4 research outputs found

    Web services for rural areas-Security challenges in development and use

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    Web services (WS) are the modern response of traders and online service providers to satisfying the increasing needs and demands of the digital communities. WS formation and operation is based on a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Security is of paramount importance to WS and the ability to measure and evaluate the level of security available is key to establishing and continuing to develop the level of trust based on reputation developed by the provider of the WS. The greatest challenge in offering secure WS is to groups of people where the level of expertise of the user is low and the need for transparency of the service provision quite high, such as the case with services offered primarily to people in rural areas. Providers of such services face many challenges in balancing the requirements for performance, interoperability, and security against the cost of implementing secure systems and running profitable operations through low income generating WS. A review of services offered, of the users and the challenges in building online trust among providers and users are discussed for the case of rural areas in the United Kingdom. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Web services for rural areas—Security challenges in development and use

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    Web services (WS) are the modern response of traders and online service providers to satisfying the increasing needs and demands of the digital communities. WS formation and operation is based on a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Security is of paramount importance to WS and the ability to measure and evaluate the level of security available is key to establishing and continuing to develop the level of trust based on reputation developed by the provider of the WS. The greatest challenge in offering secure WS is to groups of people where the level of expertise of the user is low and the need for transparency of the service provision quite high, such as the case with services offered primarily to people in rural areas. Providers of such services face many challenges in balancing the requirements for performance, interoperability, and security against the cost of implementing secure systems and running profitable operations through low income generating WS. A review of services offered, of the users and the challenges in building online trust among providers and users are discussed for the case of rural areas in the United Kingdom

    Como mensurar os atributos de um modelo de relacionamento no Poder Executivo Federal : indícios de validade e confiabilidade de uma escala de relacionamento com os cidadãos

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2017.A adoção de ferramentas gerenciais na administração pública, para lidar com crises fiscais e com demandas cada vez mais complexas dos cidadãos, proporcionou um movimento de reforma do Estado, a partir do final dos anos 1970, que ficou conhecido como New Public Management. Desde então, tem-se buscado a melhoria do relacionamento entre governos e cidadãos, impulsionado, em grande medida, pela necessidade de incentivar a cidadania e melhorar a imagem dos serviços públicos, por meio de maior transparência, oferta de serviços aprimorados e qualidade no atendimento. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar indícios de validade e confiabilidade de uma escala de relacionamento com o cidadão (ERCi) para o Poder Executivo Federal, utilizando como lócus de pesquisa o Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS). Ademais, identificou-se a percepção e o índice de satisfação dos beneficiários das agências do INSS pesquisadas e propôs-se um sistema de padronização conforme qualidade do atendimento percebido das agências localizadas no Distrito Federal. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter descritivo e instrumental, de natureza multimétodo, que fez uso da técnica de grupo focal e aplicação de questionário. Foi utilizada tanto a análise fatorial exploratória (AFE), como confirmatória (AFC), via modelagem por equações estruturais, para exame dos resultados. O modelo de mensuração proposto desvelou um bom ajuste e uma estrutura de escala unifatorial, que recebeu o nome de “Relacionamento com o Cidadão”, com 13 itens e bons índices de validades interna, convergente e nomológica, bem como de confiabilidade. Além das contribuições acadêmicas, o estudo contribuiu para o fortalecimento da estratégia de Gestão do Relacionamento com os Cidadãos (CiRM) no governo brasileiro, oferecendo instrumento validado cientificamente. A ferramenta diagnóstica elaborada permitirá aos gestores públicos compreender melhor a percepção dos cidadãos quanto às iniciativas de relacionamento e atendimento de órgãos e entidades, auxiliando no aprimoramento dos serviços públicos ofertados e na identificação de áreas com potencial para melhoria.Since the late 1970s, governments have been encouraged to reform the State, in order to face fiscal constraints and to tackle citizen growing demands for better public services. This movement, which has become known as the New Public Management, drove the adoption of managerial tools by the public administration. Therefore, governments have pursued the improvement of their relationship with citizens so that social demands may be better fulfilled. In this context, this research aims at identifying validity and reliability of a citizen relationship scale (CiRS) for the Federal Executive Branch in Brazil. The research was carried out at the Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) in the Federal District. As a result, the research identified the perception of the users of the services offered by the INSS agencies and their satisfaction index. Additionally, it was proposed a standardization system regarding the perceived service quality at the INSS agencies located in the Federal District. This is a descriptive and instrumental study utilizing mixed methods which encompassed focus groups sessions and the use of a survey. As for the results, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses have been used, through structural equation modeling. The proposed measurement model has presented good adjustment and a unifactorial structure scale named “Citizen Relationship”, comprising 13 items and good indexes with respect to internal, convergent and nomological validities, besides good reliability. In addition to the academic implications, this study has contributed to the strenghtening of the Citizen Relationship Marketing (CiRM) strategy within the Brazilian government, offering civil servants with an instrument that has been scientifically validated. The diagnostic tool designed will allow public managers to better understand citizens' perceptions of the relationship and service initiatives performed by public bodies, helping the enhancement of public services provision, along with the identification of areas of potential improvement

    One-stop eServices for the forest sector

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