25 research outputs found

    Aceleradores e multiprocessadores em chip: o impacto da execução fora de ordem na verificação de funcionalidade e de consistência

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2012Este trabalho aborda duas classes de problemas enfrentados na verificação de projetos que exibem comportamentos fora de ordem, especificamente a verificação funcional de aceleradores em hardware e a verificação de consistência em sistemas de memória compartilhada. Comportamentos fora de ordem surgem quando relaxam-se restrições de precedência para aumentar a taxa de uso de componentes de hardware concorrentes e, portanto, aumentar o desempenho. Entretanto, o projeto de um sistema que apresenta comportamentos fora de ordem é suscetível a erros pelo fato de o relaxamento de ordem requerer controle sofisticado. Este trabalho compara as garantias de verificação de três classes de checkers dinâmicos para módulos com suporte a eventos fora de ordem. Comprovadamente, scoreboards relaxados podem ser construídos com plenas garantias de verificação contanto que utilizem regras de atualização baseadas na remoção de dominadores. Resultados experimentais mostram que um scoreboard relaxado assim projetado requer aproximadamente 1/2 do esforço exigido por um scoreboard convencional. Verificar a conformidade do hardware com um modelo de consistência é um problema relevante cuja complexidade depende da observabilidade dos eventos de memória. Este trabalho também descreve uma nova técnica de verificação de consistência de memória on-the-fly a partir de uma representação executável de um sistema multi-core. Para aumentar a eficiência sem afetar as garantias de verificação, são monitorados três pontos por núcleo, ao invés de um ou dois, como proposto em trabalhos correlatos anteriores. Os três pontos foram selecionados para serem altamente independentes da microarquitetura do core. A técnica usa scoreboards relaxados concorrentes para detectar violações em cada core. Para detectar violações globais, utiliza-se a ordem linear de eventos induzida por um caso de teste. Comprovadamente, a técnica não induz falsos positivos nem falsos negativos quando o caso de teste expõe um erro que afeta as sequências monitoradas, tornando-se o primeiro checker on-the-fly com plenas garantias de verificação. Resultados experimentais mostram que ele requer aproximadamente 1/4 a 3/4 do esforço global exigido por um checker post-mortem que monitora duas sequências por processador. A técnica é pelo menos 100 vezes mais rápida do que um checker que monitora uma única sequência por processador.Abstract : This work addresses two classes of problems faced when verifying designs exhibiting out-of-order behaviors, namely the functional verification of hardware accelerators and the verification of consistency in shared-memory systems. Out-of-order behaviors result from relaxing precedence constraints to increase the usage rate of concurrent hardware components and, therefore, lead to a performance improvement. However, the design of a system handling out-of-order behaviors is error prone, since order relaxation asks for sophisticated control. This work compares the verification guarantees of three classes of dynamic checkers for modules handling out-of-order behaviors. Provenly, relaxed scoreboards can be built with full verification guarantees, as far as they employ an update rule based on the removal of dominators. Experimental results show that such a relaxed scoreboard needs approximately 1/2 of the effort required by a conventional one. Verifying the hardware compliance with a consistency model is a relevant problem, whose complexity depends on the observability of memory events. This work also describes a novel on-the-fly technique for verifying memory consistency from an executable representation of a multi-core system. To increase efficiency without hampering verification guarantees, three points are monitored per core, instead of one or two, as proposed in previous related works. The points were selected to be largely independent from the core#s microarchitecture. The technique relies on concurrent relaxed scoreboards to check for consistency violations in each core. To check for global violations, it employs a linear order of events induced by a given test case. Provenly, the technique neither indicates false negatives nor false positives when the test case exposes an error that affects the sampled sequences, making it the first on-the-fly checker with full guarantees. Experimental results show that it needs approximately 1/4 to 3/4 of the overall verification effort required by a post-mortem checker sampling two sequences per processor. The technique is at least 100 times faster than a checker sampling a single sequence per processor

    Verificação de consistência e coerência de memória compartilhada para multiprocessamento em chip

