178,339 research outputs found

    MAP: Microblogging Assisted Profiling of TV Shows

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    Online microblogging services that have been increasingly used by people to share and exchange information, have emerged as a promising way to profiling multimedia contents, in a sense to provide users a socialized abstraction and understanding of these contents. In this paper, we propose a microblogging profiling framework, to provide a social demonstration of TV shows. Challenges for this study lie in two folds: First, TV shows are generally offline, i.e., most of them are not originally from the Internet, and we need to create a connection between these TV shows with online microblogging services; Second, contents in a microblogging service are extremely noisy for video profiling, and we need to strategically retrieve the most related information for the TV show profiling.To address these challenges, we propose a MAP, a microblogging-assisted profiling framework, with contributions as follows: i) We propose a joint user and content retrieval scheme, which uses information about both actors and topics of a TV show to retrieve related microblogs; ii) We propose a social-aware profiling strategy, which profiles a video according to not only its content, but also the social relationship of its microblogging users and its propagation in the social network; iii) We present some interesting analysis, based on our framework to profile real-world TV shows

    A importância do protocolo de classificação de risco e dor torácica em unidade de pronto atendimento

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    The aim was to understand and emphasize the importance of the risk classification and chest pain protocol in hospital institutions. This is an integrative literature review with descriptive analysis and a qualitative approach. carried out between August and September in the year 2022, with a search in the databases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Nursing Database and Scientific Electronic Library Online. For the search strategy, the following descriptors were used: Chest Pain, Emergency Room, Nursing, Emergency and their synonyms. Of the 132 articles found, 14 were selected to compose the sample. It was evidenced that risk classification and chest pain protocols are instruments that optimize patient care time, and in addition to guiding the team, offer autonomy to nurses and guarantee quality and effectiveness in care.Objetivou-se compreender e enfatizar a importância do protocolo de classificação de risco e de dor torácica nas instituições hospitalares. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura com análise descritiva e abordagem qualitativa. realizada entre agosto e setembro no ano de 2022, com busca nas bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Base de Dados de Enfermagem e Scientific Electronic Library Online. Para a estratégia de busca foram utilizados os descritores: Dor Torácica, Pronto Socorro, Enfermagem, Emergência e seus sinônimos. Dos 132 artigos encontrados, 14 foram selecionados para compor a amostra. Evidenciou-se que os protocolos de classificação de risco e de dor torácica, são instrumentos que otimizam o tempo de atendimento ao paciente, e além de nortear a equipe, oferece autonomia ao enfermeiro e garante qualidade e efetividade na assistência

    A importância do protocolo de classificação de risco e dor torácica em unidade de pronto atendimento

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    The aim was to understand and emphasize the importance of the risk classification and chest pain protocol in hospital institutions. This is an integrative literature review with descriptive analysis and a qualitative approach. carried out between August and September in the year 2022, with a search in the databases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Nursing Database and Scientific Electronic Library Online. For the search strategy, the following descriptors were used: Chest Pain, Emergency Room, Nursing, Emergency and their synonyms. Of the 132 articles found, 14 were selected to compose the sample. It was evidenced that risk classification and chest pain protocols are instruments that optimize patient care time, and in addition to guiding the team, offer autonomy to nurses and guarantee quality and effectiveness in care.Objetivou-se compreender e enfatizar a importância do protocolo de classificação de risco e de dor torácica nas instituições hospitalares. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura com análise descritiva e abordagem qualitativa. realizada entre agosto e setembro no ano de 2022, com busca nas bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Base de Dados de Enfermagem e Scientific Electronic Library Online. Para a estratégia de busca foram utilizados os descritores: Dor Torácica, Pronto Socorro, Enfermagem, Emergência e seus sinônimos. Dos 132 artigos encontrados, 14 foram selecionados para compor a amostra. Evidenciou-se que os protocolos de classificação de risco e de dor torácica, são instrumentos que otimizam o tempo de atendimento ao paciente, e além de nortear a equipe, oferece autonomia ao enfermeiro e garante qualidade e efetividade na assistência

    Beyond Keywords and Relevance: A Personalized Ad Retrieval Framework in E-Commerce Sponsored Search

