30,870 research outputs found

    Monochromatic and Zero-Sum Sets of Nondecreasing Modified Diameter

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    Let m be a positive integer whose smallest prime divisor is denoted by p, and let Zm denote the cyclic group of residues modulo m. For a set B = {x1, x2, ..., xm} of m integers satisfying x1 {0, 1} (every coloring Delta : {1, ..., N} -> Zm), there exist two m-sets [see Abstract in the PDF]

    Semi-algebraic Ramsey numbers

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    Given a finite point set PRdP \subset \mathbb{R}^d, a kk-ary semi-algebraic relation EE on PP is the set of kk-tuples of points in PP, which is determined by a finite number of polynomial equations and inequalities in kdkd real variables. The description complexity of such a relation is at most tt if the number of polynomials and their degrees are all bounded by tt. The Ramsey number Rkd,t(s,n)R^{d,t}_k(s,n) is the minimum NN such that any NN-element point set PP in Rd\mathbb{R}^d equipped with a kk-ary semi-algebraic relation EE, such that EE has complexity at most tt, contains ss members such that every kk-tuple induced by them is in EE, or nn members such that every kk-tuple induced by them is not in EE. We give a new upper bound for Rkd,t(s,n)R^{d,t}_k(s,n) for k3k\geq 3 and ss fixed. In particular, we show that for fixed integers d,t,sd,t,s, R3d,t(s,n)2no(1),R^{d,t}_3(s,n) \leq 2^{n^{o(1)}}, establishing a subexponential upper bound on R3d,t(s,n)R^{d,t}_3(s,n). This improves the previous bound of 2nC2^{n^C} due to Conlon, Fox, Pach, Sudakov, and Suk, where CC is a very large constant depending on d,t,d,t, and ss. As an application, we give new estimates for a recently studied Ramsey-type problem on hyperplane arrangements in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. We also study multi-color Ramsey numbers for triangles in our semi-algebraic setting, achieving some partial results

    Commodity Taxation and Social Welfare: The Generalised Ramsey Rule

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    Commodity taxes have three distinct roles: (1) revenue collection, (2) interpersonal redistribution, and (3) resource allocation. The paper presents an integrated treatment of these three concerns in a second-best general equilibrium framework, which leads to the 'generalised Ramsey rule' for optimum taxation. We show how many standard results on optimum taxation and tax reform have a straightforward counterpart in this general framework. Using this framework, we also try to clarify the notion of 'deadweight loss' as well as the relation between alternative distributional assumptions and the structure of optimum taxes.Commodity taxation, efficiency, redistribution, shadow prices

    Computation of Equilibria in OLGModels with Many Heterogeneous Households

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    This paper develops a decomposition algorithm by which a market economy with many households may be solved through the computation of equilibria for a sequence of representative agent economies. The paper examines local and global convergence properties of the sequential recalibration (SR) algorithm. SR is then demonstrated to efficiently solve Auerbach- Kotlikoff OLG models with a large number of heterogeneous households. We approximate equilibria in OLG models by solving a sequence of related Ramsey optimal growth problems. This approach can provide improvements in both efficiency and robustness as compared with simultaneous solution methods.Computable general equilibrium, Overlapping generations, Microsimulation, Sequential recalibration

    Taxing capital income: a bad idea

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    Under a narrow set of assumptions, Chamley (1986) established that the optimal tax rate on capital income is eventually zero. This study examines and extends that result by relaxing Chamley’s assumptions, one by one, to see if the result still holds. It does. This study unifies the work of other researchers, who have confirmed the result independently using different types of models and approaches. This study uses just one type of model (discrete time) and just one approach (primal). Chamley’s result holds when agents are heterogeneous rather than identical, the economy’s growth rate is endogenous rather than exogenous, the economy is open rather than closed, and agents live in overlapping generations rather than forever. (With this last assumption, the result holds under stricter conditions than with the others.)Taxation

    Commodity Taxation and Social Welfare: The Generalised Ramsey Rule

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    Commodity taxes have three distinct roles: (1) revenue collection, (2) interpersonal redistribution, and (3) resource allocation. The paper presents an integrated treatment of these three concerns in a second-best general equilibrium framework, which leads to the "generalised Ramsey rule for optimum taxation. We show how many standard results on optimum taxation and tax reform have straightforward counterpart in this general framework. Using this framework, we also try to clarify the notion of "deadweight loss", as well as the relation between alternative distributional assumptions and the structure of optimum taxes.