161 research outputs found

    Self-adapting security monitoring in Eucalyptus cloud environment

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    This paper discusses the importance of virtual machine (VM) scheduling strategies in cloud computing environments for handling the increasing number of tasks due to virtualization and cloud computing technology adoption. The paper evaluates legacy methods and specific VM scheduling algorithms for the Eucalyptus cloud environment and compare existing algorithms using QoS. The paper also presents a self-adapting security monitoring system for cloud infrastructure that takes into account the specific monitoring requirements of each tenant. The system uses Master Adaptation Drivers to convert tenant requirements into configuration settings and the Adaptation Manager to coordinate the adaptation process. The framework ensures security, cost efficiency, and responsiveness to dynamic events in the cloud environment. The paper also presents the need for improvement in the current security monitoring platform to support more types of monitoring devices and cover the consequences of multi-tenant setups. Future work includes incorporating log collectors and aggregators and addressing the needs of a super-tenant in the security monitoring architecture. The equitable sharing of monitoring resources between tenants and the provider should be established with an adjustable threshold mentioned in the SLA. The results of experiments show that Enhanced Round-Robin uses less energy compared to other methods, and the Fusion Method outperforms other techniques by reducing the number of Physical Machines turned on and increasing power efficienc

    Resource management in the cloud: An end-to-end Approach

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDCloud Computing enables users achieve ubiquitous on-demand , and convenient access to a variety of shared computing resources, such as serves network, storage ,applications and more. As a business model, Cloud Computing has been openly welcomed by users and has become one of the research hotspots in the field of information and communication technology. This is because it provides users with on-demand customization and pay-per-use resource acquisition methods

    A Systematic Literature Review on Task Allocation and Performance Management Techniques in Cloud Data Center

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    As cloud computing usage grows, cloud data centers play an increasingly important role. To maximize resource utilization, ensure service quality, and enhance system performance, it is crucial to allocate tasks and manage performance effectively. The purpose of this study is to provide an extensive analysis of task allocation and performance management techniques employed in cloud data centers. The aim is to systematically categorize and organize previous research by identifying the cloud computing methodologies, categories, and gaps. A literature review was conducted, which included the analysis of 463 task allocations and 480 performance management papers. The review revealed three task allocation research topics and seven performance management methods. Task allocation research areas are resource allocation, load-Balancing, and scheduling. Performance management includes monitoring and control, power and energy management, resource utilization optimization, quality of service management, fault management, virtual machine management, and network management. The study proposes new techniques to enhance cloud computing work allocation and performance management. Short-comings in each approach can guide future research. The research's findings on cloud data center task allocation and performance management can assist academics, practitioners, and cloud service providers in optimizing their systems for dependability, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. Innovative methodologies can steer future research to fill gaps in the literature

    Cloud service purchasedecision process

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    This article analyzes questions arising from a choice of available cloud computing services. Precisely what type of services should an organization choose? The article aims to introduce decision-making process according to the best practices. In order to describe this decision-making process we divide organizations into classes and for each class we recommend one or more available types of suitable cloud computing services. Moreover, there are introduced interesting cloud computing provider practices and service aspects including service operation, service parameters and service costs There are also introduced steps for customers how to deal with mentioned aspects

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue President\u27s Message From the Editor lT-Style Alphabet Soup Software-Defined WAN (SO-WAN)- Moving Beyond MPLS loT: The lnternet of Things ls the LPWAN in Your Future? lngredient for Wireless Success: DAS Hot lssues in Communications Technology Law lnstitutional Excellence Award: CSU Fullerton\u27s Shared Cloud Services DlDs for ELINs? lSE...ERP... KnowBe

    Cloud Market Maker: An automated dynamic pricing marketplace for cloud users

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. Abstract Cloud providers commonly incur heavy upfront set up costs which remain almost constant whether they serve a single or many customers. In order to generate a return on this investment, a suitable pricing strategy is required by providers. Established industries such as the airlines employ dynamic pricing to maximize their revenues. In order to increase their resource utilization rates, cloud providers could also use dynamic pricing for their services. At present however most providers use static schemes for pricing their resources. This work presents a new dynamic pricing mechanism for cloud providers. Furthermore, at present no platform exists that provides a dynamic unified view of the different cloud offerings in real-time. Due to a rapidly changing landscape and a limited knowledge of the cloud marketplace, consumers can often end up choosing a cloud provider that is more expensive or does not give them what they really need. This is because some providers spend significantly on advertising their services online. In order to assist cloud customers in the selection of a suitable resource and cloud providers in implementing dynamic pricing, this work describes an automated dynamic pricing marketplace and a decision support system for cloud users. We present a multi-agent multi-auction based system through which such services are delivered. An evaluation has been carried out to determine how effectively the Cloud Market Maker selects the resource, dynamically adjusts the price for the cloud users and the suitability of dynamic pricing for the cloud environment

