1,314,654 research outputs found

    The real SAPÂź Business one cost : a case study of ERP adoption in an SME

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    This paper reports on a UK based service management Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) that invested into SAP¼ Business One. The action research case study highlights the real cost and difficulties faced in moving to the one single SAP system and the process that was followed in order to identify third-party vendors that can integrate or customise SAP¼ Business One. This paper highlights the additional costs required to ensure a ‘fit-for-purpose’ solution to close the gap between strategic needs and the existing SAP Business One solution. The gap itself is illustrated by highlighting 10 key functionalities expected by the given service management SME. The actual implementation cost of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was found to be approximately double the initial SAP costs. The real costs involve time for, among other things, process reengineering, strategic decision making, software add-ons, staff-training, project-management and software maintenance

    Manajemen Jadwal Proyek Dan Karyawan Berbasis Web Pada PT. Bee Solution Partners

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    PT. Bee Solution Partners is one of the IT solution company in Bandung. At present, PT. BSP does not have any system to display employee profile, and does not have any system to help project manager maintaining projects either. Project Management Information System is built for helping Human Resource Department (HRD) Staff in employee data management which can be improved as employee profile, and also helping project manager in project management. There are some features provided in Web Based Project Management Information System at PT. BSP such as CSV file upload, profile management, and generate project schedul

    A modied branch and cut procedure for resource portfolio problem under relaxed resource dedication policy

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    Multi-project scheduling problems are characterized by the way resources are managed in the problem environment. The general approach in multi-project scheduling literature is to consider resource capacities as a common pool that can be shared among all projects without any restrictions or costs. The way the resources are used in a multi-project environment is called resource management policy and the aforementioned assumption is called Resource Sharing Policy in this study. The resource sharing policy is not a generalization for multi-project scheduling environments and different resource management policies maybe defined to identify characteristics of different problem environments. In this study, we present a resource management policy which prevents sharing of resources among projects but allows resource transfers when a project starts after the completion of another one. This policy is called the Relaxed Resource Dedication (RRD) Policy in this study. The general resource capacities might or might not be decision variables. We will treat here the case where the general available amounts of resources are decision variables to be determined subject to a limited budget. We call this problem as the Resource Portfolio Problem (RPP). In this study, RPP is investigated under RRD policy and a modified Branch and Cut (B&C)procedure based on CPLEX is proposed. The B&C procedure of CPLEX is modified with different branching strategies, heuristic solution approaches and valid inequalities. The computational studies presented demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution approaches

    Participatory process management

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    Although the process of public and stakeholder participation continues to be intensively investigated and discussed in academic circles, the implementation of participatory methods in practice remains problematic. This can be attributed to the lack of knowledge transfer on the one hand, and the general underestimation of participatory approaches in planning processes on the other.\ud A possible solution - participatory processmanagement - is introduced in this article. Participatory process management means that all participatory activities are embedded in the overall planning activities of a project. The most significant criteria for a participatory process are identified as ’objectives’, ’constraints’ and ’process’which together forma framework for combining generally applicablemethodswith local constraints and the objectives of a project. Themain elements of the participatory management framework introduced here are levels and classes of participation and a generic process scheme includingmonitoring and evaluation of participatory processes. This work is based upon long-term experiences of consultants and scientists. However, the insights from the InterReg project TRUST are particularly valuable and confirm the hypotheses that different water management projects are comparable in terms of their participatory process performance. The participatory management framework is a step forward in closing the gap between scientific knowledge about participatory methods and their applicability in practice

    A combination of different resource management policies in a multi-project environment

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    Multi-project problem environments are defined according to the way resources are managed in the problem environment, which is called the resource management policy (RMP) in this study. Different resource management policies can be defined according to the characteristics of the projects and/or resources in the problem environment. The most common RMP encountered in the multi-project scheduling literature is the resource sharing policy (RSP), where resources can be shared among projects without any costs or limitations. This policy can be seen as an extreme case since there is a strong assumption of unconstrained resource sharing. Another RMP can be defined as the other extreme such that resources cannot be shared among projects, which is called the resource dedication policy (RDP). The last RMP considered in this study is between these two policies where resources are dedicated but can be transferred among projects when a project finishes, the dedicated resources to this project can be transferred to another one starting after the finish of the corresponding project. This RPM is called the resource transfer policy (RTP). In this study we investigate a problem environment where all these three types of RPM are present. Additionally, the general resource capacities are taken as decision variables that are constrained by a given general budget. We call this multi-project environment as the Generalized Resource Portfolio Problem (GRPP). We have investigated this problem and proposed an iterative solution approach based on exact solution methods which determines the general resource capacities from the budget, resource dedications, resource sharing and resource transfer decisions and schedules the individual projects. Computational results for over forty test problems are reported

    A database with enterprise application for mining astronomical data obtained by MOA : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of the Master of Information Science in Computer Science, Massey University at Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

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    The MOA (Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics) Project is one of a new generation of modern astronomy endeavours that generates huge volumes of data. These have enormous scientific data mining potential. However, it is common for astronomers to deal with millions and even billions of records. The challenge of how to manage these large data sets is an important case for researchers. A good database management system is vital for the research. With the modern observation equipments used, MOA suffers from the growing volume of the data and a database management solution is needed. This study analyzed the modern technology for database and enterprise application. After analysing the data mining requirements of MOA, a prototype data management system based on MVC pattern was developed. Furthermore, the application supports sharing MOA findings and scientific data on the Internet. It was tested on a 7GB subset of achieved MOA data set. After testing, it was found that the application could query data in an efficient time and support data mining

    Cloning and Characterization of the Cell Wall Acting Enzyme CD1034 from the Pathogen Clostridium difficile

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    The manifestation of multidrug resistance in bacteria over the past several decades has resulted in one of the foremost challenges in the management of infectious diseases. The question arises, “How do we address this growing problem?” One solution to stem the growing rise in antimicrobial resistance is to investigate new targets, while another approach is to re-examine classical antibacterial targets with a fresh perspective. The aim of this paper is to begin the process of antibacterial development for the pathogen Clostridium difficile by characterizing the cell wall acting glucosaminidase CD1034. It is inunderstanding how CD1034 functions biochemically that it can be targeted for antibacterial development. The gene CD1034 was successfully cloned and sequenced in this project. Results have implications in the further development of an antibiotic for C. difficile and other Gram-positive pathogens
