7 research outputs found

    Проблеми семантизації інформаційних ресурсів web для підтримки управління процесами оподаткування

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    Introduction. Now information support of taxation processes is oriented on intelligent analysis of the Web resources. Such analysis requires the processing of large volumes of heterogeneous information at the semantic level. Ontological analysis is a powerful tool for formalizing knowledge in diff erent domains. At present a large number of standards, languages and software tools are developed for these purposes within the of the Semantic Web project. The formalization of knowledge about the subjects of economic activity in the form of ontologies simplifi es the search for the necessary knowledge and allows integration of data from diff erent sources from the open information environment – the Web, local and corporate networks, etc.Проанализированы проблемы, связанные с поиском в Web информации, касающейся налогообложения. Обоснована целесообразность использования семантического поиска, в котором применяются знания данной предметной области. Для формализации этих знаний предлагается использовать онтологию, которая содержит основные термины из сферы налогообложения и связи между ними. Эти знания используются для того, чтобы определить семантическую близость между найденными ресурсами и информационными потребностями пользователей. Термины онтологии используются как основа для семантической разметки найденных в процессе поиска информационных ресурсов, которая упрощает восприятие информации пользователем. Предоставляются рекомендации относительно выбора источников для пополнения этой онтологии и метод получения онтологических знаний из естественноязыковых ресурсов.Проаналізовано проблеми, пов’язані з пошуком у Web інформації, що стосується оподаткуванням. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання семантичного пошуку, в якому застосовуються знання цієї предметної області. Для формалізації цих знань пропонується використовувати онтологію, яка містить основні терміни зі сфери оподаткування та зв’язки між ними. Ці знання використовуються для того, щоб визначити семантичну близькість між знайденими ресурсами та інформаційними потребами користувачів. Терміни онтології використовуються як основа для семантичної розмітки знайдених у процесі пошуку інформаційних ресурсів, що спрощує сприйняття інформації користувачами. Надаються рекомендації щодо вибору джерел для поповнення цієї онтології та метод здобуття онтологічних знань з природномовних ресурсів

    A Novel Ontology Approach to Support Design for Reliability considering Environmental Effects

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    Environmental effects are not considered sufficiently in product design. Reliability problems caused by environmental effects are very prominent. This paper proposes a method to apply ontology approach in product design. During product reliability design and analysis, environmental effects knowledge reusing is achieved. First, the relationship of environmental effects and product reliability is analyzed. Then environmental effects ontology to describe environmental effects domain knowledge is designed. Related concepts of environmental effects are formally defined by using the ontology approach. This model can be applied to arrange environmental effects knowledge in different environments. Finally, rubber seals used in the subhumid acid rain environment are taken as an example to illustrate ontological model application on reliability design and analysis

    Social network analysis: A tool for evaluating and predicting future knowledge flows from an insurance organization

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    [EN] The paper aims to identify the individuals who influence the knowledge sharing processes from an internal social network and to forecast the future knowledge flows that may cross it. Exploratory research is employed, and a four-phase methodology is developed which combines a social network analysis with structural modeling. This is applied to the internal enterprise social network used by a British insurance company. The main results emphasize the most influential groups, their relationships, future knowledge flows, and the connection between the network's heterogeneity and structure, and employees' future knowledge sharing intention. These findings have both theoretical and practical implications. The theory is extended by proving that a social network analysis can be used as a tool for evaluating and predicting future knowledge flows. At the same time, a solution is offered to decision-makers so they will be able to: (i) identify the potential knowledge loss; (ii) determine leaders; (iii) establish who is going to act as a knowledge diffuser, by sharing what they know with their coworkers, and who is going to act as a knowledge repository, by focusing on acquiring increasingly more knowledge; (iv) identify the elements that influence employees' future knowledge sharing intention. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved."The research reported in this paper is supported by the European Commission for the project "Engaging in Knowledge Networking via an interactive 3D social Supplier Network (KNOWNET)" (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP 324408)".Leon, R.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Gómez-Gasquet, P.; Mula, J. (2017). Social network analysis: A tool for evaluating and predicting future knowledge flows from an insurance organization. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 114:103-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.07.032S10311811

