergent collectives. Bricolage is an improvisational approach that allows learning form concrete experience. In our case study we followed the inception of a new business initiative up to the implementation of an IS, during a period of two years. The case study covers both the usefulness of bricolage for strategic improvisation and for entrepreneurial activity in a knowledge-intensive new business. We adopted an interpretative research strategy and used participatory action research to conduct our inquiry. Our findings lead to the suggestion that emergent collectives can be moulded into a usable set of IS resources applicable in a microenterprise. However the success depends heavily on the ICT managerial and technological capabilities of the CEO and his individual commitment to the process of bricolage. Our findings also show that open ERP and CRM software are not passing delusions. These emergent collectives will not take over proprietary ERP and CRM software all of a sudden, but clearly the rules of the game are slowly changing due to the introduction of new business models. The study contributes to the research of OSS as emergent collectives, bricolage and IS adoption in SMEs

    Analysis of deployment techniques for webbased applications in SMEs

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    The Internet is no longer just a source for accessing information; it has become a valuable medium for social networking and software services. Web-browsers can now access entire software systems available online to provide the user with a range of services. The concept of software as a service(SAAS) was born out of this. The number of development techniques and frameworks for such web-applications has grown rapidly and much research and development has been carried out on advancing the capability of web scripting languages and web browsers. However a key part of the life-cycle of web-applications that has not received adequate attention is deployment. The deployment techniques chosen to deploy a web application can have a serious affect on the cost of maintenance and the quality of service for the end user. A SAAS modelled web application attempts to emulate a desktop software package experience. If a deployment process affects the availability and quality of service of a web-application then the core concept of this model is broken. This dissertation identifies approaches to designing a deployment process and the aspects that influence the quality of a deployment technique. A survey was circulated to a number of Irish small to medium sized enterprises (SME) that develop web-based software. The survey shows an overview of multiple deployment processes used by these SMEs. Using this information, along with a review of the available literature and a detailed case study of a typical SME deploying SAAS based products, the dissertation provides a critical analysis and evaluation of the current deployment techniques being used


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    The advance of IT is a powerful force of economic developments. The developing countries perceive IT as an opening to achieve access to knowledge and services. The internet is one of the IT parts that bring value added for organizations as well as for whole economy. Even though internet was created as a medium to distribute information, it became an instrument for the organisations to promote and sell their services and products around the world. It was initiated an exploratory research in order to determine the state of IT within the Romanian organizations and its impact for the Romanian economy, making an allowance for the fact of considering as starting point the idea that between IT and economical development is a positive relation, and that IT development requires and generates high skilled educated labour,. Mainly, the targeted companies were SMEs.Competitiveness, development, IT, management, SME

    Preparing for GDPR:helping EU SMEs to manage data breaches

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    Over the last decade, the number of small and medium (SME) businesses suffering data breaches has risen at an alarming rate. Knowing how to respond to inevitable data breaches is critically important. A number of guidelines exist to advise organisations on the steps necessary to ensure an effective incident response. These guidelines tend to be unsuitable for SMEs, who generally have limited resources to expend on security and incident responses. Qualitative interviews were conducted with SMEs to probe current data breach response practice and to gather best-practice advice from SMEs themselves. The interviews revealed no widespread de facto approach, with a variety of practices being reported. A number of prevalent unhelpful-practice themes emerged from the responses, which we propose specific mitigation techniques to address. We therefore propose a SME-specific incident response framework that is simple yet powerful enough to inform and guide SME responses to data breach incidents

    Design of a Security Toolbox: A Framework To Mitigate The Risks of Cyberspace

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThis research aims to create a framework that helps SMEs mitigate the various risks of cyberspace. In this digital era, the dangers of cyberspace are increasing, which leads to the need for organizations to adopt adequate security measures capable of preventing cyberattacks. However, a large number of employees in SMEs do not know how to act to mitigate the risks already mentioned. Thus, the development of a security toolbox could be a solution to help SMEs be less exposed to the dangers of cyberspace. For this research, a theoretical overview associated with cybersecurity to understand the current state of security solutions and the different control options in the organizational environment was essential. Last but not least, a clear understanding of the SMEs needs, in the area of security, was also crucial in the development and construction of the proposed artifact. To evaluate and validate the security toolbox, focus group meetings will be scheduled. The implementation of a security toolbox that helps SMEs to identify, protect, respond and recover from potential cyberattacks, may be relevant and can provide great results for different organizational environments to mitigate the risks of cyberspace. The suggested framework would play an important role, to the users of the security Toolbox to get more know-how to protect the business environment. Also, may be seen as a vantage to the science since will help to develop the research related to improving the techniques and tools disposal to mitigate the high risks of cyberspace