    Control System as a Service : Standardizing Service Model and Pricing Principles

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    The service business has aided manufacturers to supplement their new equipment sales across many fields of businesses. The service business has proven to generate steady portions of total revenues, but even larger percentual portion of total profits. Since customers have the tendency to focus more and more on their core competencies and capabilities, services have grown stead-ily day in and out. Not many studies have been made about the potential that a control system as a service can provide to a company. Through market saturation and globally competitive markets, companies meet the challenges to operate effectively in the service business, have a standardized way of working and to price their services optimally. In this master’s thesis I will explain how services and service portfolio can be standardized and what pricing principles are to be considered for them. First, the servitization as a trend in an industrial context is reviewed along with service strategies and service orientation. Also, the pricing contexts around services and the value aspect of it are reviewed. Lastly, the literature review highlights cloud services with a comparison to traditional IT services. Next, I will study how the offerings can be readjusted to offer control systems as a service with the help of cloud services and what costs to take into considerations, and how the pricing of the service could include. By comparing a traditional model and a service model, the total cost of ownership during the lifecycle has different phases. The total cost of ownership is calculated to be less for a traditional model during one traditional lifecycle. However, as a new lifecycle is initialized with a lot of in-vestment costs for software and hardware, thereby making the service model is yet again cheaper for the next couple of years. Consequently, the comparison between the models is dependent on the customer preferences and their IT strategy; the level of outsourcing it wants to practice, what cost structure it wants to pursue, and how much predictability it can have for the future, as a traditional model is not as scalable as a service model.Palveluliiketoiminta on auttanut yrityksiä täydentämään uusien tuotetarjontaansa monilla liike-toiminta-alueilla. Palveluliiketoiminnan on osoitettu tuottavan tasaista, mutta usein jopa muuta liiketoimintaa suurempaa kokonaistuottoa yritysten tuloksista. Asiakkaiden keskittyminen ydin-toimintaansa on kasvattanut muiden osa-alueiden ulkoistamista. Automaatiojärjestelmien tuottamista palveluna ei juurikaan löydy tutkimustuloksia. Markkinoi-den kyllästymisen sekä maailmanlaajuisen kilpailun vuoksi palveluliiketoiminnalla haetaan opti-maalisia malleja kilpailuun ja uusiin ydinkyvykkyyksiin. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan, miten palvelut ja palveluportfolio voidaan standardoida ja mitä hinnoitteluperiaatteita kohdeyritys voisi tarjonnassaan hyödyntää. Ensiksi tarkastellaan palve-lullistamista trendinä teollisessa kontekstissa yhdessä kanssa. Myös palvelujen hinnoittelua ja sen arvoa tarkastellaan. Lopuksi kirjallisuuskatsauksessa korostetaan pilvipalveluja verrattuna perinteisiin IT-ratkaisuihin. Seuraavaksi tutkin, kuinka nykyinen tarjontamalli voidaan muokata tarjoamaan automaatiojär-jestelmää palveluna pilvipalvelujen avulla. Myös kustannusrakennemuutokset sekä palveluhin-noittelu ja sen tulevat menetelmät otetaan huomioon. Vertaamalla perinteistä mallia ja palvelumallia, kokonaiskustannuksilla elinkaaren aikana on eri vaiheita. Perinteisen mallin kokonaiskustannusten lasketaan olevan pienemmät yhden järjestel-män perinteisen elinkaaren aikana. Sen sijaan, heti uuden elinkaaren alkaessa, kohdistuu asiak-kaalle paljon ohjelmistojen ja laitteistojen investointikustannuksia, jolloin palvelumallin kustan-nusrakenteen arvioidaan muodostuvan kustannusnäkökulmasta asiakkaalle muutamaksi vuo-deksi edullisemmaksi. Näin ollen, mallien vertailu riippuu asiakkaan mieltymyksistä ja heidän IT-strategiastaan; kuinka paljon ulkoistamista asiakas haluaa järjestelmälleen ja minkälaista kustannusrakennetta se suo-sii liiketoiminnassaan. Myös ennustettavuus on järjestelmäkontekstissa merkitsevää, sillä palve-lumallin skaalautuvuus tuo paljon etuja perinteisiin investointiprojekteihin verrattuna

    5G-PPP Software Network Working Group:Network Applications: Opening up 5G and beyond networks 5G-PPP projects analysis, Version 2

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    It is expected that the communication fabric and the way network services are consumed will evolve towards 6G, building on and extending capabilities of 5G and Beyond networks. Service APIs, Operation APIs, Network APIs are different aspects of the network exposure, which provides the communication service providers a way to monetize the network capabilities. Allowing the developer community to use network capabilities via APIs is an emerging area for network monetization. Thus, it is important that network exposure caters for the needs of developers serving different markets, e.g., different vertical industry segments. The concept of “Network Applications” is introduced following this idea. It is defined as a set of services that provides certain functionalities to verticals and their associated use cases. The Network Applications is more than the introduction of new vertical applications that have interaction capabilities. It refers to the need for a separate middleware layer to simplify the implementation and deployment of vertical systems on a large scale. Specifically, third parties or network operators can contribute to Network Applications, depending on the level of interaction and trust. In practice, a Network Application uses the exposed APIs from the network and can either be integrated with (part of) a vertical application or expose its APIs (e.g., service APIs) for further consumption by vertical applications. This paper builds on the findings of the white paper released in 2022. It targets to go into details about the implementations of the two major Network Applications class: “aaS” and hybrid models. It introduces the Network Applications marketplace and put the light on technological solution like CAMARA project, as part of the standard landscape. <br/


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