4,070 research outputs found

    Ontology-Based MEDLINE Document Classification

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    An increasing and overwhelming amount of biomedical information is available in the research literature mainly in the form of free-text. Biologists need tools that automate their information search and deal with the high volume and ambiguity of free-text. Ontologies can help automatic information processing by providing standard concepts and information about the relationships between concepts. The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) ontology is already available and used by MEDLINE indexers to annotate the conceptual content of biomedical articles. This paper presents a domain-independent method that uses the MeSH ontology inter-concept relationships to extend the existing MeSH-based representation of MEDLINE documents. The extension method is evaluated within a document triage task organized by the Genomics track of the 2005 Text REtrieval Conference (TREC). Our method for extending the representation of documents leads to an improvement of 17% over a non-extended baseline in terms of normalized utility, the metric defined for the task. The SVMlight software is used to classify documents

    Automatically linking MEDLINE abstracts to the Gene Ontology

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    Much has been written recently about the need for effective tools and methods for mining the wealth of information present in biomedical literature (Mack and Hehenberger, 2002; Blagosklonny and Pardee, 2001; Rindflesch et al., 2002)—the activity of conceptual biology. Keyword search engines operating over large electronic document stores (such as PubMed and the PNAS) offer some help, but there are fundamental obstacles that limit their effectiveness. In the first instance, there is no general consensus among scientists about the vernacular to be used when describing research about genes, proteins, drugs, diseases, tissues and therapies, making it very difficult to formulate a search query that retrieves the right documents. Secondly, finding relevant articles is just one aspect of the investigative process. A more fundamental goal is to establish links and relationships between facts existing in published literature in order to “validate current hypotheses or to generate new ones” (Barnes and Robertson, 2002)—something keyword search engines do little to support

    Using Distributed Representations to Disambiguate Biomedical and Clinical Concepts

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    In this paper, we report a knowledge-based method for Word Sense Disambiguation in the domains of biomedical and clinical text. We combine word representations created on large corpora with a small number of definitions from the UMLS to create concept representations, which we then compare to representations of the context of ambiguous terms. Using no relational information, we obtain comparable performance to previous approaches on the MSH-WSD dataset, which is a well-known dataset in the biomedical domain. Additionally, our method is fast and easy to set up and extend to other domains. Supplementary materials, including source code, can be found at https: //github.com/clips/yarnComment: 6 pages, 1 figure, presented at the 15th Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, Berlin 201

    Quantifying literature citations, index terms, and Gene Ontology annotations in the Saccharomyces Genome Database to assess results-set clustering utility

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    A set of 37,325 unique literature citations was identified from 120,078 literature-based annotations in the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD). The citations, gene products, and related Gene Ontology (GO) annotations were analyzed to quantify unique articles, journals, genes, and to rank by publication year, language, and GO term frequency. GO terms, MeSH indexing terms, MeSH Journal Descriptors, and SGD Literature Topics were quantified and analyzed to assess their potential utility for results set clustering. Results: Bradford’s Law of Scattering was shown to hold for the citations, journals, gene products, and GO annotations. Only the MeSH terms and article title/abstract pairs had significant numbers of term co-occurrence. Multiple term types may be useful for faceted searching and clustered results set browsing if the strengths of each are leveraged

    Using ontology in query answering systems: Scenarios, requirements and challenges

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    Equipped with the ultimate query answering system, computers would finally be in a position to address all our information needs in a natural way. In this paper, we describe how Language and Computing nv (L&C), a developer of ontology-based natural language understanding systems for the healthcare domain, is working towards the ultimate Question Answering (QA) System for healthcare workers. L&C’s company strategy in this area is to design in a step-by-step fashion the essential components of such a system, each component being designed to solve some one part of the total problem and at the same time reflect well-defined needs on the prat of our customers. We compare our strategy with the research roadmap proposed by the Question Answering Committee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), paying special attention to the role of ontology

