243 research outputs found

    Assessing the influence of DEM source on derived streamline and catchment boundary accuracy

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    Accurate DEM-derived streamlines and catchment boundaries are essential for hydrological modelling. Due to the popularity of hydrological parameters derived mainly from free DEMs, it is essential to investigate the accuracy of these parameters. This study compared the spatial accuracy of streamlines and catchment boundaries derived from available digital elevation models in South Africa. Two versions of Stellenbosch University DEMs (SUDEM5 and DEMSA2), the second version of the 30 m advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer global digital elevation model (ASTER GDEM2), the 30 and 90 m shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM30 and SRTM90 DEM), and the 90 m Water Research Commission DEM (WRC DEM) were considered. As a reference, a 1 m GEOEYE DEM was generated from GeoEye stereo images. Catchment boundaries and streamlines were extracted from the DEMs using the Arc Hydro module. A reference catchment boundary was generated from the GEOEYE DEM and verified during field visits. Reference streamlines were digitised at a scale of 1:10 000 from the 1 m orthorectified GeoEye images. Visual inspection, as well as quantitative measures such as correctness index, mean absolute error, root mean squares error and figure of merit index were used to validate the results. The study affirmed that high resolution (<30 m) DEMs produce more accurate parameters and that DEM source and resampling techniques also play a role. However, if high resolution DEMs are not available, the 30 m SRTM DEM is recommended as its vertical accuracy was relatively high and the quality of the streamlines and catchment boundary was good. In addition, it was found that the novel Euclidean distancebased MAE and RMSE proposed in this study to compare reference and DEM-extracted raster datasets of different resolutions is a more reliable indicator of geometrical accuracy than the correctness and figure of merit indices.Keywords: hydrology, catchment delineation, digital elevation model, correctness index, figure of merit index, Euclidean distance inde


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    This research aims to determine the vertical accuracy of the Interferometric Digital Elevation Model (DEM) obtained from the processed Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data. The research compared the SRTM-GL1 (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission-Global 1) with 30-meter resolution and the following 90-meter resolution models: (a) EMBRAPA; (b) Hydrological data and maps based on Shuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales (HydroSHEDS) (HydroSHEDS), provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS); (c) Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research-Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-CSI); and (d) Jonathan de Ferranti. The accuracy analysis considered the diverse Brazilian regions, adopting 1,087 field points from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) trackers or topography methods. The Jonathan de Ferranti model achieved the best accuracy with RMSE of 9.61m among the 90-meter resolution models. Most SRTM models at 1:100,000 scale reached Grade A of the Cartographic Accuracy Standard. However, the accuracy at the 1: 50,000 scale did not achieve the same performance. SRTM errors are linearly related to slope and the most significant errors always occur in forest areas. The 30-meter resolution SRTM showed an accuracy of around 10% better (RMSE of 8.52m) than the model of Jonathan de Ferranti with 90-meter resolution (RMSE of 9.61m)


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    Glaciers in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia provide an estimated 10 % of the total water resources within the country. Yet, the number and area of glaciers within the Altai Mountains is inconsistent and conflicting. Glacier mapping attempts by previous author groups did not mention their mapping methods, data source, and/or date of analysis. Therefore, making it difficult to analyze and compare glacier base data. Due to a combination of climate change and land use management practices, the necessity of inventorying glaciers in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia is of great importance. The practice of glacier monitoring using remote sensing data provides the foundation for enlightened water resource management, vulnerability and adaptations to water shortages, climate change assessment, and glacier change detection. Implementing data acquired from Landsat Thematic Mapper, this glacier inventory developed an intuitive, robust, and inexpensive methodology to map glaciers in the Altai Mountains during 1990, 2000, and 2010. Along with the developed methodology, this study also defined a glacier definition, glaciated extents, and date of acquisition to ensure consistency for the future of glacier monitoring in the Altai Mountains. Furthermore, this study parameterized the glacier outlines using SRTM data, including equilibrium line altitude, mean slope, mean glacier terminus elevation, and aspect. Including data acquired from ASTER GDEM, this study found that surface lowering occurred on 82.3 % of all glaciers from between 2000 to 2008. The inventory includes an estimated total surface area of 540.57 km2 in 1990, 428 km2 (±17.20 %) in 2000, and 372.30 km2 (±17.17 %) in 2010. All glacier datasets will be made available to the public free of charge at www.glims.org for further analysis of glaciers in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia

