8 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Historic gardens are artefacts that evolve in a continuous and unavoidable way, and, at the same time, they are heritage and cultural sites that need to be conserved: the recognition of this dual nature motivates us to seek for new approaches to their management issues. Whilst it is necessary to follow site mutations and valorize its features while dynamically changes the appearance of the garden and the needs of the society, at the same time it is fundamental that an appropriate strategic plan sets a target for the garden, a midmid-long term vision, in order to preserve botanic and documentary value and maintain historic and artistic significance. The paper analyzes historical sources, surveys, thematic maps and interpretations to study historic public gardens, considering complexity and vulnerability of the components an d issues involved in historic gardens and consequent multidisciplinary approach. In order to identify conservation and management criteria it underlines analysis and evaluation of the environmental, architectural, land scape and perceptive features of the historic garden and its surroundings, demonstrating the importance to study the site historic stratification and the site context in order to define preservation goals to prevent decay, to mitigate impacts, to set up maintenance programs and management plans. The aim of this essay is also to highlight the role of GIS and WebGIS applications – targeted at public administrations – that integrate the spatial component (topographic map, ortophoto, physical plans, cadastral maps) and databases about botanic inventories and conservation and valorization treatments of historic public of public gardens.</p


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    Abstract. Considering built and landscape heritage, the paper demonstrates how it is necessary to conserve the historic stratification and to define new compatible plans and uses, identifying the ways to mitigate alteration impacts, requalify degraded areas, enhance natural, historic and cultural values, improve documentary and educational options, and manage new tasks and opportunities. Particularly, the historic complexity of built and landscape heritage, and the level of permanence can be recognized and evaluated by comparing multi-temporal historic and current maps, and surveying the present situation in order to define preservation strategies.Innovative tools (open source map registry, open source GIS data management) support the critical analysis of the maps, the representation of historic stratification, the evaluation of conservation levels, and the definition of heritage reuse and management. Moreover, innovative applications based on advanced Virtual Hub, when used to publish historical maps as Open Data (GEOPAN ATL@S APP), allow a larger public of non-expert users (tourists, citizens, bikers, students, etc.) to access the extraordinary richness of the historical map contents, and navigate across urban landscapes. Such APPs are thus becoming instruments of awareness with a strong pro-active capacity to stimulate new design plans encompassing local cultural identity and rediscovering traces of the past.</p


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    Abstract. One of the main goals of the Lombardy Region Landscape Plan (Piano Paesaggistico Regionale – PPR) review was to set up a detailed investigation of landscape binding actions that are issued according to article 136 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (D.Lgs. 42/2004).To achieve this goal, a survey was launched and a geo-referenced database was constructed, considering all the data included in the 888 landscape binding actions currently in force in Lombardy.The geo-referenced database takes into account also other architectural preservation measures and natural landscape protections, because a large quantity areas in Lombardy are safeguarded as Regional Parks and Natural Monuments, ecological corridors, geosites and various zones with natural significance are issued as ZPS and SIC by UE.Databases from other agencies and institutions were collected, examined and updated, to provide a complete tool, usable by public administrations and professionals.Such database can also be integrated by multi-temporal geoinformation availability of applications implemented to manage and share georeferenced historical maps (i.e. GEOPAN ATL@S APP), boosting the utility of these data sets in the daily professional activity.</p


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    Growing interest in boosting urban identity and character is increasing the demand for historic maps and documents of cities in constant evolution as in the case of metropolitan areas, peripheries and riverbank sites. A ‘Heritage & Development strategy based on the Historic Urban Landscape approach is required by city makers to ensure that exploitation needs can valorise the site’s natural and cultural heritage for sustainable social and economic optimisation.This paper intends to propose innovative virtual hub technologies of brokering, discovering and accessing open data, making available - to a large public of users - the multi-temporal dense stratified evidences of the targeted built environment areas and its surroundings, through the navigation of geo-referenced historical maps, together with current maps, going through design data. Enhancing the practice of publishing maps as open data represents a powerful leverage for time and cost effectiveness among planners, scientists and historians; soliciting their use to gain a vast knowledge of that areas, including a better comprehension of the transformations over the centuries, in order to support decision-making analysis, environmental monitoring and urban area planning; thus contribute to improving the sustainability of interventions respectful of the identity of the urban landscape. A case study of the ‘Deux Rives’ planning area in the city of Strasbourg is presented to illustrate these issues. The City of Strasbourg’s commendable work in publishing the historical maps supports the municipal authority’s Heritage & Development strategy in meeting contemporary and future needs while mitigating long-term damage from pressures for new interventions. Innovative virtual hub based applications to gather open data coming from different sources (city territorial services, design data sources, mobility services) can result in immeasurable added value through communicating the wealth of the planned areas and raising awareness among citizens and visitors of the interventions.</p

    Cartografía antigua catastral para la detección de cambios de cultivo: los mapas topográficos parcelarios de Alboraya (1930–2013)

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    El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la utilización de la información catastral (geográfica y literal) para determinar y cuantificar los cambios de tipos de cultivo en una determinada zona, entre dos periodos de tiempo determinados. Para ello, se estudian los cambios experimentados desde 1930 en una zona agrícola del municipio de Alboraya, Valencia (España). Como fuente de información se utilizan los datos de las parcelas del catastro de rústica del polígono catastral 4. Se utiliza como información antigua catastral, el Mapa Topográfico Parcelario (MTP) de 1930, y el listado de parcelas asociado en formato papel; y se compara con la última información catastral disponible en formato digital. Esta investigación compara los cultivos registrados en ambos periodos. Durante el proceso, se estudian las características y factores condicionantes a cumplir por la información base de estudio (disponibilidad, formato, antigüedad, técnica de ejecución de cartografía y georreferenciación), para evaluar las ventajas y limitaciones del método. Como conclusión, destacar la utilidad de la cartografía antigua catastral para la detección de cambios de tipo de cultivo. El uso del MTP permite cuantificar y delimitar con detalle los cambios producidos en cada elemento del territorio

    Open Access to Historical Information for Landscape Analysis in an SDI Framework

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    The paper illustrates the potentials of geospatial data to access a historical digital atlas for landscape analysis and territorial government. The experience of a historical geo-portal, the “Atl@nte dei Catasti Storici,” in the management of geo-referenced and non-geo-referenced maps—ancient cadastral and topographic maps of the Lombardy Region—can be considered a case study with common aspects to many European regions with an extensive cartographic heritage. The development of downstream Web-based services enables integration with other data sources (current maps, satellite and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle [UAV] airborne photogrammetry, and multi-spectral images and derived products). This provides new scenarios for retrieving geospatial knowledge in support of more sustainable management and governance of the territory

    D6.6: 7 conference papers

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    The Deliverable 6.6 with the title “7 conference papers”, is part of WP6 “Dissemination and Exploitation” of Athena project with a basic aim to knowledge sharing, network development and exposure to an international environment. Three conference attendances were foreseen (e.g. CAA; SPIE; EARSeL) within the project duration whereas more than 30 posters and oral presentations were presented during the project in the conferences such as: SPIE 2016, SPIE 2018, EUROMED 2016, EUROMED 2018, EGU 2016, EGU 2017, EGU 2018, RSCy2016, RSCy 2017, RSCy 2018, etc