5 research outputs found

    Conversion rate prediction based on text readability analysis of landing pages

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    Digital marketing has been extensively researched and developed remarkably rapidly over the last decade. Within this field, hundreds of scientific publications and patents have been produced, but the accuracy of prediction technologies leaves much to be desired. Conversion prediction remains a problem for most marketing professionals. In this article, the authors, using a dataset containing landing pages content and their conversions, show that a detailed analysis of text readability is capable of predicting conversion rates. They identify specific features that directly affect conversion and show how marketing professionals can use the results of this work. In their experiments, the authors show that the applied machine learning approach can predict landing page conversion. They built five machine learning models. The accuracy of the built machine learning model using the SVM algorithm is promising for its implementation. Additionally, the interpretation of the results of this model was conducted using the SHAP package. Approximately 60% of purchases are made by nonmembers, and this paper may be suitable for the cold-start problem

    E-commerce como estrategia alternativa de desarrollo empresarial. Revisión sistemática

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo actualizar teóricamente sobre los elementos que confluyen en el e-commerce para optimizar el desarrollo empresarial. fue de tipo cualitativo y diseño revisión sistemática, utilizando como instrumento la recaudación de datos de búsqueda en la plataforma de base de datos, teniendo en cuenta diversos criterios de inclusión y exclusión para la elección de investigaciones de revistas indizadas. Los artículos seleccionados para la investigación fueron 32 artículos los cuales sirvieron para dar respuesta a los objetivos formulados previamente; dando como resultados, que las empresas se enfrentan constantes cambios es por ello que tienen que implementar estrategias para buscar su permanencia en el mercado, concluyendo que las empresas adoptaron el ecommerce como estrategia para comercializar sus productos y servicios mediante medios digitales y así generar rendimientos favorables frente a los competidores

    Determinantes da satisfação online: um estudo sobre a compra de passagens aéreas em Portugal

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    turismo tem vindo a ser dos setores com maior crescimento. Este crescimento muito se deve ao desenvolvimento tecnológico que tem vindo a ser cada vez mais evidente. Com o aumento das compras de passagens aéreas através de websites, tem sido imperativo para as empresas que atuam no setor online, focarem-se nas estratégias de marketing adaptando-as às preferências dos seus consumidores, por forma de satisfazer as suas necessidades. Tendo em conta esta realidade, a presente investigação tem como objetivo identificar os fatores determinantes da satisfação, na compra de passagens aéreas através de website, em Portugal. Através da análise de estudos empíricos, identificou-se cinco variáveis adaptadas dos modelos emergentes da revisão da literatura, que serviram de suporte teórico para a construção do modelo conceptual analisado no presente estudo. Com intuito de dar resposta à grande questão de investigação e por forma a testar as hipóteses, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, sob forma de questionário estruturado, aplicado a um universo de amostra de 473 inquiridos, dos quais foram validadas de 394 respostas de compradores de passagens aéreas online, residentes em Portugal. Posteriormente, através da modelo de regressão, procedeu-se à análise estatísticas dos dados, concluindo-se que a qualidade do website, a rotina online, o conhecimento do website, a capacidade de resposta do website e a personalização do website apresentam-se como determinantes da satisfação online.Tourism has been one of the fastest growing sectors. This growth is largely due to the technological development that has become increasingly evident. With the increase in the purchase of airline tickets through websites, it has been imperative for companies operating in the online sector to focus on marketing strategies, adapting them to the preferences of their consumers, in order to satisfy their needs. Bearing this reality in mind, the present investigation aims to identify the determining factors of satisfaction, when purchasing airline tickets through website, in Portugal. Through the analysis of empirical studies, we identified five variables adapted from the models that emerged from the literature review, which served as theoretical support for the construction of the conceptual model analyzed in the present study. In order to answer the big research question and in order to test the hypotheses, a quantitative study was carried out, in the form of a structured questionnaire, applied to a sample universe of 473 respondents, of which 394 responses from buyers were validated. online airline tickets, resident in Portugal. Subsequently, through the regression model, statistical analysis of the data was carried out and it was concluded that the quality of the website, the online routine, the knowledge of the website, the responsiveness of the website and the customization of the website are presented as determinants of online satisfaction