158 research outputs found

    Whole-Page Optimization and Submodular Welfare Maximization with Online Bidders

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    In the context of online ad serving, display ads may appear on different types of webpages, where each page includes several ad slots and therefore multiple ads can be shown on each page. The set of ads that can be assigned to ad slots of the same page needs to satisfy various prespecified constraints including exclusion constraints, diversity constraints, and the like. Upon arrival of a user, the ad serving system needs to allocate a set of ads to the current webpage respecting these per-page allocation constraints. Previous slot-based settings ignore the important concept of a page and may lead to highly suboptimal results in general. In this article, motivated by these applications in display advertising and inspired by the submodular welfare maximization problem with online bidders, we study a general class of page-based ad allocation problems, present the first (tight) constant-factor approximation algorithms for these problems, and confirm the performance of our algorithms experimentally on real-world datasets. A key technical ingredient of our results is a novel primal-dual analysis for handling free disposal, which updates dual variables using a “level function” instead of a single level and unifies with previous analyses of related problems. This new analysis method allows us to handle arbitrarily complicated allocation constraints for each page. Our main result is an algorithm that achieves a 1 &minus frac 1 e &minus o(1)-competitive ratio. Moreover, our experiments on real-world datasets show significant improvements of our page-based algorithms compared to the slot-based algorithms. Finally, we observe that our problem is closely related to the submodular welfare maximization (SWM) problem. In particular, we introduce a variant of the SWM problem with online bidders and show how to solve this problem using our algorithm for whole-page optimization.postprin

    Balancing Relevance and Diversity in Online Bipartite Matching via Submodularity

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    In bipartite matching problems, vertices on one side of a bipartite graph are paired with those on the other. In its online variant, one side of the graph is available offline, while the vertices on the other side arrive online. When a vertex arrives, an irrevocable and immediate decision should be made by the algorithm; either match it to an available vertex or drop it. Examples of such problems include matching workers to firms, advertisers to keywords, organs to patients, and so on. Much of the literature focuses on maximizing the total relevance---modeled via total weight---of the matching. However, in many real-world problems, it is also important to consider contributions of diversity: hiring a diverse pool of candidates, displaying a relevant but diverse set of ads, and so on. In this paper, we propose the Online Submodular Bipartite Matching (\osbm) problem, where the goal is to maximize a submodular function ff over the set of matched edges. This objective is general enough to capture the notion of both diversity (\emph{e.g.,} a weighted coverage function) and relevance (\emph{e.g.,} the traditional linear function)---as well as many other natural objective functions occurring in practice (\emph{e.g.,} limited total budget in advertising settings). We propose novel algorithms that have provable guarantees and are essentially optimal when restricted to various special cases. We also run experiments on real-world and synthetic datasets to validate our algorithms.Comment: To appear in AAAI 201

    Online Submodular Maximization Problem with Vector Packing Constraint

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    We consider the online vector packing problem in which we have a d dimensional knapsack and items u with weight vectors w_u in R_+^d arrive online in an arbitrary order. Upon the arrival of an item, the algorithm must decide immediately whether to discard or accept the item into the knapsack. When item u is accepted, w_u(i) units of capacity on dimension i will be taken up, for each i in [d]. To satisfy the knapsack constraint, an accepted item can be later disposed of with no cost, but discarded or disposed of items cannot be recovered. The objective is to maximize the utility of the accepted items S at the end of the algorithm, which is given by f(S) for some non-negative monotone submodular function f. For any small constant epsilon > 0, we consider the special case that the weight of an item on every dimension is at most a (1- epsilon) fraction of the total capacity, and give a polynomial-time deterministic O(k / epsilon^2)-competitive algorithm for the problem, where k is the (column) sparsity of the weight vectors. We also show several (almost) tight hardness results even when the algorithm is computationally unbounded. We first show that under the epsilon-slack assumption, no deterministic algorithm can obtain any o(k) competitive ratio, and no randomized algorithm can obtain any o(k / log k) competitive ratio. We then show that for the general case (when epsilon = 0), no randomized algorithm can obtain any o(k) competitive ratio. In contrast to the (1+delta) competitive ratio achieved in Kesselheim et al. [STOC 2014] for the problem with random arrival order of items and under large capacity assumption, we show that in the arbitrary arrival order case, even when |w_u|_infinity is arbitrarily small for all items u, it is impossible to achieve any o(log k / log log k) competitive ratio

    Matroid Online Bipartite Matching and Vertex Cover

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    The Adwords and Online Bipartite Matching problems have enjoyed a renewed attention over the past decade due to their connection to Internet advertising. Our community has contributed, among other things, new models (notably stochastic) and extensions to the classical formulations to address the issues that arise from practical needs. In this paper, we propose a new generalization based on matroids and show that many of the previous results extend to this more general setting. Because of the rich structures and expressive power of matroids, our new setting is potentially of interest both in theory and in practice. In the classical version of the problem, the offline side of a bipartite graph is known initially while vertices from the online side arrive one at a time along with their incident edges. The objective is to maintain a decent approximate matching from which no edge can be removed. Our generalization, called Matroid Online Bipartite Matching, additionally requires that the set of matched offline vertices be independent in a given matroid. In particular, the case of partition matroids corresponds to the natural scenario where each advertiser manages multiple ads with a fixed total budget. Our algorithms attain the same performance as the classical version of the problems considered, which are often provably the best possible. We present 11/e1-1/e-competitive algorithms for Matroid Online Bipartite Matching under the small bid assumption, as well as a 11/e1-1/e-competitive algorithm for Matroid Online Bipartite Matching in the random arrival model. A key technical ingredient of our results is a carefully designed primal-dual waterfilling procedure that accommodates for matroid constraints. This is inspired by the extension of our recent charging scheme for Online Bipartite Vertex Cover.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in EC'1

    Two-Sided Capacitated Submodular Maximization in Gig Platforms

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    In this paper, we propose three generic models of capacitated coverage and, more generally, submodular maximization to study task-worker assignment problems that arise in a wide range of gig economy platforms. Our models incorporate the following features: (1) Each task and worker can have an arbitrary matching capacity, which captures the limited number of copies or finite budget for the task and the working capacity of the worker; (2) Each task is associated with a coverage or, more generally, a monotone submodular utility function. Our objective is to design an allocation policy that maximizes the sum of all tasks' utilities, subject to capacity constraints on tasks and workers. We consider two settings: offline, where all tasks and workers are static, and online, where tasks are static while workers arrive dynamically. We present three LP-based rounding algorithms that achieve optimal approximation ratios of 11/e0.6321-1/\mathsf{e} \sim 0.632 for offline coverage maximization, competitive ratios of (1967/e3)/270.580(19-67/\mathsf{e}^3)/27\sim 0.580 and 0.4360.436 for online coverage and online monotone submodular maximization, respectively.Comment: This paper was accepted to the 19th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 202