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2014O multiprocessamento em chip sob a crescente demanda por desempenho leva a um número crescente de núcleos de processamento, que interagem através de uma complexa hierarquia de memória compartilhada, a qual deve obedecer a requisitos de coerência e consistência, capturados na interface hardware-software na forma de um modelo de memória. Dada uma execução de um programa paralelo, verificar se a hierarquia obedece aqueles requisitos é um problema intratável quando a observabilidade do sistema restringe-se a um trace de memória para cada processador, tal como ocorre em um checker dinâmico pós-silício. Esses checkers (baseados em inferências sobre traces) requerem o uso de backtracking para excluir falsos negativos. Por outro lado, checkers pré-silício podem se beneficiar da observabilidade ilimitada de representações de projeto para induzir um problema de verificação que pode ser resolvido em tempo polinomial (sem o uso de backtracking) e com plenas garantias de verificação (sem falsos negativos nem falsos positivos). Esta dissertação faz uma avaliação experimental comparativa de checkers dinâmicos baseados em diferentes mecanismos (inferências, emparelhamento em grafo bipartido, scoreboard única e múltiplas scoreboards). Os checkers são comparados para exatamente o mesmo conjunto de casos de teste: 200 programas paralelos não sincronizados, gerados de forma pseudo-aleatória, obtidos variando a frequência de ocorrência de instruções (4 mixes), o número de endereços compartilhados (entre 2 e 32) e o número total de operações de memória (entre 250 e 64K). A partir de uma mesma representação pré-validada do sistema, foram construídas oito representações derivadas, cada uma contendo um erro de projeto distinto. Para reproduzir condições compatíveis com as tendências arquiteturais, os checkers foram comparados ao verificar um modelo com máxima relaxação de ordem de programa (bastante similar ao usado, por exemplo, nas arquiteturas Alpha e ARMv7) para sistemas contendo de 2 a 32 núcleos de processamento. Não é do conhecimento do autor a existência na literatura de uma avaliação experimental tão ampla. Os resultados mostram a inviabilidade do uso de checkers baseados em inferências em tempo de projeto: têm o mais alto esforço computacional e a maior taxa de crescimento com o aumento do número de processadores. A avaliação indica que a forma mais eficiente de construir um checker pré-silício corresponde a uma observabilidade de três pontos de monitoramento por processador, ao uso de verificação on-the-fly (ao invés de análise post-mortem) e à utilização de múltiplos mecanismos para verificar separadamente e em paralelo os subespaços de verificação definidos pelo escopo individual de cada processador, enquanto os subespaços entre processadores são verificados globalmente. Como um desdobramento da avaliação experimental, a dissertação identifica uma deficiência comum a todos os checkers analisados: sua inadequação para verificar modelos de memória com fraca atomicidade de escrita, exatamente aqueles apontados como tendência e já presentes em arquiteturas recentes (e.g. ARMv8). Diante disso, a dissertação propõe algoritmos generalizados capazes de verificar tais modelos.Abstract: Chip multiprocessing under the growing demand for performance leads to agrowing number of processing cores, which interact through a complex shared memory hierarchy that must satisfy coherence and consistency requirements captured as a memory model in the hardware-software interface. Given an execution of a parallel program, verifying if the hierarchy complies to those requirements is an intractable problem when the system observability is limited to a memory trace per processor, as in dynamic post-silicon checkers.Those checkers (based on inferences over traces) require the use of backtracking to avoid false negatives. On the other hand, pre-silicon checkers may benefit from the unlimited observability of design representations to induce a verification problem that may be solved in polynomial time (without the use of backtracking) with full verification guarantees (i.e. neither false negatives nor false positives). This dissertation provides an experimental evaluation of dynamic checkers based on different mechanisms (inferences, bipartite graph matching, single scoreboard and multiple scoreboards). The checkers are compared under exactly the same set of test cases: 200 non-synchronized parallel programs, generated pseudo-randomly, obtained by varying the frequency of instructions (4 mixes), the number of shared addresses (between 2 and 32) and the total number of memory operations (between 250 and 64K). From the same pre-validated system representation, eight distinct representations were built, each one containing a single and unique design error. To reproduce conditions compatible with architectural trends, the checkers were compared while verifying a memory model with maximal relaxation of program order (similar, for example, to those used in Alpha and ARMv7 architectures) and systems containing 2 to 32 processing cores. To the author's best knowledge, no broader experimental evaluation is available in the literature. The results show that the use of inference-based checkers at design time is impractical: they have the highest computational effort and the highest rate of growth with the number of cores. The evaluation shows that the most efficient way of building a pre-silicon checker corresponds to three observable points per core, the use of on-the-fly analysis (instead of post-mortem) and the usage of multiple engines to check the verification subspaces defined by the scope of each processor independently and in parallel, while checking globally the inter-processor subspaces. As a spin-off from the experimental evaluation, the dissertation identifies a deficiency common to all analyzed checkers: their unsuitability to handle memory models with weak write atomicity, which are precisely those pointed out as the trend and are present in architectures already in the market (e.g. ARMv8). In face of this, the dissertation proposes generic algorithms capable of verifying such models