    An ontology-based holistic approach for multi-objective sustainable structural design

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    Building construction industry has significant impact on sustainability. The construction, operation and maintenance of buildings account for approximately 50% of global energy usage and anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In recent years, the embodied energy and carbon are identified increasingly important in terms of sustainability throughout building life cycle. Incorporation of sustainable development in building structural design becomes undoubtedly crucial. The effective building design requires smart and holistic tools that can process multi-objective and inter-connected domain knowledge to provide genuine sustainable buildings. With the advancement of information and communication technologies, various methods and techniques have been applied to accomplish the multiple objectives of sustainable development in building design. One of the most successful approaches is building information modelling (BIM), which requires further enhancement of interoperability. The emergence of Semantic Web technology provides more opportunity to improve the information modelling, knowledge management and system integration. The research presented in this thesis investigates how ontology and Semantic Web rules can be used in a knowledge-based holistic system, in order to integrate information about structural design and sustainability, and facilitate decision-making in design process by recommending appropriate solutions for different use cases. A research prototype namely OntoSCS incorporating OWL ontology and SWRL rules has been developed and tested in typical structural design cases. The holistic approach considers five inter-connected dimensions of sustainability, including structural feasibility, embodied energy and carbon, cost, durability and safety. In addition, the selection of structural material supplier and criteria in sustainability assessment are taken into account as well. This research concludes that the Semantic Web technology can be applied to structural design at early stage to provide multi-criteria optimised solution. The methodology and framework employed in this study can be further adapted as a generic multi-criteria and holistic decision support system for other domains in construction sector

    Análise de riscos e efeitos no projeto informacional e conceitual: uma abordagem ontológica.

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    Este trabalho apresenta em seu início uma revisão histórica das publicações sobre FMEA enfatizando os problemas e soluções apresentadas na literatura com a finalidade de identificar como a metodologia evolui ao longo do tempo. A análise das publicações mostrou que a FMEA, apesar de sempre citada como o primeiro dos métodos de avaliação de riscos, é executada por exigências contratuais ou normativas, normalmente realizado ao final do processo, inclusive no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, com um time comprometido com o cumprimento de prazos e não com o resultado da análise, além das dificuldades relativas a classificação dos riscos. Permitiu também entender que o processo de realização da FMEA para identificar os modos de falha quase não sofreu alterações ao longo do tempo. Desta forma, o presente trabalho propõe uma nova abordagem para a Análise de Modo e Efeitos de Falha, mais visual e interativa para possibilitar uma mudança na forma integrar a equipe, melhorando o processo de geração de ideias, estimulando a reflexão e a identificação de novos caminhos para a interpretação dos modos de falha, aqui denominada de Análise de Modos de Falha canvas ou FMEA canvas. A abordagem pretende suprir a necessidade de identificar modos de falha na fase informacional do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, principalmente na área médica, onde os produtos se tornaram muito complexos e caros, justificando este trabalho. O texto mostra como utilizar o canvas e os resultados de uma aplicação utilizando o método de Soft System Methodology em uma empresa que desenvolve produtos médicos. Os resultados apontados pela empresa que participou da avaliação do FMEA canvas mostraram que o formato seria bem-sucedido nas fases iniciais do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, pois permite a integração do time de desenvolvimento inclusive com a equipe gerencial, apresenta-se mais compreensível, dinâmico e colaborativo e que a utilização de notas autoadesivas trouxe flexibilidade ao andamento das discussões, estimulando a criatividade, a revisão contínua do andamento da resolução dos modos de falha e a facilidade na recuperação das informações ao longo do processo, além de outras vantagens quando utilizada dentro dos limites para os quais foi planejado