71,726 research outputs found

    Ground-based time-guidance algorithm for control of airplanes in a time-metered air traffic control environment: A piloted simulation study

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    The rapidly increasing costs of flight operations and the requirement for increased fuel conservation have made it necessary to develop more efficient ways to operate airplanes and to control air traffic for arrivals and departures to the terminal area. One concept of controlling arrival traffic through time metering has been jointly studied and evaluated by NASA and ONERA/CERT in piloted simulation tests. From time errors attained at checkpoints, airspeed and heading commands issued by air traffic control were computed by a time-guidance algorithm for the pilot to follow that would cause the airplane to cross a metering fix at a preassigned time. These tests resulted in the simulated airplane crossing a metering fix with a mean time error of 1.0 sec and a standard deviation of 16.7 sec when the time-metering algorithm was used. With mismodeled winds representing the unknown in wind-aloft forecasts and modeling form, the mean time error attained when crossing the metering fix was increased and the standard deviation remained approximately the same. The subject pilots reported that the airspeed and heading commands computed in the guidance concept were easy to follow and did not increase their work load above normal levels

    Automatic Generation of Minimal Cut Sets

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    A cut set is a collection of component failure modes that could lead to a system failure. Cut Set Analysis (CSA) is applied to critical systems to identify and rank system vulnerabilities at design time. Model checking tools have been used to automate the generation of minimal cut sets but are generally based on checking reachability of system failure states. This paper describes a new approach to CSA using a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) model checker called BT Analyser that supports the generation of multiple counterexamples. The approach enables a broader class of system failures to be analysed, by generalising from failure state formulae to failure behaviours expressed in LTL. The traditional approach to CSA using model checking requires the model or system failure to be modified, usually by hand, to eliminate already-discovered cut sets, and the model checker to be rerun, at each step. By contrast, the new approach works incrementally and fully automatically, thereby removing the tedious and error-prone manual process and resulting in significantly reduced computation time. This in turn enables larger models to be checked. Two different strategies for using BT Analyser for CSA are presented. There is generally no single best strategy for model checking: their relative efficiency depends on the model and property being analysed. Comparative results are given for the A320 hydraulics case study in the Behavior Tree modelling language.Comment: In Proceedings ESSS 2015, arXiv:1506.0325

    JWalk: a tool for lazy, systematic testing of java classes by design introspection and user interaction

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    Popular software testing tools, such as JUnit, allow frequent retesting of modified code; yet the manually created test scripts are often seriously incomplete. A unit-testing tool called JWalk has therefore been developed to address the need for systematic unit testing within the context of agile methods. The tool operates directly on the compiled code for Java classes and uses a new lazy method for inducing the changing design of a class on the fly. This is achieved partly through introspection, using Javaā€™s reflection capability, and partly through interaction with the user, constructing and saving test oracles on the fly. Predictive rules reduce the number of oracle values that must be confirmed by the tester. Without human intervention, JWalk performs bounded exhaustive exploration of the classā€™s method protocols and may be directed to explore the space of algebraic constructions, or the intended design state-space of the tested class. With some human interaction, JWalk performs up to the equivalent of fully automated state-based testing, from a specification that was acquired incrementally

    Automatic crosswind flight of tethered wings for airborne wind energy: modeling, control design and experimental results

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    An approach to control tethered wings for airborne wind energy is proposed. A fixed length of the lines is considered, and the aim of the control system is to obtain figure-eight crosswind trajectories. The proposed technique is based on the notion of the wing's "velocity angle" and, in contrast with most existing approaches, it does not require a measurement of the wind speed or of the effective wind at the wing's location. Moreover, the proposed approach features few parameters, whose effects on the system's behavior are very intuitive, hence simplifying tuning procedures. A simplified model of the steering dynamics of the wing is derived from first-principle laws, compared with experimental data and used for the control design. The control algorithm is divided into a low-level loop for the velocity angle and a high-level guidance strategy to achieve the desired flight patterns. The robustness of the inner loop is verified analytically, and the overall control system is tested experimentally on a small-scale prototype, with varying wind conditions and using different wings.Comment: This manuscript is a preprint of a paper accepted for publication on the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology and is subject to IEEE Copyright. The copy of record is available at IEEEXplore library: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org