    Avaliação experimental de um gerador de testes dirigidos para a verificação de memória compartilhada em multicore chips

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.No contexto de verificação de memória compartilhada em multicore chips, este trabalho propõe uma avaliação crítica da geração automática de testes dirigidos quando baseada em Programação Genética. A metodologia consiste na comparação do gerador McVerSi (que representa o estado da arte) com geradores de testes aleatórios (que representam a base de geradores dirigidos por cobertura). Dois geradores de testes aleatórios são utilizados: um deles (McVerSi_Rand) pressupõe uma restrição do espaço de endereçamento imposta estaticamente antes de disparar a geração, o outro (IRTG) admite a variação dinâmica de restrições impostas ao espaço de endereçamento. Os três geradores são comparados de acordo com duas métricas: cobertura estrutural dos controladores de cache e esforço requerido na detecção de erros de coerência de memória

    Geração de testes de memória compartilhada coerente: uma avaliação de cobertura e eficácia

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.Multiprocessadores em chip (CMP) vêm sendo desafiados pela crescente complexidade de seus subsistemas de memória compartilhada. Regras de consistência e requisitos de coerência especificados por um modelo de memória devem ser atendidos pelo hardware para que o funcionamento da memória ocorra como esperado pelo programador. O uso de regras de consistência relaxadas - para abrir espaço a novas otimizações - e o crescente número de núcleos - o que aumenta a complexidade dos protocolos de coerência - torna o projeto do subsistema de memória suscetível a erros. Para evitar que esses erros se propaguem até a fase de prototipação, aplicam-se técnicas de verificação sobre uma versão executável do projeto (por meio de simulações). Essas técnicas dependem da execução de programas de teste sobre a plataforma verificada, a fim de estimular o sistema e expor quaisquer erros que possam existir no projeto. Nesse trabalho é proposta uma métrica de cobertura para avaliar os programas de testes gerados por diferentes técnicas, e assim descobrir quais propriedades e características dos geradores têm mais impacto na capacidade de exposição de erros. Com essas informações espera-se fomentar as bases de um futuro gerador adaptativo de testes. Complementarmente, foram desenvolvidos novos erros de coerência, a partir dos quais criaram-se representações de projeto para avaliar o esforço e eficácia dos testes gerados pelas diferentes técnicas. Para a representação dos projetos, foi utilizado um simulador de domínio público (gem5). Ao todo, foram executados 14400 programas de teste para a avaliação de cobertura e 86400 casos de uso para a avaliação de esforço e eficácia (6 erros x 14400 programas de teste), em arquiteturas de 8, 16 e 32 núcleos. Os resultados mostram que a combinação de duas diferentes técnicas de geração de testes leva aos melhores valores de cobertura e alcança os melhores resultados de esforço e eficácia na maiorias dos cenários de verificação

    Avaliação experimental de um gerador de testes dirigidos para a verificação de memória compartilhada em multicore chips

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.No contexto de verificação de memória compartilhada em multicore chips, este trabalho propõe uma avaliação crítica da geração automática de testes dirigidos quando baseada em Programação Genética. A metodologia consiste na comparação do gerador McVerSi (que representa o estado da arte) com geradores de testes aleatórios (que representam a base de geradores dirigidos por cobertura). Dois geradores de testes aleatórios são utilizados: um deles (McVerSi_Rand) pressupõe uma restrição do espaço de endereçamento imposta estaticamente antes de disparar a geração, o outro (IRTG) admite a variação dinâmica de restrições impostas ao espaço de endereçamento. Os três geradores são comparados de acordo com duas métricas: cobertura estrutural dos controladores de cache e esforço requerido na detecção de erros de coerência de memória

