4 research outputs found

    Digitally Enabled Experiential Learning Spaces for Engineering Education 4.0

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    Novel digital technologies have transformed societies, organizations, and individuals in diverse aspects of daily life, elevating their competency requirements in order to successfully develop, integrate, and generate value. To remain relevant Higher education should provide students with digitally enhanced learning experiences to build their necessary competencies. To progress in this direction, this work proposes a method that can be used to develop digitally enabled experiential learning spaces (DeELS) in engineering education so as to incorporate digital technologies into engineering problem-solving and decision-making activities, as an innovative approach to Education 4.0. Two implementation cases exemplify the digital transformation of these learning spaces in the Lean Thinking Learning Space (LTLS) for undergraduate engineering courses. The exemplification shows how students, through designing, creating and integrating digital/smart kanban systems, execute their learning activities in a DeELS. The results suggest that the students were able to satisfactorily achieve their learning outcomes through the learning experiences. Moreover, new instances of learning experiences for digital transformation were identified within the LTLS. However, future work is required regarding new instances of digital transformation learning experiences in order to make any further inferences or generalizations regarding DeELS and their contribution to competency developmen

    State-of-the-art analysis of the pedagogical underpinnings of open science, citizen science and open innovation activities

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    The document corresponds to O2A1 of the INOS Project. This state-of-theart analysis elaborates on the current state of knowledge on learning design in open science, citizen science, and innovation activities, in order to improve their pedagogical value. This includes reporting on the different types of activities, the learning design of these activities, and the learning outcomes of these activities

    Competence 4.0: self-assessment of competences related to the 4th industrial revolution in selected students from the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Science of Charles University

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    (in English) The master's thesis addresses the topic of measuring competencies associated with the 4th industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 among a sample of bachelor students from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts at Charles University. The aim of the thesis is to create and test a model of competencies related to the 4th industrial revolution. A sub-objective is to compare the self-assessed competency levels among the sample of bachelor students based on faculty, study program, and academic year. The thesis includes a focus group and a questionnaire survey, in which a total of 863 bachelor students from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts participated. The model of competencies related to the 4th industrial revolution is tested using confirmatory factor analysis, and differences in the levels of individual competencies are analyzed among the sample of students using parametric and non-parametric methods. Confirmatory factor analysis with WLSMV estimation demonstrated that the hierarchical model of competencies is in good agreement with the collected data (CFI = 0.973, TLI = 0.967, RSMEA = 0.055, SRMR = 0.058), and it can be applied in measuring competencies. The results of comparing self-assessed competencies indicate that there are no statistically significant differences in the...Diplomová práce se věnuje tématu měření kompetencí spojených se 4. průmyslovou revolucí nebo průmyslem 4.0 u vzorku bakalářských studentů z přírodovědecké a filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy. Cílem práce je vytvoření a otestování modelu kompetencí spojených se 4. průmyslovou revolucí. Dílčím cílem je porovnávání úrovně sebehodnocených kompetencí u vzorku bakalářských studentů dle fakulty, studijního programu a ročníku. V práci je realizována fokusní skupina a dotazníkové šetření, kterého se celkem účastnilo 863 bakalářských studentů z přírodovědecké a filozofické fakulty. Model kompetencí spojených se 4. průmyslovou revolucí je testován pomocí konfirmační faktorové analýzy a rozdíly v úrovních jednotlivých kompetencí jsou u vzorku studentů analyzovány pomocí parametrických a neparametrických metod. Konfirmační faktorová analýza s využitým odhadem WLSMV prokázala, že hierarchický model kompetencí je v dobré shodě s naměřenými daty (CFI = 0.973, TLI = 0.967, RSMEA = 0.055, SRMR = 0.058) a je možné ho aplikovat při měření kompetencí. Výsledkem porovnávání sebehodnocených kompetencí je, že mezi vzorkem studentů z přírodovědecké a filozofické fakulty nejsou statisticky významné rozdíly v sebehodnocení kompetencí 4.0. Žádné statisticky významné rozdíly v sebehodnocených kompetencích 4.0 nejsou ani...Department of SociologyKatedra sociologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic

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    Based on twenty case studies of universities worldwide, and on a survey administered to leaders in 101 universities, this open access book shows that, amidst the significant challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, universities found ways to engage with schools to support them in sustaining educational opportunity. In doing so, they generated considerable innovation, which reinforced the integration of the research and outreach functions of the university. The evidence suggests that universities are indeed open systems, in interaction with their environment, able to discover changes that can influence them and to change in response to those changes. They are also able, in the success of their efforts to mitigate the educational impact of the pandemic, to create better futures, as the result of the innovations they can generate. This challenges the view of universities as “ivory towers” being isolated from the surrounding environment and detached from local problems. As they reached out to schools, universities not only generated clear and valuable innovations to sustain educational opportunity and to improve it, this process also contributed to transform internal university processes in ways that enhanced their own ability to deliver on the third mission of outreach