1,052 research outputs found

    Engineering for a Science-Centric Experimentation Platform

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    Netflix is an internet entertainment service that routinely employs experimentation to guide strategy around product innovations. As Netflix grew, it had the opportunity to explore increasingly specialized improvements to its service, which generated demand for deeper analyses supported by richer metrics and powered by more diverse statistical methodologies. To facilitate this, and more fully harness the skill sets of both engineering and data science, Netflix engineers created a science-centric experimentation platform that leverages the expertise of data scientists from a wide range of backgrounds by allowing them to make direct code contributions in the languages used by scientists (Python and R). Moreover, the same code that runs in production is able to be run locally, making it straightforward to explore and graduate both metrics and causal inference methodologies directly into production services. In this paper, we utilize a case-study research method to provide two main contributions. Firstly, we report on the architecture of this platform, with a special emphasis on its novel aspects: how it supports science-centric end-to-end workflows without compromising engineering requirements. Secondly, we describe its approach to causal inference, which leverages the potential outcomes conceptual framework to provide a unified abstraction layer for arbitrary statistical models and methodologies.Comment: 10 page

    Improving data preparation for the application of process mining

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    Immersed in what is already known as the fourth industrial revolution, automation and data exchange are taking on a particularly relevant role in complex environments, such as industrial manufacturing environments or logistics. This digitisation and transition to the Industry 4.0 paradigm is causing experts to start analysing business processes from other perspectives. Consequently, where management and business intelligence used to dominate, process mining appears as a link, trying to build a bridge between both disciplines to unite and improve them. This new perspective on process analysis helps to improve strategic decision making and competitive capabilities. Process mining brings together data and process perspectives in a single discipline that covers the entire spectrum of process management. Through process mining, and based on observations of their actual operations, organisations can understand the state of their operations, detect deviations, and improve their performance based on what they observe. In this way, process mining is an ally, occupying a large part of current academic and industrial research. However, although this discipline is receiving more and more attention, it presents severe application problems when it is implemented in real environments. The variety of input data in terms of form, content, semantics, and levels of abstraction makes the execution of process mining tasks in industry an iterative, tedious, and manual process, requiring multidisciplinary experts with extensive knowledge of the domain, process management, and data processing. Currently, although there are numerous academic proposals, there are no industrial solutions capable of automating these tasks. For this reason, in this thesis by compendium we address the problem of improving business processes in complex environments thanks to the study of the state-of-the-art and a set of proposals that improve relevant aspects in the life cycle of processes, from the creation of logs, log preparation, process quality assessment, and improvement of business processes. Firstly, for this thesis, a systematic study of the literature was carried out in order to gain an in-depth knowledge of the state-of-the-art in this field, as well as the different challenges faced by this discipline. This in-depth analysis has allowed us to detect a number of challenges that have not been addressed or received insufficient attention, of which three have been selected and presented as the objectives of this thesis. The first challenge is related to the assessment of the quality of input data, known as event logs, since the requeriment of the application of techniques for improving the event log must be based on the level of quality of the initial data, which is why this thesis presents a methodology and a set of metrics that support the expert in selecting which technique to apply to the data according to the quality estimation at each moment, another challenge obtained as a result of our analysis of the literature. Likewise, the use of a set of metrics to evaluate the quality of the resulting process models is also proposed, with the aim of assessing whether improvement in the quality of the input data has a direct impact on the final results. The second challenge identified is the need to improve the input data used in the analysis of business processes. As in any data-driven discipline, the quality of the results strongly depends on the quality of the input data, so the second challenge to be addressed is the improvement of the preparation of event logs. The contribution in this area is the application of natural language processing techniques to relabel activities from textual descriptions of process activities, as well as the application of clustering techniques to help simplify the results, generating more understandable models from a human point of view. Finally, the third challenge detected is related to the process optimisation, so we contribute with an approach for the optimisation of resources associated with business processes, which, through the inclusion of decision-making in the creation of flexible processes, enables significant cost reductions. Furthermore, all the proposals made in this thesis are validated and designed in collaboration with experts from different fields of industry and have been evaluated through real case studies in public and private projects in collaboration with the aeronautical industry and the logistics sector

    Sequential Testing of Multinomial Hypotheses with Applications to Detecting Implementation Errors and Missing Data in Randomized Experiments

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    Simply randomized designs are one of the most common controlled experiments used to study causal effects. Failure of the assignment mechanism, to provide proper randomization of units across treatments, or the data collection mechanism, when data is missing not at random, can render subsequent analysis invalid if not properly identified. In this paper we demonstrate that such practical implementation errors can often be identified, fortunately, through consideration of the total unit counts resulting in each treatment group. Based on this observation, we introduce a sequential hypothesis test constructed from Bayesian multinomial-Dirichlet families for detecting practical implementation errors in simply randomized experiments. By establishing a Martingale property of the posterior odds under the null hypothesis, frequentist Type-I error is controlled under both optional stopping and continuation via maximal inequalities, preventing practitioners from potentially inflating false positive probabilities through continuous monitoring. In contrast to other statistical tests that are performed once all data collection is completed, the proposed test is sequential - frequently rejecting the null during the process of data collection itself, saving further units from entering an improperly-executed experiment. We illustrate the utility of this test in the context of online controlled experiments (OCEs), where the assignment is automated through code and data collected through complex processing pipelines, often in the presence of unintended bugs and logical errors. Confidence sequences possessing desired sequential frequentist coverage probabilities are provided and their connection to the Bayesian support interval is examined. The differences between pure Bayesian and sequential frequentist testing procedures are finally discussed through a conditional frequentist testing perspective

