2,676 research outputs found

    Lipchitzian Stability of Parametric Variational Inequalities Over Generalized Polyhedra in Banach Spaces

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    This paper concerns the study of solution maps to parameterized variational inequalities over generalized polyhedra in reflexive Banach spaces. It has been recognized that generalized polyhedral sets are significantly different from the usual convex polyhedra in infinite dimensions and play an important role in various applications to optimization, particularly to generalized linear programming. Our main goal is to fully characterize robust Lipschitzian stability of the aforementioned solutions maps entirely via their initial data. This is done on the base of the coderivative criterion in variational analysis via efficient calculations of the coderivative and related objects for the systems under consideration. The case of generalized polyhedra is essentially more involved in comparison with usual convex polyhedral sets and requires developing elaborated techniques and new proofs of variational analysis

    Shape optimisation for a class of semilinear variational inequalities with applications to damage models

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    The present contribution investigates shape optimisation problems for a class of semilinear elliptic variational inequalities with Neumann boundary conditions. Sensitivity estimates and material derivatives are firstly derived in an abstract operator setting where the operators are defined on polyhedral subsets of reflexive Banach spaces. The results are then refined for variational inequalities arising from minimisation problems for certain convex energy functionals considered over upper obstacle sets in H1H^1. One particularity is that we allow for dynamic obstacle functions which may arise from another optimisation problems. We prove a strong convergence property for the material derivative and establish state-shape derivatives under regularity assumptions. Finally, as a concrete application from continuum mechanics, we show how the dynamic obstacle case can be used to treat shape optimisation problems for time-discretised brittle damage models for elastic solids. We derive a necessary optimality system for optimal shapes whose state variables approximate desired damage patterns and/or displacement fields

    Symmetric confidence regions and confidence intervals for normal map formulations of stochastic variational inequalities

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    Stochastic variational inequalities (SVI) model a large class of equilibrium problems subject to data uncertainty, and are closely related to stochastic optimization problems. The SVI solution is usually estimated by a solution to a sample average approximation (SAA) problem. This paper considers the normal map formulation of an SVI, and proposes a method to build asymptotically exact confidence regions and confidence intervals for the solution of the normal map formulation, based on the asymptotic distribution of SAA solutions. The confidence regions are single ellipsoids with high probability. We also discuss the computation of simultaneous and individual confidence intervals

    Second-order subdifferential calculus with applications to tilt stability in optimization

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    The paper concerns the second-order generalized differentiation theory of variational analysis and new applications of this theory to some problems of constrained optimization in finitedimensional spaces. The main attention is paid to the so-called (full and partial) second-order subdifferentials of extended-real-valued functions, which are dual-type constructions generated by coderivatives of frst-order subdifferential mappings. We develop an extended second-order subdifferential calculus and analyze the basic second-order qualification condition ensuring the fulfillment of the principal secondorder chain rule for strongly and fully amenable compositions. The calculus results obtained in this way and computing the second-order subdifferentials for piecewise linear-quadratic functions and their major specifications are applied then to the study of tilt stability of local minimizers for important classes of problems in constrained optimization that include, in particular, problems of nonlinear programming and certain classes of extended nonlinear programs described in composite terms

    Discrete conformal maps and ideal hyperbolic polyhedra

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    We establish a connection between two previously unrelated topics: a particular discrete version of conformal geometry for triangulated surfaces, and the geometry of ideal polyhedra in hyperbolic three-space. Two triangulated surfaces are considered discretely conformally equivalent if the edge lengths are related by scale factors associated with the vertices. This simple definition leads to a surprisingly rich theory featuring M\"obius invariance, the definition of discrete conformal maps as circumcircle preserving piecewise projective maps, and two variational principles. We show how literally the same theory can be reinterpreted to addresses the problem of constructing an ideal hyperbolic polyhedron with prescribed intrinsic metric. This synthesis enables us to derive a companion theory of discrete conformal maps for hyperbolic triangulations. It also shows how the definitions of discrete conformality considered here are closely related to the established definition of discrete conformality in terms of circle packings.Comment: 62 pages, 22 figures. v2: typos corrected, references added and updated, minor changes in exposition. v3, final version: typos corrected, improved exposition, some material moved to appendice