    Quantum Mutual Information Capacity for High-Dimensional Entangled States

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    High-dimensional Hilbert spaces used for quantum communication channels offer the possibility of large data transmission capabilities. We propose a method of characterizing the channel capacity of an entangled photonic state in high-dimensional position and momentum bases. We use this method to measure the channel capacity of a parametric down-conversion state by measuring in up to 576 dimensions per detector. We achieve a channel capacity over 7  bits/photon in either the position or momentum basis. Furthermore, we provide a correspondingly high-dimensional separability bound that suggests that the channel performance cannot be replicated classically

    Engineering Room-temperature Superconductors via ab-initio Calculations

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    The BCS, or bosonic model of superconductivity, as Little and Ginzburg have first argued, can bring in superconductivity at room temperatures in the case of high-enough frequency of bosonic mode. It was further elucidated by Kirzhnits et al., that the condition for existence of high-temperature superconductivity is closely related to negative values of the real part of the dielectric function at finite values of the reciprocal lattice vectors. In view of these findings, the task is to calculate the dielectric function for real materials. Then the poles of this function will indicate the existence of bosonic excitations which can serve as a “glue” for Cooper pairing, and if the frequency is high enough, and the dielectric matrix is simultaneously negative, this material is a good candidate for very high-Tc superconductivity. Thus, our approach is to elaborate a methodology of ab-initio calculation of the dielectric function of various materials, and then point out appropriate candidates. We used the powerful codes (TDDF with the DP package in conjunction with ABINIT) for computing dielectric responses at finite values of the wave vectors in the reciprocal lattice space. Though our report is concerned with the particular problem of superconductivity, the application range of the data processing methodology is much wider. The ability to compute the dielectric function of existing and still non-existing (though being predicted!) materials will have many more repercussions not only in fundamental sciences but also in technology and industry

    Atmospheric and Ionospheric Coupling Phenomena Associated with Large Earthquakes

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    This paper explores multi-instrument space-borne observations in order to validate physical concepts of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) in relation to a selection of major seismic events. In this study we apply some validated techniques to observations in order to identify atmospheric and ionospheric precursors associated with some of recent most destructive earthquakes: M8.6 of March 28, 2005 and M8.5 of Sept. 12, 2007 in Sumatra, and M7.9 of May 12, 2008 in Wenchuan, China. New investigations are also presented concerning these three earthquakes and for the M7.2 of March 2008 in the Xinjiang-Xizang border region, China (the Yutian earthquake). It concerns the ionospheric density, the Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) of the Total Electron Content (TEC), the Thermal Infra-Red (TIR) anomalies, and the Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) data. It is shown that all these anomalies are identified as short-term precursors, which can be explained by the LAIC concept proposed in [S. Pulinets, D. Ouzounov, J. Asian Earth Sci. 41, 371 (2011)]

    Ternary Clifford Algebras

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    Ternary Clifford algebras are an essential ingredient in a cubic factorization of the Laplacian and using a ternary Clifford analysis build on such spaces one obtains a Dirac-type operator D such that D3 = Δ. This paper is a continuation of the work of the authors in describing properties of generalized ternary Clifford algebras. Here we explore a blade decomposition and symmetries of these algebras

    Carathéodory-Fejér Interpolation in the Ball

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    We use the theory of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces to solve a Carathéodory–Fejér interpolation problem in the class of Schur multipliers of the reproducing kernel Hilbert space of functions analytic in the unit ball of CN with reproducing kernel 11−∑1Nzkwk*

    The Pompeiu Formula for Slice Hyperholomorphic Functions

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    The fundamental result that makes complex analysis into a new discipline, independent from the theory of real variables, is the Cauchy formula, which allows the representation of any holomorphic function through a reproducing holomorphic kernel. This result is in fact an almost immediate application of the Stokes formula, which, in the more general case, offers an integral representation formula for c1 functions. This general representation formula is often known as the Pompeiu formula and can be stated as follows

    On Bitangential Interpolation in the Time Varying Setting for Hilbert-Schmidt Operators: The Continuous Case

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    The Hilbert space of lower triangular Hilbert–Schmidt operators on the real line is a natural analogue of the Hardy space of a half-plane, where the complex numbers are now replaced by matrix-valued functions. One can associate with a bounded operator its “values” at a matrix-valued function [see Ballet al.,Oper. Theory Adv. Appl.56(1992), 52–89], and this allows [see Ballet al.,Integral Equations Operator Theory20(1994), 1–43] to define and solve the analogue of the two-sided Nudelman interpolation problem for bounded operators (which form an analogue ofH∞(C+)). In this paper we consider the two-sided interpolation problem with a Hilbert–schmidt norm constraint (rather than the more common operator-norm constraint) on the interpolant