    Engineering for a science-centric experimentation platform

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    Netflix is an internet entertainment service that routinely employs experimentation to guide strategy around product innovations. As Netflix grew, it had the opportunity to explore increasingly specialized improvements to its service, which generated demand for deeper analyses supported by richer metrics and powered by more diverse statistical methodologies. To facilitate this, and more fully harness the skill sets of both engineering and data science, Netflix engineers created a science-centric experimentation platform that leverages the expertise of scientists from a wide range of backgrounds working on data science tasks by allowing them to make direct code contributions in the languages used by them (Python and R). Moreover, the same code that runs in production is able to be run locally, making it straightforward to explore and graduate both metrics and causal inference methodologies directly into production services. In this paper, we provide two main contributions. Firstly, we report on the architecture of this platform, with a special emphasis on its novel aspects: how it supports science-centric end-to-end workflows without compromising engineering requirements. Secondly, we describe its approach to causal inference, which leverages the potential outcomes conceptual framework to provide a unified abstarction layer for arbitrary statistical models and methodologies

    CBR and MBR techniques: review for an application in the emergencies domain

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    The purpose of this document is to provide an in-depth analysis of current reasoning engine practice and the integration strategies of Case Based Reasoning and Model Based Reasoning that will be used in the design and development of the RIMSAT system. RIMSAT (Remote Intelligent Management Support and Training) is a European Commission funded project designed to: a.. Provide an innovative, 'intelligent', knowledge based solution aimed at improving the quality of critical decisions b.. Enhance the competencies and responsiveness of individuals and organisations involved in highly complex, safety critical incidents - irrespective of their location. In other words, RIMSAT aims to design and implement a decision support system that using Case Base Reasoning as well as Model Base Reasoning technology is applied in the management of emergency situations. This document is part of a deliverable for RIMSAT project, and although it has been done in close contact with the requirements of the project, it provides an overview wide enough for providing a state of the art in integration strategies between CBR and MBR technologies.Postprint (published version

    Catalog 2009-10

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    Catalog 2010-11

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    Ready Coder One: Action Research Exploring the Effects of Collaborative Game Design-Based Learning on Gifted Fourth Graders\u27 21st Century Skills and Science Content Knowledge

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    The purpose of this action research was to describe the impact of digital game building on fourth grade gifted and talented (GT) students’ growth in problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and science content knowledge. Traditionally, gifted education has focused on acceleration of content, disconnected enrichment activities, and thinking skills practiced in isolation of real-world problems. Increasingly, there is a call to involve students in real world experiences through projects that explore real issues using technology in ways that could transform the field. The ability to create rather than consume technology has gained attention linking creativity and collaboration to using coding languages. Data collection included pre- and postsurvey on creativity and collaboration, pre- and posttest of science concepts, student design and reflection journals, video recordings, focus group interviews and students’ games. The participants came from two classes of GT students (n = 46). Quantitative data analysis showed significant growth from pre- to postsurvey for the Collaboration Survey. Students showed significant growth from pre- to posttest for the science content knowledge. The Creativity Survey showed no significant difference from pre- to postsurvey although it should be noted that student scores were high at the beginning of the study. Qualitative data analysis revealed five themes including overcoming challenges of group work, developing a culture of collaboration, creating narrative and connecting science, problem-solving is Scratch’s coding environment, and reflecting on learning. The findings of this study indicate that involving gifted students in game design-based learning in science had a positive impact on student perceptions of their abilities in problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. Given GT students’ reluctance to work in groups, the collaboration scores were particularly relevant. Students took a leading role in learning creating a classroom culture of collaboration. As students encountered coding issues, they sought their own solutions and shared knowledge. Emergence of student expertise led to an environment where students felt comfortable seeking knowledge from each other. This research has implications for the exploration of ways to support gifted students in their growth in creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving within science. It is also important to note that all students need support in 21st century skills

    Shuttle Ground Operations Efficiencies/Technologies (SGOE/T) study. Volume 2: Ground Operations evaluation

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    The Ground Operations Evaluation describes the breath and depth of the various study elements selected as a result of an operational analysis conducted during the early part of the study. Analysis techniques used for the evaluation are described in detail. Elements selected for further evaluation are identified; the results of the analysis documented; and a follow-on course of action recommended. The background and rationale for developing recommendations for the current Shuttle or for future programs is presented
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