    Advanced information processing system: The Army fault tolerant architecture conceptual study. Volume 2: Army fault tolerant architecture design and analysis

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    Described here is the Army Fault Tolerant Architecture (AFTA) hardware architecture and components and the operating system. The architectural and operational theory of the AFTA Fault Tolerant Data Bus is discussed. The test and maintenance strategy developed for use in fielded AFTA installations is presented. An approach to be used in reducing the probability of AFTA failure due to common mode faults is described. Analytical models for AFTA performance, reliability, availability, life cycle cost, weight, power, and volume are developed. An approach is presented for using VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) to describe and design AFTA's developmental hardware. A plan is described for verifying and validating key AFTA concepts during the Dem/Val phase. Analytical models and partial mission requirements are used to generate AFTA configurations for the TF/TA/NOE and Ground Vehicle missions

    Memory consistency directed cache coherence protocols for scalable multiprocessors

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    The memory consistency model, which formally specifies the behavior of the memory system, is used by programmers to reason about parallel programs. From a hardware design perspective, weaker consistency models permit various optimizations in a multiprocessor system: this thesis focuses on designing and optimizing the cache coherence protocol for a given target memory consistency model. Traditional directory coherence protocols are designed to be compatible with the strictest memory consistency model, sequential consistency (SC). When they are used for chip multiprocessors (CMPs) that provide more relaxed memory consistency models, such protocols turn out to be unnecessarily strict. Usually, this comes at the cost of scalability, in terms of per-core storage due to sharer tracking, which poses a problem with increasing number of cores in today’s CMPs, most of which no longer are sequentially consistent. The recent convergence towards programming language based relaxed memory consistency models has sparked renewed interest in lazy cache coherence protocols. These protocols exploit synchronization information by enforcing coherence only at synchronization boundaries via self-invalidation. As a result, such protocols do not require sharer tracking which benefits scalability. On the downside, such protocols are only readily applicable to a restricted set of consistency models, such as Release Consistency (RC), which expose synchronization information explicitly. In particular, existing architectures with stricter consistency models (such as x86) cannot readily make use of lazy coherence protocols without either: adapting the protocol to satisfy the stricter consistency model; or changing the architecture’s consistency model to (a variant of) RC, typically at the expense of backward compatibility. The first part of this thesis explores both these options, with a focus on a practical approach satisfying backward compatibility. Because of the wide adoption of Total Store Order (TSO) and its variants in x86 and SPARC processors, and existing parallel programs written for these architectures, we first propose TSO-CC, a lazy cache coherence protocol for the TSO memory consistency model. TSO-CC does not track sharers and instead relies on self-invalidation and detection of potential acquires (in the absence of explicit synchronization) using per cache line timestamps to efficiently and lazily satisfy the TSO memory consistency model. Our results show that TSO-CC achieves, on average, performance comparable to a MESI directory protocol, while TSO-CC’s storage overhead per cache line scales logarithmically with increasing core count. Next, we propose an approach for the x86-64 architecture, which is a compromise between retaining the original consistency model and using a more storage efficient lazy coherence protocol. First, we propose a mechanism to convey synchronization information via a simple ISA extension, while retaining backward compatibility with legacy codes and older microarchitectures. Second, we propose RC3 (based on TSOCC), a scalable cache coherence protocol for RCtso, the resulting memory consistency model. RC3 does not track sharers and relies on self-invalidation on acquires. To satisfy RCtso efficiently, the protocol reduces self-invalidations transitively using per-L1 timestamps only. RC3 outperforms a conventional lazy RC protocol by 12%, achieving performance comparable to a MESI directory protocol for RC optimized programs. RC3’s storage overhead per cache line scales logarithmically with increasing core count and reduces on-chip coherence storage overheads by 45% compared to TSO-CC. Finally, it is imperative that hardware adheres to the promised memory consistency model. Indeed, consistency directed coherence protocols cannot use conventional coherence definitions (e.g. SWMR) to be verified against, and few existing verification methodologies apply. Furthermore, as the full consistency model is used as a specification, their interaction with other components (e.g. pipeline) of a system must not be neglected in the verification process. Therefore, verifying a system with such protocols in the context of interacting components is even more important than before. One common way to do this is via executing tests, where specific threads of instruction sequences are generated and their executions are checked for adherence to the consistency model. It would be extremely beneficial to execute such tests under simulation, i.e. when the functional design implementation of the hardware is being prototyped. Most prior verification methodologies, however, target post-silicon environments, which when used for simulation-based memory consistency verification would be too slow. We propose McVerSi, a test generation framework for fast memory consistency verification of a full-system design implementation under simulation. Our primary contribution is a Genetic Programming (GP) based approach to memory consistency test generation, which relies on a novel crossover function that prioritizes memory operations contributing to non-determinism, thereby increasing the probability of uncovering memory consistency bugs. To guide tests towards exercising as much logic as possible, the simulator’s reported coverage is used as the fitness function. Furthermore, we increase test throughput by making the test workload simulation-aware. We evaluate our proposed framework using the Gem5 cycle accurate simulator in full-system mode with Ruby (with configurations that use Gem5’s MESI protocol, and our proposed TSO-CC together with an out-of-order pipeline). We discover 2 new bugs in the MESI protocol due to the faulty interaction of the pipeline and the cache coherence protocol, highlighting that even conventional protocols should be verified rigorously in the context of a full-system. Crucially, these bugs would not have been discovered through individual verification of the pipeline or the coherence protocol. We study 11 bugs in total. Our GP-based test generation approach finds all bugs consistently, therefore providing much higher guarantees compared to alternative approaches (pseudo-random test generation and litmus tests)

