5,811 research outputs found

    Fault detection and identification methodology under an incremental learning framework applied to industrial machinery

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    An industrial machinery condition monitoring methodology based on ensemble novelty detection and evolving classification is proposed in this study. The methodology contributes to solve current challenges dealing with classical electromechanical system monitoring approaches applied in industrial frameworks, that is, the presence of unknown events, the limitation to the nominal healthy condition as starting knowledge, and the incorporation of new patterns to the available knowledge. The proposed methodology is divided into four main stages: 1) a dedicated feature calculation and reduction over available physical magnitudes to increase novelty detection and fault classification capabilities; 2) a novelty detection based on the ensemble of one-class support vector machines to identify not previously considered events; 3) a diagnosis by means of eClass evolving classifiers for patterns recognition; and 4) re-training to include new patterns to the novelty detection and fault identification models. The effectiveness of the proposed fault detection and identification methodology has been compared with classical approaches, and verified by experimental results obtained from an automotive end-of-line test machine.This work was supported in part by the Generalitat de Catalunya (GRC MCIA) under Grant nâ—¦ SGR 2014-101, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Project TRA2016-80472-R Research, and in part by the CONACyT Scholarship under Grant 313604

    Automatic Environmental Sound Recognition: Performance versus Computational Cost

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    In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), sound sensing applications are required to run on embedded platforms where notions of product pricing and form factor impose hard constraints on the available computing power. Whereas Automatic Environmental Sound Recognition (AESR) algorithms are most often developed with limited consideration for computational cost, this article seeks which AESR algorithm can make the most of a limited amount of computing power by comparing the sound classification performance em as a function of its computational cost. Results suggest that Deep Neural Networks yield the best ratio of sound classification accuracy across a range of computational costs, while Gaussian Mixture Models offer a reasonable accuracy at a consistently small cost, and Support Vector Machines stand between both in terms of compromise between accuracy and computational cost

    Advances in power quality analysis techniques for electrical machines and drives: a review

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    The electric machines are the elements most used at an industry level, and they represent the major power consumption of the productive processes. Particularly speaking, among all electric machines, the motors and their drives play a key role since they literally allow the motion interchange in the industrial processes; it could be said that they are the medullar column for moving the rest of the mechanical parts. Hence, their proper operation must be guaranteed in order to raise, as much as possible, their efficiency, and, as consequence, bring out the economic benefits. This review presents a general overview of the reported works that address the efficiency topic in motors and drives and in the power quality of the electric grid. This study speaks about the relationship existing between the motors and drives that induces electric disturbances into the grid, affecting its power quality, and also how these power disturbances present in the electrical network adversely affect, in turn, the motors and drives. In addition, the reported techniques that tackle the detection, classification, and mitigations of power quality disturbances are discussed. Additionally, several works are reviewed in order to present the panorama that show the evolution and advances in the techniques and tendencies in both senses: motors and drives affecting the power source quality and the power quality disturbances affecting the efficiency of motors and drives. A discussion of trends in techniques and future work about power quality analysis from the motors and drives efficiency viewpoint is provided. Finally, some prompts are made about alternative methods that could help in overcome the gaps until now detected in the reported approaches referring to the detection, classification and mitigation of power disturbances with views toward the improvement of the efficiency of motors and drives.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evolving Ensemble Fuzzy Classifier

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    The concept of ensemble learning offers a promising avenue in learning from data streams under complex environments because it addresses the bias and variance dilemma better than its single model counterpart and features a reconfigurable structure, which is well suited to the given context. While various extensions of ensemble learning for mining non-stationary data streams can be found in the literature, most of them are crafted under a static base classifier and revisits preceding samples in the sliding window for a retraining step. This feature causes computationally prohibitive complexity and is not flexible enough to cope with rapidly changing environments. Their complexities are often demanding because it involves a large collection of offline classifiers due to the absence of structural complexities reduction mechanisms and lack of an online feature selection mechanism. A novel evolving ensemble classifier, namely Parsimonious Ensemble pENsemble, is proposed in this paper. pENsemble differs from existing architectures in the fact that it is built upon an evolving classifier from data streams, termed Parsimonious Classifier pClass. pENsemble is equipped by an ensemble pruning mechanism, which estimates a localized generalization error of a base classifier. A dynamic online feature selection scenario is integrated into the pENsemble. This method allows for dynamic selection and deselection of input features on the fly. pENsemble adopts a dynamic ensemble structure to output a final classification decision where it features a novel drift detection scenario to grow the ensemble structure. The efficacy of the pENsemble has been numerically demonstrated through rigorous numerical studies with dynamic and evolving data streams where it delivers the most encouraging performance in attaining a tradeoff between accuracy and complexity.Comment: this paper has been published by IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System