    Infectious Disease Ontology

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    Technological developments have resulted in tremendous increases in the volume and diversity of the data and information that must be processed in the course of biomedical and clinical research and practice. Researchers are at the same time under ever greater pressure to share data and to take steps to ensure that data resources are interoperable. The use of ontologies to annotate data has proven successful in supporting these goals and in providing new possibilities for the automated processing of data and information. In this chapter, we describe different types of vocabulary resources and emphasize those features of formal ontologies that make them most useful for computational applications. We describe current uses of ontologies and discuss future goals for ontology-based computing, focusing on its use in the field of infectious diseases. We review the largest and most widely used vocabulary resources relevant to the study of infectious diseases and conclude with a description of the Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO) suite of interoperable ontology modules that together cover the entire infectious disease domain

    Representing and coding the knowledge embedded in texts of Health Science Web published articles

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    Despite the fact that electronic publishing is a common activity to scholars electronic journals are still based in the print model and do not take full advantage of the facilities offered by the Semantic Web environment. This is a report of the results of a research project with the aim of investigating the possibilities of electronic publishing journal articles both as text for human reading and in machine readable format recording the new knowledge contained in the article. This knowledge is identified with the scientific methodology elements such as problem, methodology, hypothesis, results, and conclusions. A model integrating all those elements is proposed which makes explicit and records the knowledge embedded in the text of scientific articles as an ontology. Knowledge thus represented enables its processing by intelligent software agents The proposed model aims to take advantage of these facilities enabling semantic retrieval and validation of the knowledge contained in articles. To validate and enhance the model a set of electronic journal articles were analyzed

    Improving approximation of domain-focused, corpus-based, lexical semantic relatedness

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    Semantic relatedness is a measure that quantifies the strength of a semantic link between two concepts. Often, it can be efficiently approximated with methods that operate on words, which represent these concepts. Approximating semantic relatedness between texts and concepts represented by these texts is an important part of many text and knowledge processing tasks of crucial importance in many domain-specific scenarios. The problem of most state-of-the-art methods for calculating domain-specific semantic relatedness is their dependence on highly specialized, structured knowledge resources, which makes these methods poorly adaptable for many usage scenarios. On the other hand, the domain knowledge in the fields such as Life Sciences has become more and more accessible, but mostly in its unstructured form - as texts in large document collections, which makes its use more challenging for automated processing. In this dissertation, three new corpus-based methods for approximating domain-specific textual semantic relatedness are presented and evaluated with a set of standard benchmarks focused on the field of biomedicine. Nonetheless, the proposed measures are general enough to be adapted to other domain-focused scenarios. The evaluation involves comparisons with other relevant state-of-the-art measures for calculating semantic relatedness and the results suggest that the methods presented here perform comparably or better than other approaches. Additionally, the dissertation also presents an experiment, in which one of the proposed methods is applied within an ontology matching system, DisMatch. The performance of the system was evaluated externally on a biomedically themed ‘Phenotype’ track of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2016 campaign. The results of the track indicate, that the use distributional semantic relatedness for ontology matching is promising, as the system presented in this thesis did stand out in detecting correct mappings that were not detected by any other systems participating in the track. The work presented in the dissertation indicates an improvement achieved w.r.t. the stat-of-the-art through the domain adapted use of the distributional principle (i.e. the presented methods are corpus-based and do not require additional resources). The ontology matching experiment showcases practical implications of the presented theoretical body of work

    Large-Scale Online Semantic Indexing of Biomedical Articles via an Ensemble of Multi-Label Classification Models

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    Background: In this paper we present the approaches and methods employed in order to deal with a large scale multi-label semantic indexing task of biomedical papers. This work was mainly implemented within the context of the BioASQ challenge of 2014. Methods: The main contribution of this work is a multi-label ensemble method that incorporates a McNemar statistical significance test in order to validate the combination of the constituent machine learning algorithms. Some secondary contributions include a study on the temporal aspects of the BioASQ corpus (observations apply also to the BioASQ's super-set, the PubMed articles collection) and the proper adaptation of the algorithms used to deal with this challenging classification task. Results: The ensemble method we developed is compared to other approaches in experimental scenarios with subsets of the BioASQ corpus giving positive results. During the BioASQ 2014 challenge we obtained the first place during the first batch and the third in the two following batches. Our success in the BioASQ challenge proved that a fully automated machine-learning approach, which does not implement any heuristics and rule-based approaches, can be highly competitive and outperform other approaches in similar challenging contexts