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    On most sponsored search platforms, advertisers bid on some keywords for their advertisements (ads). Given a search request, ad retrieval module rewrites the query into bidding keywords, and uses these keywords as keys to select Top N ads through inverted indexes. In this way, an ad will not be retrieved even if queries are related when the advertiser does not bid on corresponding keywords. Moreover, most ad retrieval approaches regard rewriting and ad-selecting as two separated tasks, and focus on boosting relevance between search queries and ads. Recently, in e-commerce sponsored search more and more personalized information has been introduced, such as user profiles, long-time and real-time clicks. Personalized information makes ad retrieval able to employ more elements (e.g. real-time clicks) as search signals and retrieval keys, however it makes ad retrieval more difficult to measure ads retrieved through different signals. To address these problems, we propose a novel ad retrieval framework beyond keywords and relevance in e-commerce sponsored search. Firstly, we employ historical ad click data to initialize a hierarchical network representing signals, keys and ads, in which personalized information is introduced. Then we train a model on top of the hierarchical network by learning the weights of edges. Finally we select the best edges according to the model, boosting RPM/CTR. Experimental results on our e-commerce platform demonstrate that our ad retrieval framework achieves good performance

    Intermediary's Elicitation and Patron's Retrieval Satisfaction

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    [[abstract]]An elicitation is a verbal request for information reflecting one's interests, concerns or perplexities in conversation. Elicitation behavior in studies of information retrieval interaction is, in fact, the micro-level of information-seeking behavior in which the user and the intermediary exchange information to fill the gaps in one's internal state of knowledge. This study aims to understand the intermediary's elicitation behavior in terms of linguistic forms, communicative functions (illocutionary force) and utterance purposes (semantic contents) and further to identify the relationship between intermediary's individual differences and search results satisfaction. Research methods include participatory observation, conversation analysis, content analysis and statistical analysis of elicitation frequencies and questionnaires. Our research results successfully identify the three dimensions of intermediary's elicitation behavior and characterize intermediary's inquiring minds and elicitation styles. Further analysis shows that there exists a significant relationship between inquiring minds/elicitation styles and user's relevance judgment of search results.

    A study of search intermediary working notes: implications for IR system design

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    This paper reports findings from an exploratory study investigating working notes created during encoding and external storage (EES) processes, by human search intermediates using a Boolean information retrieval (JR) system. EES processes have been an important area of research in educational contexts where students create and use notes to facilitate learning. In the context of interactive IR, encoding can be conceptualized as the process of creating working notes to help in the understanding and translating a user's information problem into a search strategy suitable for use with an IR system. External storage is the process of using working notes to facilitate interaction with IR systems. Analysis of 221 sets of working notes created by human search intermediaries revealed extensive use of EES processes and the creation of working notes of textual, numerical and graphical entities. Nearly 70% of recorded working notes were textual/numerical entities, nearly 30% were graphical entities and 0.73% were indiscernible. Segmentation devices were also used in 48% of the working notes. The creation of working notes during EES processes was a fundamental element within the mediated, interactive IR process. Implications for the design of IR interfaces to support users' EES processes and further research is discussed

    Searching and Stopping: An Analysis of Stopping Rules and Strategies

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    Searching naturally involves stopping points, both at a query level (how far down the ranked list should I go?) and at a session level (how many queries should I issue?). Understanding when searchers stop has been of much interest to the community because it is fundamental to how we evaluate search behaviour and performance. Research has shown that searchers find it difficult to formalise stopping criteria, and typically resort to their intuition of what is "good enough". While various heuristics and stopping criteria have been proposed, little work has investigated how well they perform, and whether searchers actually conform to any of these rules. In this paper, we undertake the first large scale study of stopping rules, investigating how they influence overall session performance, and which rules best match actual stopping behaviour. Our work is focused on stopping at the query level in the context of ad-hoc topic retrieval, where searchers undertake search tasks within a fixed time period. We show that stopping strategies based upon the disgust or frustration point rules - both of which capture a searcher's tolerance to non-relevance - typically result in (i) the best overall performance, and (ii) provide the closest approximation to actual searcher behaviour, although a fixed depth approach also performs remarkably well. Findings from this study have implications regarding how we build measures, and how we conduct simulations of search behaviours