11 research outputs found

    An End-to-End Approach for Training Neural Network Binary Classifiers on Metrics Based on the Confusion Matrix

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    While neural network binary classifiers are often evaluated on metrics such as Accuracy and F1F_1-Score, they are commonly trained with a cross-entropy objective. How can this training-testing gap be addressed? While specific techniques have been adopted to optimize certain confusion matrix based metrics, it is challenging or impossible in some cases to generalize the techniques to other metrics. Adversarial learning approaches have also been proposed to optimize networks via confusion matrix based metrics, but they tend to be much slower than common training methods. In this work, we propose to approximate the Heaviside step function, typically used to compute confusion matrix based metrics, to render these metrics amenable to gradient descent. Our extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our end-to-end approach for binary classification in several domains

    Attentional Biased Stochastic Gradient for Imbalanced Classification

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    In this paper, we present a simple yet effective method (ABSGD) for addressing the data imbalance issue in deep learning. Our method is a simple modification to momentum SGD where we leverage an attentional mechanism to assign an individual importance weight to each gradient in the mini-batch. Unlike many existing heuristic-driven methods for tackling data imbalance, our method is grounded in {\it theoretically justified distributionally robust optimization (DRO)}, which is guaranteed to converge to a stationary point of an information-regularized DRO problem. The individual-level weight of a sampled data is systematically proportional to the exponential of a scaled loss value of the data, where the scaling factor is interpreted as the regularization parameter in the framework of information-regularized DRO. Compared with existing class-level weighting schemes, our method can capture the diversity between individual examples within each class. Compared with existing individual-level weighting methods using meta-learning that require three backward propagations for computing mini-batch stochastic gradients, our method is more efficient with only one backward propagation at each iteration as in standard deep learning methods. To balance between the learning of feature extraction layers and the learning of the classifier layer, we employ a two-stage method that uses SGD for pretraining followed by ABSGD for learning a robust classifier and finetuning lower layers. Our empirical studies on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 29pages, 10 figure

    Learning speech embeddings for speaker adaptation and speech understanding

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    In recent years, deep neural network models gained popularity as a modeling approach for many speech processing tasks including automatic speech recognition (ASR) and spoken language understanding (SLU). In this dissertation, there are two main goals. The first goal is to propose modeling approaches in order to learn speaker embeddings for speaker adaptation or to learn semantic speech embeddings. The second goal is to introduce training objectives that achieve fairness for the ASR and SLU problems. In the case of speaker adaptation, we introduce an auxiliary network to an ASR model and learn to simultaneously detect speaker changes and adapt to the speaker in an unsupervised way. We show that this joint model leads to lower error rates as compared to a two-step approach where the signal is segmented into single speaker regions and then fed into an adaptation model. We then reformulate the speaker adaptation problem from a counterfactual fairness point-of-view and introduce objective functions to match the ASR performance of the individuals in the dataset to that of their counterfactual counterparts. We show that we can achieve lower error rate in an ASR system while reducing the performance disparity between protected groups. In the second half of the dissertation, we focus on SLU and tackle two problems associated with SLU datasets. The first SLU problem is the lack of large speech corpora. To handle this issue, we propose to use available non-parallel text data so that we can leverage the information in text to guide learning of the speech embeddings. We show that this technique increases the intent classification accuracy as compared to a speech-only system. The second SLU problem is the label imbalance problem in the datasets, which is also related to fairness since a model trained on skewed data usually leads to biased results. To achieve fair SLU, we propose to maximize the F-measure instead of conventional cross-entropy minimization and show that it is possible to increase the number of classes with nonzero recall. In the last two chapters, we provide additional discussions on the impact of these projects from both technical and social perspectives, propose directions for future research and summarize the findings