    Hypersonic Research Vehicle (HRV) real-time flight test support feasibility and requirements study. Part 2: Remote computation support for flight systems functions

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    The requirements are assessed for the use of remote computation to support HRV flight testing. First, remote computational requirements were developed to support functions that will eventually be performed onboard operational vehicles of this type. These functions which either cannot be performed onboard in the time frame of initial HRV flight test programs because the technology of airborne computers will not be sufficiently advanced to support the computational loads required, or it is not desirable to perform the functions onboard in the flight test program for other reasons. Second, remote computational support either required or highly desirable to conduct flight testing itself was addressed. The use is proposed of an Automated Flight Management System which is described in conceptual detail. Third, autonomous operations is discussed and finally, unmanned operations

    Fuel-conservative guidance system for powered-lift aircraft

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    A concept for automatic terminal area guidance, comprising two modes of operation, was developed and evaluated in flight tests. In the predictive mode, fuel efficient approach trajectories are synthesized in fast time. In the tracking mode, the synthesized trajectories are reconstructed and tracked automatically. An energy rate performance model derived from the lift, drag, and propulsion system characteristics of the aircraft is used in the synthesis algorithm. The method optimizes the trajectory for the initial aircraft position and wind and temperature profiles encountered during each landing approach. The design theory and the results of simulations and flight tests using the Augmentor Wing Jet STOL Research Aircraft are described

    Bridging the Gap between Enumerative and Symbolic Model Checkers

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    We present a method to perform symbolic state space generation for languages with existing enumerative state generators. The method is largely independent from the chosen modelling language. We validated this on three different types of languages and tools: state-based languages (PROMELA), action-based process algebras (muCRL, mCRL2), and discrete abstractions of ODEs (Maple).\ud Only little information about the combinatorial structure of the\ud underlying model checking problem need to be provided. The key enabling data structure is the "PINS" dependency matrix. Moreover, it can be provided gradually (more precise information yield better results).\ud \ud Second, in addition to symbolic reachability, the same PINS matrix contains enough information to enable new optimizations in state space generation (transition caching), again independent from the chosen modelling language. We have also based existing optimizations, like (recursive) state collapsing, on top of PINS and hint at how to support partial order reduction techniques.\ud \ud Third, PINS allows interfacing of existing state generators to, e.g., distributed reachability tools. Thus, besides the stated novelties, the method we propose also significantly reduces the complexity of building modular yet still efficient model checking tools.\ud \ud Our experiments show that we can match or even outperform existing tools by reusing their own state generators, which we have linked into an implementation of our ideas

    On-the-fly adaptivity for nonlinear twoscale simulations using artificial neural networks and reduced order modeling

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    A multi-fidelity surrogate model for highly nonlinear multiscale problems is proposed. It is based on the introduction of two different surrogate models and an adaptive on-the-fly switching. The two concurrent surrogates are built incrementally starting from a moderate set of evaluations of the full order model. Therefore, a reduced order model (ROM) is generated. Using a hybrid ROM-preconditioned FE solver, additional effective stress-strain data is simulated while the number of samples is kept to a moderate level by using a dedicated and physics-guided sampling technique. Machine learning (ML) is subsequently used to build the second surrogate by means of artificial neural networks (ANN). Different ANN architectures are explored and the features used as inputs of the ANN are fine tuned in order to improve the overall quality of the ML model. Additional ANN surrogates for the stress errors are generated. Therefore, conservative design guidelines for error surrogates are presented by adapting the loss functions of the ANN training in pure regression or pure classification settings. The error surrogates can be used as quality indicators in order to adaptively select the appropriate -- i.e. efficient yet accurate -- surrogate. Two strategies for the on-the-fly switching are investigated and a practicable and robust algorithm is proposed that eliminates relevant technical difficulties attributed to model switching. The provided algorithms and ANN design guidelines can easily be adopted for different problem settings and, thereby, they enable generalization of the used machine learning techniques for a wide range of applications. The resulting hybrid surrogate is employed in challenging multilevel FE simulations for a three-phase composite with pseudo-plastic micro-constituents. Numerical examples highlight the performance of the proposed approach
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