    Harnessing Simulation Acceleration to Solve the Digital Design Verification Challenge.

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    Today, design verification is by far the most resource and time-consuming activity of any new digital integrated circuit development. Within this area, the vast majority of the verification effort in industry relies on simulation platforms, which are implemented either in hardware or software. A "simulator" includes a model of each component of a design and has the capability of simulating its behavior under any input scenario provided by an engineer. Thus, simulators are deployed to evaluate the behavior of a design under as many input scenarios as possible and to identify and debug all incorrect functionality. Two features are critical in simulators for the validation effort to be effective: performance and checking/debugging capabilities. A wide range of simulator platforms are available today: on one end of the spectrum there are software-based simulators, providing a very rich software infrastructure for checking and debugging the design's functionality, but executing only at 1-10 simulation cycles per second (while actual chips operate at GHz speeds). At the other end of the spectrum, there are hardware-based platforms, such as accelerators, emulators and even prototype silicon chips, providing higher performances by 4 to 9 orders of magnitude, at the cost of very limited or non-existent checking/debugging capabilities. As a result, today, simulation-based validation is crippled: one can either have satisfactory performance on hardware-accelerated platforms or critical infrastructures for checking/debugging on software simulators, but not both. This dissertation brings together these two ends of the spectrum by presenting solutions that offer high-performance simulation with effective checking and debugging capabilities. Specifically, it addresses the performance challenge of software simulators by leveraging inexpensive off-the-shelf graphics processors as massively parallel execution substrates, and then exposing the parallelism inherent in the design model to that architecture. For hardware-based platforms, the dissertation provides solutions that offer enhanced checking and debugging capabilities by abstracting the relevant data to be logged during simulation so to minimize the cost of collection, transfer and processing. Altogether, the contribution of this dissertation has the potential to solve the challenge of digital design verification by enabling effective high-performance simulation-based validation.PHDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99781/1/dchatt_1.pd

