6 research outputs found

    An educational game in collaborative logistics

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    We describe an educational game in collaborative logistics. The game is based on an award-winning application in cost allocation in transportation. The purpose of the game is to acquire an understanding of negotiation, coalition building, and cost/profit sharing when the players have different powers and hold different levels of information. The game is played with each player representing a single company. The challenge for the players is to find an efficient coalition and to share the benefits and costs of the collaboration. We describe the underlying case study, review basic concepts in game theory, outline the teaching case, and discuss experiences from running the game in several countries and with students in business, engineering, and forestry

    An educational game with dragons’ den experiences for supply chain management training

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    This article presents an educational game to engage university and industrial stakeholders in collaborative training for supply chain management courses. The game will help students learn complex supply chain management issues. There are two integrated parts: a case ethod through an industrial case and an activity-based game featuring role plays based on international television shows such as Dragons’ Den in Canada or Shark Tank in the United States. We developed a game framework to illustrate how the game can be prepared and played in classrooms. Although the game is primarily developed for classroom teaching, it may be adapted to other training environments. We have provided two examples to demonstrate how the game can be played as a short game in conference environments. Game experiences and feedback are presented with comments from various game participants. By interacting with stakeholders and tackling a real-world business case, students can better understand stakeholders’ business goals, the importance of supply chain collaboration, and the impacts on supply chain decisions

    Team-Driven, Real World Simulation for Professional Instruction: The Transcendtal Leader Trains Using Games

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    This article presents a seven-step model, based on the transcendental leadership paradigm, for organizational practitioners and researchers to use when exploring simulations/games. Instructors of applied leadership who wish to accelerate learning among their adult learners can implement the problem-based, teaming, value-adding instructional activity model. The actions described in the model are consistent with the transcendental leadership paradigm. This approach means greater impact and reinforcement for the paradigm

    Proposta de práticas pedagógicas inovadoras para o ensino de engenharia de produção

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    O ensino de graduação em Engenharia está reestruturando-se de uma forma geral, acompanhando a tecnologia e colocando o aluno como protagonista na construção do seu conhecimento, e com isto, as práticas pedagógicas inovadoras e consequentemente, a aprendizagem ativa vem ganhando espaço. Neste contexto, esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo, propor duas práticas pedagógicas inovadoras para a aprendizagem ativa no ensino de Engenharia de Produção, que contribuam para o desenvolvimento de competências, motivem e aumentem o engajamento dos alunos através da aprendizagem experiencial e aprendizagem baseada em jogos. Sendo assim, a primeira prática proposta utiliza os conceitos da aprendizagem experiencial em uma aula em laboratório na disciplina de Engenharia da Qualidade, a fim de desenvolver as competências dos alunos quanto a coleta, tratamento de dados reais e interpretação de uma tabela ANOVA (análise de variância). A prática foi testada e confirmados os benefícios para a aprendizagem junto aos responsáveis pela disciplina. Para a segunda prática, foi desenvolvido um jogo digital, com o intuito de aumentar a motivação dos alunos e o aprendizado sobre Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade baseado na norma NBR ISO 9001:2015. Para verificar a contribuição do jogo desenvolvido, foi aplicado um questionário com os alunos, sobre as suas percepções acerca deste jogo. Os resultados deste questionário foram positivos quanto a plataforma utilizada, aprendizagem, engajamento e motivação. Sendo assim, está dissertação apresenta contribuições sobre a aprendizagem ativa no ensino de Engenharia, através da utilização das práticas pedagógicas inovadoras.The Engineering graduation teaching is restructuring itself in a general way, keeping up with technology and putting the student as the protagonist in the construction of their knowledge, and, with that, the innovative pedagogical practices and consequently the active learning has been gaining space. In that context, this dissertation has as the main objective propose two innovative pedagogical practices for active learning in the teaching of Production Engineering that contribute to the development of competencies, motivate and increase the engagement of the students through experiential learning based on games. Therefore, the first practice utilizes the learning concepts of experiential learning in a laboratory lesson in the Engineering of Quality, in order to develop the students' competence regarding the gathering, real data treatment, and interpretation of a ANOVA sheet (variance analysis). The practice was tested and confirmed benefits to the learning along those responsible for the subject. For the second practice, a digital game was developed, with the intent of increasing the students` motivation and the learning of Quality Management Systems based on the norm NBR ISO 9001:2015. To verify the contribution to the developed game, a quiz was applied to the students, about their perception of that game. The results of this quiz were positive regarding the platform used, engagement and motivation. Thus, this dissertation presents contributions to active learning in the teaching of Engineering, through the use of innovative pedagogical practices

    Solving Multi-objective Integer Programs using Convex Preference Cones

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    Esta encuesta tiene dos objetivos: en primer lugar, identificar a los individuos que fueron víctimas de algún tipo de delito y la manera en que ocurrió el mismo. En segundo lugar, medir la eficacia de las distintas autoridades competentes una vez que los individuos denunciaron el delito que sufrieron. Adicionalmente la ENVEI busca indagar las percepciones que los ciudadanos tienen sobre las instituciones de justicia y el estado de derecho en Méxic