8 research outputs found

    Blended learning in the development of university students’ metacognition

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    In the conditions of the advancing digitalization and the introduction of restrictions aimed at combating the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a search for new formats of learning at universities, the most promising of which the authors believe to be blended learning. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of the development of metacognition in a university blended learning environment. The development of students’ metacognition as part of an empirical study is achieved by a set of methods, the key among which is the experiment. The results of the experimental study suggest that students’ perception of the environment of blended learning tends to improve. In particular, improvement is observed in the indicators of some metacognitive skills (the choice of the place and time of training, planning of learning activities, monitoring of the obtained knowledge, and the experience of working with information). The results reveal improvements in the self-regulatory component of metacognition. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the comprehensive development of metacognitive skills among students ensures their engagement in learning and greater consciousness and proves useful in the context of blended learning

    Versão Brasileira do Online Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ): Evidências de Validade

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    Self-regulated learning refers to intentional, planned, temporal, dynamic, and complex action. Self-regulatory assessment instruments valid for traditional teaching are not suitable for online environments. This study examinates evidence for validation of the Online Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ) applied to a sample of 1,434 students from an on-line Pedagogy course, 95.12% women and 4.88% men, ages from 21 to 40 years, from different regions of Brazil. AFE and AFC considering Parallel Analyzes. The results indicated a moderate adjustment for the hypothetical six-factor model. The extraction of two factors by AFE indicated that the model has not been confirmed. This result points to the need of further studies using the instrument, aiming at its availability to research.A autorregulação da aprendizagem refere-se à ação intencional, planejada, temporal, dinâmica e complexa. Instrumentos de avaliação da autorregulação válidos para o ensino tradicional não são adequados para ambientes on-line. Neste estudo, buscaram-se evidências de validade do Online Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ), aplicado em amostra de 1.434 estudantes de um curso de Pedagogia on-line, sendo 95,12% mulheres e 4,88% homens, com idades entre 21 e 40 anos, de diversas regiões do Brasil. Foram realizadas AFC e AFE mediante Análises Paralelas. Os resultados indicaram ajuste moderado para o modelo hipotético de seis fatores. Foram extraídos dois fatores pela AFE, cujo modelo não foi confirmado. Aponta-se para a necessidade de realização de novos estudos utilizando o instrumento, visando a sua disponibilidade para uso em pesquisas

    Thai university students’ self-regulated learning in an online learning environment

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    Language learners’ achievement is influenced by a variety of psychological factors, including attention, self confidence, and motivation. In addition to the list, self-regulated learning (SRL) is another essential psychological component of learning, as evidenced by research on learning and performance. Meanwhile, rapid changes in current conditions induced by COVID-19 have prompted a shift from traditional face-to-face to online learning. In this learning environment, learners and instructors are physically apart, and thus very little is known about how their learning is navigated. To better understand how learners manage learning, this study examines Thai university students’ SRL application while taking an English course totally delivered online. Based on the administration of the 24-item Online Self-regulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ) at the end of the course, 75 out of the 84 students completed the questionnaire. Data analysis exhibited quite a high level of goal setting (GS) and environmental structuring (ES); however, they appeared to utilise a relatively lower level of task strategies (TS) and time management (TM). Overall, the findings underline the importance of instiling SRL in students and suggest that SRL may vary depending on academic contexts. The results contribute to our understanding of the association between learning environments and SRL, as well as providing practical pedagogical implications to enhance students’ success

    How E-Learning Is Reshaping the Education Industry of Developing Economy? An Evidence from PLS-SEM Approach

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    The tremendous advancement of information technology has altered the way education is delivered. Students are increasingly opting for e-learning in order to improve their academic success. Explanatory research was chosen since it is based on a well-established principle and clarifies the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Computer self-efficacy (CSE), goal-setting (GOS), meta-cognitive strategy (METS), and online environment (ONE) are independent variables, whereas academic performance is the dependent variable (ACS). The study examined multidimensional interactions in e-learning to investigate the impact of e-learning applications on academic success. The goal of the study is to increase students' academic performance. A questionnaire was used to collect data from students, and the structural equation model (SEM) was used to prove assumptions. The positive relationship between goal setting, computer self-efficacy, metacognitive strategy, and social interaction with academic success was proposed in this study, and three of the five hypotheses were accepted. However, the finding shows that the relationship between goal setting and computer self-efficacy on academic success was insignificant. The findings of this study will assist higher education institutions in improving their e-learning methods and efforts. In addition, the research model employed helps to a better knowledge of e-learning in both theory and practice

    From procrastination to engagement? An experimental exploration of the effects of an adaptive virtual assistant on self-regulation in online learning

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    Compared to traditional classroom learning, success in online learning tends to depend more on the learner’s skill to self-regulate. Self-regulation is a complex meta-cognitive skill set that can be acquired. This study explores the effectiveness of a virtual learning assistant in terms of (a) developmental, (b) general compensatory, and (c) differential compensatory effects on learners’ self-regulatory skills in a sample of N = 157 online learners using an experimental intervention-control group design. Methods employed include behavioural trace data as well as self-reporting measures. Participants provided demographic information and responded to a 24-item self-regulation questionnaire and a 20-item personality trait questionnaire. Results indicate that the adaptive assistance did not lead to substantial developmental shifts as captured in learners’ perceived levels of self-regulation. However, various patterns of behavioural changes emerged in response to the intervention. This suggests that the virtual learning assistant has the potential to help online learners effectively compensate for deficits (in contrast to developmental shifts) in self-regulatory skills that might not yet have been developed

    Online Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire in a Russian MOOC

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    Answer of forty-five students to the Online Self-Regulating Learning Questionnaire from Barnard, Lan, To, Paton, and Lai (2009) in a Russian MOOC and the ease of understanding of each item. Plus, perceived satisfaction and perceived usefulness items from affective scale from Liaw and Huang, (2013) are included

    Self-regulated learning strategies for first year chemistry students during Covid-19

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    Dissertation (MSc (Science Education))--University of Pretoria, 2021.Self-regulated learning (SRL), also defined as metacognitive, motivational, and behavioural active participation of students in their own learning process, has an influence on their academic success. This paper reports an investigation into self-regulated learning strategies that are significantly associated with good performance rather than poor performance in a first-year chemistry course delivered online solely due to Covid-19 pandemic. The study revealed that effort regulation, goal setting, and time management were more strongly associated with good performance. Lockdown regulations were found to have a negative impact on students' ability to participate in task strategies, help seeking, and peer learning. Considering these findings, the need to provide a safe environment in which to ask questions and opportunities for students to connect with their peers was highlighted.National Research FoundationChemistryMSc (Science Education)Unrestricte