    Fehlertolerante Mehrkernprozessoren für gemischt-kritische Echtzeitsysteme

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    Current and future computing systems must be appropriately designed to cope with random hardware faults in order to provide a dependable service and correct functionality. Dependability has many facets to be addressed when designing a system and that is specially challenging in mixed-critical real-time systems, where safety standards play an important role and where responding in time can be as important as responding correctly or even responding at all. The thesis addresses the dependability of mixed-critical real-time systems, considering three important requirements: integrity, resilience and real-time. More specifically, it looks into the architectural and performance aspects of achieving dependability, concentrating its scope on error detection and handling in hardware -- more specifically in the Network-on-Chip (NoC), the backbone of modern MPSoC -- and on the performance of error handling and recovery in software. The thesis starts by looking at the impacts of random hardware faults on the NoC and on the system, with special focus on soft errors. Then, it addresses the uncovered weaknesses in the NoC by proposing a resilient NoC for mixed-critical real-time systems that is able to provide a highly reliable service with transparent protection for the applications. Formal communication time analysis is provided with common ARQ protocols modeled for NoCs and including a novel ARQ-based protocol optimized for DMAs. After addressing the efficient use of ARQ-based protocols in NoCs, the thesis proposes the Advanced Integrity Q-service (AIQ), a low-overhead mechanism to achieve integrity and real-time guarantees of NoC transactions on an End-to-End (E2E) basis. Inspired by transactions in distributed systems, the mechanism differs from the previous approach in that it does not provide error recovery in hardware but delegates the task to software, making use of existing functionality in cross-layer fault-tolerance solutions. Finally, the thesis addresses error handling in software as seen in cross-layer approaches. It addresses the performance of replicated software execution in many-core platforms. Replicated software execution provides protection to the system against random hardware faults. It relies on hardware-supported error detection and error handling in software. The replica-aware co-scheduling is proposed to achieve high performance with replicated execution, which is not possible with standard real-time schedulers.Um einen zuverlässigen Betrieb und korrekte Funktionalität zu gewährleisten, müssen aktuelle und zukünftige Computersysteme so ausgelegt werden, dass sie mit diesen Fehlern umgehen können. Zuverlässigkeit hat viele Aspekte, die bei der Entwicklung eines Systems berücksichtigt werden müssen. Das gilt insbesondere für Echtzeitsysteme mit gemischter Kritikalität, bei denen Sicherheitsstandards, die ein korrektes und rechtzeitiges Verhalten fordern, eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Zuverlässigkeit von gemischt-kritischen Echtzeitsystemen unter Berücksichtigung von drei wichtigen Anforderungen: Integrität, Resilienz und Echtzeit. Genauer gesagt, behandelt sie Architektur- und Leistungsaspekte die notwendig sind um Zuverlässigkeit zu erreichen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Fehlererkennung und -behandlung in der Hardware – genauer gesagt im Network-on-Chip (NoC), dem Rückgrat des modernen MPSoC – und auf der Leistung der Fehlerbehandlung und -behebung in der Software liegt. Die Arbeit beginnt mit der Untersuchung der Auswirkung von zufälligen Hardwarefehlern auf das NoC und das System, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf weichen Fehler (soft errors) liegt. Anschließend werden die aufgedeckten Schwachstellen im NoC behoben, indem ein widerstandsfähiges NoC für gemischt-kritische Echtzeitsysteme vorgeschlagen wird, das in der Lage ist, einen höchst zuverlässigen Betrieb mit transparentem Schutz für die Anwendungen zu bieten. Nach der Auseinandersetzung mit der effizienten Nutzung von ARQ-basierten Protokolle in NoCs, wird der Advanced Integrity Q-Service (AIQ) vorgestellt, der ein Mechanismus mit geringem Overhead ist, um Integrität und Echtzeit-Garantien von NoC-Transaktionen auf Ende-zu-Ende (E2E)-Basis zu erreichen. Inspiriert von Transaktionen in verteilten Systemen unterscheidet sich der Mechanismus vom bisherigen Konzept dadurch, dass er keine Fehlerbehebung in der Hardware vorsieht, sondern diese Aufgabe an die Software delegiert. Schließlich befasst sich die Dissertation mit der Fehlerbehandlung in Software, wie sie in schichtübergreifenden Methoden zu sehen ist. Sie behandelt die Leistung der replizierten Software-Ausführung in Many-Core-Plattformen. Es setzt auf hardwaregestützte Fehlererkennung und Fehlerbehandlung in der Software. Das Replika-bewusste Co-Scheduling wird vorgeschlagen, um eine hohe Performance bei replizierter Ausführung zu erreichen, was mit Standard-Echtzeit-Schedulern nicht möglich ist

    The Whitworthian 2004-2005

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    The Whitworthian student newspaper, September 2004-May 2005.https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/whitworthian/1088/thumbnail.jp