56 research outputs found

    Child and adolescent psychiatric nursing and the 'plastic man': Reflections on the implementation of change drawing insights from Lewin's theory of planned change

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    Child and adolescent psychiatric nursing (CAPN) as a discipline has been remarkably slow in the uptake of high fidelity human patient simulation (HFHPS) as an education tool. Assuming HFHPS has potential use, and the issue is one of change management, this paper speculates about how Lewin's paradigm for Planned Change might provide guidance to the specialty discipline of CAPN in development of strategies to promote adoption of HFHPS to education of pre-registration nurses. Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) was a seminal theorist of change, whose pioneering work has had significant impact across many disciplines. His theory of Planned Change has four components - field theory, group dynamics, action research and the three-step model of change. Each component is considered briefly and then combined within an example of application. © eContent Management Pty Ltd

    Errors in search strategies used in systematic reviews and their effects on information retrieval

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    Objectives: Errors in search strategies negatively affect the quality and validity of systematic reviews. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate searches performed in MEDLINE/PubMed to identify errors and determine their effects on information retrieval. Methods: A PubMed search was conducted using the systematic review filter to identify articles that were published in January of 2018. Systematic reviews or meta-analyses were selected from a systematic search for literature containing reproducible and explicit search strategies in MEDLINE/PubMed. Data were extracted from these studies related to ten types of errors and to the terms and phrases search modes. Results: The study included 137 systematic reviews in which the number of search strategies containing some type of error was very high (92.7%). Errors that affected recall were the most frequent (78.1%), and the most common search errors involved missing terms in both natural language and controlled language and those related to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) search terms and the non-retrieval of their more specific terms. Conclusions: To improve the quality of searches and avoid errors, it is essential to plan the search strategy carefully, which includes consulting the MeSH database to identify the concepts and choose all appropriate terms, both descriptors and synonyms, and combining search techniques in the free-text and controlled-language fields, truncating the terms appropriately to retrieve all their variants

    Searching strategies for the Bulgarian language

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    This paper reports on the underlying IR problems encountered when indexing and searching with the Bulgarian language. For this language we propose a general light stemmer and demonstrate that it can be quite effective, producing significantly better MAP (around + 34%) than an approach not applying stemming. We implement the GL2 model derived from the Divergence from Randomness paradigm and find its retrieval effectiveness better than other probabilistic, vector-space and language models. The resulting MAP is found to be about 50% better than the classical tf idf approach. Moreover, increasing the query size enhances the MAP by around 10% (from T to TD). In order to compare the retrieval effectiveness of our suggested stopword list and the light stemmer developed for the Bulgarian language, we conduct a set of experiments on another stopword list and also a more complex and aggressive stemmer. Results tend to indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between these variants and our suggested approach. This paper evaluates other indexing strategies such as 4-gram indexing and indexing based on the automatic decompounding of compound words. Finally, we analyze certain queries to discover why we obtained poor results, when indexing Bulgarian documents using the suggested word-based approac


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    Software reuse has been considered as a means to help solve the software development crisis. This paper surveys recent work based on the broad framework of software reusability research, and suggests directions for future research. We address general, technical, and non-technical issues of software reuse, and conclude that reuse needs to be viewed in the context of a total systems approach. We also envision a software system or reuse support system(RSS) that helps document and elucidate existing application systems so that the ideas and design decisions involved in their creation can be reused either in the context of maintenance or when building new systems.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Spiritually and religiously integrated group psychotherapy:a systematic literature review

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    We systematically reviewed the research literature on spiritually and religiously integrated group psychotherapy to answer the following three questions: first, how are spirituality and religiosity defined; second, how are spiritual and religious factors characterized and integrated into group psychotherapy; and, third, what is the outcome of the group psychotherapies? We searched in two databases: PsycINFO and PubMed. Inclusion and exclusion criteria and checklists from standardized assessment tools were applied to the research literature. Qualitative and quantitative papers were included. In total, 8 articles were considered eligible for the review. Findings from the evaluation suggested that the concepts of spirituality and religiosity were poorly conceptualized and the way in which spiritual and religious factors were integrated into such group psychotherapies, which distinguished it from other types of group psychotherapies, was not fully conceptualized or understood either. However, clear and delimited conceptualization of spiritual and religious factors is crucial in order to be able to conclude the direct influences of spiritual or religious factors on outcomes. Implications for spiritually or religiously integrated group psychotherapy and conducting research in this field are propounded

    Spiritually and Religiously Integrated Group Psychotherapy: A Systematic Literature Review

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    We systematically reviewed the research literature on spiritually and religiously integrated group psychotherapy to answer the following three questions: first, how are spirituality and religiosity defined; second, how are spiritual and religious factors characterized and integrated into group psychotherapy; and, third, what is the outcome of the group psychotherapies? We searched in two databases: PsycINFO and PubMed. Inclusion and exclusion criteria and checklists from standardized assessment tools were applied to the research literature. Qualitative and quantitative papers were included. In total, 8 articles were considered eligible for the review. Findings from the evaluation suggested that the concepts of spirituality and religiosity were poorly conceptualized and the way in which spiritual and religious factors were integrated into such group psychotherapies, which distinguished it from other types of group psychotherapies, was not fully conceptualized or understood either. However, clear and delimited conceptualization of spiritual and religious factors is crucial in order to be able to conclude the direct influences of spiritual or religious factors on outcomes. Implications for spiritually or religiously integrated group psychotherapy and conducting research in this field are propounded

    Introduction - Permanence et changements

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    Avec le web, les moteurs de recherche, les blogues et les wikis, la relation à l’information s’est transformée au point où les repères habituels s’émoussent et doivent être redéfinis de fond en comble. Du coup, le travail des archivistes et des bibliothécaires doit l’être tout autant. Riches d’une solide tradition et conscientes des défis posés par la modernité la plus radicale, les sciences de l’information se sont élargies. Mais il ne s’agit plus seulement de conserver et de diffuser le savoir, il s’agit d’en repenser le traitement et l’accès. Conçu par l’École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information (EBSI) de l’Université de Montréal, cet ouvrage se situe au carrefour de deux grandes traditions, américaine et française, et a pour ambition de fournir les clés du monde des sciences de l’information en se fondant sur des savoirs pratiques et concrets. Les auteurs présentent ici un savoir à la fine pointe des sciences de l’information pour répondre à la complexité des enjeux actuels et futurs. Introduction, bibliographie, index et table des matières de l’ouvrage

    All about information - balancing ICT, IRS, users and making a difference

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    PURPOSE – The purpose of this contribution is to set the scenario for pursuing options to find a balance between information communication technology (ICT), information retrieval systems (IRS)such as databases, library catalogues, repositories, Google Scholar, digital libraries, portals, searchengines and the users of these systems. Whose needs are served: the real users’ with contemporary needs or the perceived users and their research tasks whom we intensely studied in the early years of databases and computerised information services? DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH – The contribution is written against the background of research from information retrieval and information behaviour. FINDINGS – Although developments in ICT open a wealth of opportunities to study and serve the needs of a wide spectrum of information users, IRS are often on the surface level still very traditional in the needs they service: analytical information seeking according to planned search strategies,browsing, monitoring trends and changes through alerting services and RSS, and encouragement and support for authors to publish. Some are offering a bit more, but little aimed at the under-graduate soon to enter professional workplace. ORIGINALITY/VALUE – Although there are many publications on databases and other IRS and their users, and numerous ones on information behaviour I am not aware of other reports on the latest services aimed at specific user groups, and which focus on the need to consider the totality of their work and everyday life worlds.http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0737-8831.htmhb201
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