5 research outputs found

    El uso de Twitter por parte de grupos terroristas como herramienta para la radicalización y el reclutamiento : el Estado Islámico en Reino Unido (2014-2015)

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    La presente investigación busca explicar la manera en la que el uso de redes sociales, como Twitter, por parte de grupos terroristas, plantea nuevos escenarios de acción al Gobierno de Reino Unido durante los años 2014-2015. El uso de estas plataformas sociales por grupos terroristas como el Estado Islámico, plantea nuevos escenarios de acción en tanto ha impulsado la reformulación de la Estrategia de Contra-terrorismo y la creación de la Brigada 77. Lo anterior, en la medida en que por medio de mensajes e imágenes, sumado a cierta condición de vulnerabilidad, el grupo ha logrado radicalizar y reclutar un número importante de ciudadanos británicos durante los años 2014 y 2015. La investigación será descriptiva y analítica, haciendo uso de una metodología cualitativa para su realización.This research aims to explain the way in which the usage of social networks like Twitter by terrorist groups, pose new stages of action to the government of United Kingdom during the years 2014-2015. The use of social platforms such as Twitter by terrorist groups like the Islamic State poses new stages whereas has driven the reformulation of the Counter-extremism Strategy and the creation of the 77th Brigade. The latter given that through messages and images, and certain conditions of vulnerability, the group has been able to radicalize and recruit an important number of british citizens between 2014-2015. The investigation will be analytical and descriptive, using for its realization a cualitative methodolog

    Communicating Religious Extremism in West Africa

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    Whereas modern communication strategies have been celebrated for promoting ease of interaction, this chapter highlights that they have been deployed by some terrorist groups in Africa to threaten human security. It defines religious extremism in terms of the expression of extreme or violent actions or jihad on the basis of particular interpretations or understanding of religious teaching or scripture, especially the Quran. The chapter examines the (online) communication behaviours of extremists/terrorist groups in West Africa and Somalia that are often associated with Islam. It also examines religious extremism and its relation to violent conflict and describes the extremist violent activities of some identified African terrorist groups, and how contemporary media and the Internet have provided dynamic platforms for disseminating their message and ideology. Liebman views religious extremism as the desire to expand the scope, details and strictness of religious law, social isolation and the rejection of the surrounding culture