    Query engine of novelty in video streams

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    Prior research on novelty detection has primarily focused on algorithms to detect novelty for a given application domain. Effective storage, indexing and retrieval of novel events (beyond detection) are largely ignored as a problem in itself. In light of the recent advances in counter-terrorism efforts and link discovery initiatives, the need for effective data management of novel events assumes apparent importance. Automatically detecting novel events in video data streams is an extremely challenging task. The aim of this thesis is to provide evidence to the fact that the notion of novelty in video as perceived by a human is extremely subjective and therefore algorithmically illdefined. Though it comes as no surprise that current machine-based parametric learning systems to accurately mimic human novelty perception are far from perfect such systems have recently been very successful in exhaustively capturing novelty in video once the novelty function is well-defined by a human expert. So, how truly effective are these machine based novelty detection systems as compared to human novelty detection? In this paper we outline an experimental evaluation of the human vs machine based novelty systems in terms of qualitative performance. We then quantify this evaluation using a variety of metrics based on location of novel events, number of novel events found in the video, etc. We begin by describing a machine-based system for detecting novel events in video data streams. We then discuss the issues of designing an indexing-strategy or Manga (comic-book representation is termed as manga in Japanese) to effectively determine the most-representative novel frames for a video sequence. We then evaluate the performance of machine-based novelty detection system against human novelty detection and present the results. The distance metrics we suggest for novelty comparison may eventually aide a variety of end-users to effectively drive the indexing, retrieval and analysis of large video databases. It should also be noted that the techniques we describe in this paper are based on low-level features extracted from video such as color, intensity and focus of attention. The video processing component does not include any semantic processing such as object detection in video for this framework. We conjecture that such advances, though beyond the scope of this particular paper, would undoubtedly benefit the machine-based novelty detection systems and experimentally validate this. We believe that developing a novelty detection system that works in conjunction with the human expert will lead to a more user-centered data mining approach for such domains. JPEG 2000 is a new method of compressing images better than other image formats such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, etc. The main reason this format is in need for investigation is it allows metadata to be embedded within the image itself. The types of data can essentially be anything such as text, audio, video, images, etc. Currently image annotations are stored and collected side by side. Even though this method is very common, it brings up a lot of risks and flaws. Imagine if medical images were annotated by doctors to describe a tumor within the brain, then suddenly some of the annotations are lost. Without these annotations, the images itself would be useless. By embedding these annotations within the image will guarentee that the description and the image will never be seperated. The metadata embedded within the image has no influence to the image iteself. In this thesis we initially develop a metric to index novelty by comparing it to traditional indexing techniques and to human perception. In the second phase of this thesis, we will investigate the new emerging technology of JPEG 2000 and show that novelty stored in this format will outperform traditional image structures. One of the contributions this thesis is making is to develop metrics to measure the performance and quality between the query results of JPEG 2000 and traditional image formats. Since JPEG 2000 is a new technology, there are no existing metrics to measure this type of performance with traditional images

    Support Vector Machines in High Energy Physics

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    This lecture will introduce the Support Vector algorithms for classification and regression. They are an application of the so called kernel trick, which allows the extension of a certain class of linear algorithms to the non linear case. The kernel trick will be introduced and in the context of structural risk minimization, large margin algorithms for classification and regression will be presented. Current applications in high energy physics will be discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures. Part of the proceedings of the Track 'Computational Intelligence for HEP Data Analysis' at iCSC 200

    Automated and intelligent hacking detection system

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringThe Controller Area Network (CAN) is the backbone of automotive networking, connecting many Electronic ControlUnits (ECUs) that control virtually every vehicle function from fuel injection to parking sensors. It possesses,however, no security functionality such as message encryption or authentication by default. Attackers can easily inject or modify packets in the network, causing vehicle malfunction and endangering the driver and passengers. There is an increasing number of ECUs in modern vehicles, primarily driven by the consumer’s expectation of more features and comfort in their vehicles as well as ever-stricter government regulations on efficiency and emissions. Combined with vehicle connectivity to the exterior via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or cellular, this raises the risk of attacks. Traditional networks, such as Internet Protocol (IP), typically have an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) analysing traffic and signalling when an attack occurs. The system here proposed is an adaptation of the traditional IDS into the CAN bus using a One Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) trained with live, attack-free traffic. The system is capable of reliably detecting a variety of attacks, both known and unknown, without needing to understand payload syntax, which is largely proprietary and vehicle/model dependent. This allows it to be installed in any vehicle in a plug-and-play fashion while maintaining a large degree of accuracy with very few false positives.A Controller Area Network (CAN) é a principal tecnologia de comunicação interna automóvel, ligando muitas Electronic Control Units (ECUs) que controlam virtualmente todas as funções do veículo desde injeção de combustível até aos sensores de estacionamento. No entanto, não possui por defeito funcionalidades de segurança como cifragem ou autenticação. É possível aos atacantes facilmente injetarem ou modificarem pacotes na rede causando estragos e colocando em perigo tanto o condutor como os passageiros. Existe um número cada vez maior de ECUs nos veículos modernos, impulsionado principalmente pelas expectativas do consumidores quanto ao aumento do conforto nos seus veículos, e pelos cada vez mais exigentes regulamentos de eficiência e emissões. Isto, associada à conexão ao exterior através de tecnologias como o Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ou redes móveis, aumenta o risco de ataques. Redes tradicionais, como a rede Internet Protocol (IP), tipicamente possuem um Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) que analiza o tráfego e assinala a presença de um ataque. O sistema aqui proposto é uma adaptação do IDS tradicional à rede CAN utilizando uma One Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) treinada com tráfego real e livre de ataques. O sistema é capaz de detetar com fiabilidade uma variedade de ataques, tanto conhecidos como desconhecidos, sem a necessidade de entender a sintaxe do campo de dados das mensagens, que é maioritariamente proprietária. Isto permite ao sistema ser instalado em qualquer veículo num modo plug-and-play enquanto mantém um elevado nível de desempenho com muito poucos falsos positivos
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