169 research outputs found

    Ontology (Science)

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    Increasingly, in data-intensive areas of the life sciences, experimental results are being described in algorithmically useful ways with the help of ontologies. Such ontologies are authored and maintained by scientists to support the retrieval, integration and analysis of their data. The proposition to be defended here is that ontologies of this type – the Gene Ontology (GO) being the most conspicuous example – are a _part of science_. Initial evidence for the truth of this proposition (which some will find self-evident) is the increasing recognition of the importance of empirically-based methods of evaluation to the ontology develop¬ment work being undertaken in support of scientific research. Ontologies created by scientists must, of course, be associated with implementations satisfying the requirements of software engineering. But the ontologies are not themselves engineering artifacts, and to conceive them as such brings grievous consequences. Rather, ontologies such as the GO are in different respects comparable to scientific theories, to scientific databases, and to scientific journal publications. Such a view implies a new conception of what is involved in the author¬ing, maintenance and application of ontologies in scientific contexts, and therewith also a new approach to the evaluation of ontologies and to the training of ontologists

    History, ontology, science studies

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    Ontology Summit 2008 Communiqué: Towards an open ontology repository

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    Each annual Ontology Summit initiative makes a statement appropriate to each Summits theme as part of our general advocacy designed to bring ontology science and engineering into the mainstream. The theme this year is "Towards an Open Ontology Repository". This communiqué represents the joint position of those who were engaged in the year's summit discourse on an Open Ontology Repository (OOR) and of those who endorse below. In this discussion, we have agreed that an "ontology repository is a facility where ontologies and related information artifacts can be stored, retrieved and managed." We believe in the promise of semantic technologies based on logic, databases and the Semantic Web, a Web of exposed data and of interpretations of that data (i.e., of semantics), using common standards. Such technologies enable distinguishable, computable, reusable, and sharable meaning of Web and other artifacts, including data, documents, and services. We also believe that making that vision a reality requires additional supporting resources and these resources should be open, extensible, and provide common services over the ontologies

    An evolutionary approach to the representation of adverse events

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    One way to detect, monitor and prevent adverse events with the help of Information Technology is by using ontologies capable of representing three levels of reality: what is the case, what is believed about reality, and what is represented. We report on how Basic Formal Ontology and Referent Tracking exhibit this capability and how they are used to develop an adverse event ontology and related data annotation scheme for the European ReMINE project

    Ontology as Product-Service System: Lessons Learned from GO, BFO and DOLCE

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    This paper defends a view of the Gene Ontology (GO) and of Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) as examples of what the manufacturing industry calls product-service systems. This means that they are products (the ontologies) bundled with a range of ontology services such as updates, training, help desk, and permanent identifiers. The paper argues that GO and BFO are contrasted in this respect with DOLCE, which approximates more closely to a scientific theory or a scientific publication. The paper provides a detailed overview of ontology services and concludes with a discussion of some implications of the product-service system approach for the understanding of the nature of applied ontology. Ontology developer communities are compared in this respect with developers of scientific theories and of standards (such as W3C). For each of these we can ask: what kinds of products do they develop and what kinds of services do they provide for the users of these products

    Ontologi Ilmu Pengetahuan

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    Ontology is a science that examines what is the nature of science or scientific knowledge which is popularly known by many people as science, what is the nature of rational truth or deductive truth and empirical reality that cannot be separated from science's perception of what and how. The ontology of science limits itself to scientific studies that humans can think about rationally and can observe through the five human senses. Meanwhile, the study of objects of study that are within the limits of pre-experience (such as human creation) and post-experience (such as heaven and hell) becomes an ontology of other knowledge outside of science. In language, ontology comes from the Greek word origin is "Ontos" and "Logos". Ontos is "that which exists" while Logos is "knowledge". Simply put, ontology is the science that talks about what exists. In terms, ontology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of life about an existence which includes the existence of everything that exists and that may exist. And do not mix up the truth with falsehood and (do not) hide the truth while you know it. (QS. Al-Baqarah Verse 42) Ontology basically talks about the nature of "existing" science, the nature of knowledge objects, and the nature of the subject-object relationship of science. How science is viewed ontologically, the discussion is that ontology examines, analyzes knowledge based on whether knowledge really exists or does not exist. For example in Islamic Education Management, ontologically the discussion is focused on Islamic Education Management does it really exist or not, not only the study program but actually the knowledge taught in it is actually no different from Education Management in general

    Markets, Money and Ideology

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    Marx's critique of Hegel is used to derive a demarcation criterion that sharply separates scientific knowledge from ideology, and interprets Hegelian methodology as fundamentally ideological. Economic theory is considered according to this demarcation criterion, and the paper argues that economic science too easily becomes economic ideology. One reason for this tendency towards slippage is the dominance of money relations in contemporary society. For the labour theory of value in Marx has a theory of money whose structure is identical to Hegelian logic, and an antipathy to a scientific approach is thereby grounded in everyday life.Ideology, Marx, Money

    God, time and eternity: philosophical foundations for a defence of divine timelessness

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    The past two decades have seen an almost exponential growth in publications on the topic of divine eternity and the general area of 'God and time'. Increasing appeal is made to arguments and resources which ranges widely through contemporary science and the philosophy of time, whilst retaining commitments to traditional historical and philosophical theology. This thesis aims to make a methodological contribution to the debate that will be of use to partisans of all views of divine temporality and atemporality, as well as to isolate more specific philosophical foundations which, it is urged, would be required for a defence of divine timelessness. In arguing for the plausibility of these foundations, a case is made for the desirability of such a defence. This thesis argues for a methodology of constraints in which the key features are, first, that the theology of divine eternity can be affected by logical constraints introduced by arguments from Outside' as well as 'inside' itself, and, second, that such a structure is reliant upon the integration of a corresponding understanding (provided by the work of Katherine Hawley) of how science might support metaphysical claims and how alleged support might be challenged. The resulting structure is offered as a general philosophical foundation for debates in the field of 'God and time’. This thesis also argues that the most vital factor in the structure is the ontological status of the present. The denial that the present should be metaphysically favoured is explored, as a general philosophical foundation for a defence of divine timelessness, through topics in language and ontology, science, and epistemology. Results from this analysis are incorporated into the overall structure advocated by the thesis, together with considerations both of their effect on the debate, and of candidates for philosophical foundations from 'inside' theology which fit within the wider methodology of constraints on the theology of divine eternity


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    Along with rapid development of science and technique, as the basic drivers of civilisation transformation, there are still radical changes in various social phenomena, modelled by multifaceted development of technique. The prerequisite, determining the efficiency of such processes, is change of human awareness. This requires redefining the notions in the area of human sciences, and the presence of such phenomena is already perceived in pedagogical sciences. It can be said that a quality transformation is taking place in them gradually, but systematically. Will this be an educational revolution? Time and history will show.Usporedno sa brzim razvojem znanosti i tehnike kao osnovnim pokretačima transformacija u druĆĄtvu, događaju se i drastične promjene kod raznih druĆĄtvenih fenomena, koje su uzrokovane razvojem tehnike. Preduvjet koji određuje učinkovitost takvih procesa je promjena ljudske svijesti. To zahtijeva redefiniranje pojmova u području humanističkih znanosti, do čega je već doĆĄlo u pedagoĆĄkim znanostima. MoĆŸe li se reći da se kvalitetne transformacije događaju postepeno, ali sistematično? Hoće li ovo biti obrazovna revolucija? Vrijeme i povijest će pokazati
