11,836 research outputs found

    Unit Grid Intersection Graphs: Recognition and Properties

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    It has been known since 1991 that the problem of recognizing grid intersection graphs is NP-complete. Here we use a modified argument of the above result to show that even if we restrict to the class of unit grid intersection graphs (UGIGs), the recognition remains hard, as well as for all graph classes contained inbetween. The result holds even when considering only graphs with arbitrarily large girth. Furthermore, we ask the question of representing UGIGs on grids of minimal size. We show that the UGIGs that can be represented in a square of side length 1+epsilon, for a positive epsilon no greater than 1, are exactly the orthogonal ray graphs, and that there exist families of trees that need an arbitrarily large grid

    Interval-Like Graphs and Digraphs

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    We unify several seemingly different graph and digraph classes under one umbrella. These classes are all, broadly speaking, different generalizations of interval graphs, and include, in addition to interval graphs, adjusted interval digraphs, threshold graphs, complements of threshold tolerance graphs (known as `co-TT\u27 graphs), bipartite interval containment graphs, bipartite co-circular arc graphs, and two-directional orthogonal ray graphs. (The last three classes coincide, but have been investigated in different contexts.) This common view is made possible by introducing reflexive relationships (loops) into the analysis. We also show that all the above classes are united by a common ordering characterization, the existence of a min ordering. We propose a common generalization of all these graph and digraph classes, namely signed-interval digraphs, and show that they are precisely the digraphs that are characterized by the existence of a min ordering. We also offer an alternative geometric characterization of these digraphs. For most of the above graph and digraph classes, we show that they are exactly those signed-interval digraphs that satisfy a suitable natural restriction on the digraph, like having a loop on every vertex, or having a symmetric edge-set, or being bipartite. For instance, co-TT graphs are precisely those signed-interval digraphs that have each edge symmetric. We also offer some discussion of future work on recognition algorithms and characterizations

    Radiographic analysis of sedimentary structures and depositional histories in Apollo 15 cores

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    Radiographs of the Apollo 15 deepdrill drive tubes were analyzed on an SDS electronic enhancer to determine sedimentary structures in the core samples. The data obtained were compared with all other Apollo mission radiographs and used to make inferences on the character of sedimentary depositional processes on the lunar surface

    Empty Rectangles and Graph Dimension

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    We consider rectangle graphs whose edges are defined by pairs of points in diagonally opposite corners of empty axis-aligned rectangles. The maximum number of edges of such a graph on nn points is shown to be 1/4 n^2 +n -2. This number also has other interpretations: * It is the maximum number of edges of a graph of dimension \bbetween{3}{4}, i.e., of a graph with a realizer of the form \pi_1,\pi_2,\ol{\pi_1},\ol{\pi_2}. * It is the number of 1-faces in a special Scarf complex. The last of these interpretations allows to deduce the maximum number of empty axis-aligned rectangles spanned by 4-element subsets of a set of nn points. Moreover, it follows that the extremal point sets for the two problems coincide. We investigate the maximum number of of edges of a graph of dimension ≬34\between{3}{4}, i.e., of a graph with a realizer of the form \pi_1,\pi_2,\pi_3,\ol{\pi_3}. This maximum is shown to be 1/4n2+O(n)1/4 n^2 + O(n). Box graphs are defined as the 3-dimensional analog of rectangle graphs. The maximum number of edges of such a graph on nn points is shown to be 7/16n2+o(n2)7/16 n^2 + o(n^2)

    Graph isomorphism completeness for trapezoid graphs

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    The complexity of the graph isomorphism problem for trapezoid graphs has been open over a decade. This paper shows that the problem is GI-complete. More precisely, we show that the graph isomorphism problem is GI-complete for comparability graphs of partially ordered sets with interval dimension 2 and height 3. In contrast, the problem is known to be solvable in polynomial time for comparability graphs of partially ordered sets with interval dimension at most 2 and height at most 2.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Twistor theory on a finite graph

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    We show how the description of a shear-free ray congruence in Minkowski space as an evolving family of semi-conformal mappings can naturally be formulated on a finite graph. For this, we introduce the notion of holomorphic function on a graph. On a regular coloured graph of degree three, we recover the space-time picture. In the spirit of twistor theory, where a light ray is the more fundamental object from which space-time points should be derived, the line graph, whose points are the edges of the original graph, should be considered as the basic object. The Penrose twistor correspondence is discussed in this context

    Bounded-Angle Spanning Tree: Modeling Networks with Angular Constraints

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    We introduce a new structure for a set of points in the plane and an angle α\alpha, which is similar in flavor to a bounded-degree MST. We name this structure α\alpha-MST. Let PP be a set of points in the plane and let 0<α≤2π0 < \alpha \le 2\pi be an angle. An α\alpha-ST of PP is a spanning tree of the complete Euclidean graph induced by PP, with the additional property that for each point p∈Pp \in P, the smallest angle around pp containing all the edges adjacent to pp is at most α\alpha. An α\alpha-MST of PP is then an α\alpha-ST of PP of minimum weight. For α<π/3\alpha < \pi/3, an α\alpha-ST does not always exist, and, for α≥π/3\alpha \ge \pi/3, it always exists. In this paper, we study the problem of computing an α\alpha-MST for several common values of α\alpha. Motivated by wireless networks, we formulate the problem in terms of directional antennas. With each point p∈Pp \in P, we associate a wedge WpW_p of angle α\alpha and apex pp. The goal is to assign an orientation and a radius rpr_p to each wedge WpW_p, such that the resulting graph is connected and its MST is an α\alpha-MST. (We draw an edge between pp and qq if p∈Wqp \in W_q, q∈Wpq \in W_p, and ∣pq∣≤rp,rq|pq| \le r_p, r_q.) Unsurprisingly, the problem of computing an α\alpha-MST is NP-hard, at least for α=π\alpha=\pi and α=2π/3\alpha=2\pi/3. We present constant-factor approximation algorithms for α=π/2,2π/3,π\alpha = \pi/2, 2\pi/3, \pi. One of our major results is a surprising theorem for α=2π/3\alpha = 2\pi/3, which, besides being interesting from a geometric point of view, has important applications. For example, the theorem guarantees that given any set PP of 3n3n points in the plane and any partitioning of the points into nn triplets, one can orient the wedges of each triplet {\em independently}, such that the graph induced by PP is connected. We apply the theorem to the {\em antenna conversion} problem
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