50 research outputs found

    On linear codes constructed from finite groups with a trivial Schur multiplier

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    Using a representation theoretic approach and considering G to be a finite primitive permutation group of degree n with a trivial Schur multiplier, we present a method to determine all binary linear codes of length n that admit G as a permutation automorphism group. In the non-binary case, we can still apply our method, but it will depend on the structure of the stabilizer of a point in the action of G. We show that every binary linear code admitting G as a permutation automorphism group is a submodule of a permutation module defined by a primitive action of G. As an illustration of the method, we consider G to be the sporadic simple group M11 and construct all binary linear codes invariant under G. We also construct some point- and block-primitive 1-designs from the supports of some codewords of the codes in discussion and compute their minimum distances, and in many instances we determine the stabilizers of the non-zero weight codewords

    Efficient Code for Relativistic Quantum Summoning

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    Summoning retrieves quantum information, prepared somewhere in spacetime, at another specified point in spacetime, but this task is limited by the quantum no-cloning principle and the speed-of-light bound. We develop a thorough mathematical framework for summoning quantum information in a relativistic system and formulate a quantum summoning protocol for any valid configuration of causal diamonds in spacetime. For single-qubit summoning, we present a protocol based on a Calderbank-Shor-Steane code that decreases the space complexity for encoding by a factor of two compared to the previous best result and reduces the gate complexity from scaling as the cube to the square of the number of causal diamonds. Our protocol includes decoding whose gate complexity scales linearly with the number of causal diamonds. Our thorough framework for quantum summoning enables full specification of the protocol, including spatial and temporal implementation and costs, which enables quantum summoning to be a well posed protocol for relativistic quantum communication purposes.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    2-modular representations of the alternating group A_8 as binary codes

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    Through a modular representation theoretical approach we enumerate all non-trivial codes from the 2-modular representations of A8, using a chain of maximal submodules of a permutation module induced by the action of A8 on objects such as points, Steiner S(3,4,8) systems, duads, bisections and triads. Using the geometry of these objects we attempt to gain some insight into the nature of possible codewords, particularly those of minimum weight. Several sets of non-trivial codewords in the codes examined constitute single orbits of the automorphism groups that are stabilized by maximal subgroups. Many self-orthogonal codes invariant under A8 are obtained, and moreover, 22 optimal codes all invariant under A8 are constructed. Finally, we establish that there are no self-dual codes of lengths 28 and 56 invariant under A8 and S8 respectively, and in particular no self-dual doubly-even code of length 56

    On triply even binary codes

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    A triply even code is a binary linear code in which the weight of every codeword is divisible by 8. We show how two doubly even codes of lengths m_1 and m_2 can be combined to make a triply even code of length m_1+m_2, and then prove that every maximal triply even code of length 48 can be obtained by combining two doubly even codes of length 24 in a certain way. Using this result, we show that there are exactly 10 maximal triply even codes of length 48 up to equivalence.Comment: 21 pages + appendix of 10 pages. Minor revisio

    Tailoring surface codes: Improvements in quantum error correction with biased noise

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    For quantum computers to reach their full potential will require error correction. We study the surface code, one of the most promising quantum error correcting codes, in the context of predominantly dephasing (Z-biased) noise, as found in many quantum architectures. We find that the surface code is highly resilient to Y-biased noise, and tailor it to Z-biased noise, whilst retaining its practical features. We demonstrate ultrahigh thresholds for the tailored surface code: ~39% with a realistic bias of = 100, and ~50% with pure Z noise, far exceeding known thresholds for the standard surface code: ~11% with pure Z noise, and ~19% with depolarizing noise. Furthermore, we provide strong evidence that the threshold of the tailored surface code tracks the hashing bound for all biases. We reveal the hidden structure of the tailored surface code with pure Z noise that is responsible for these ultrahigh thresholds. As a consequence, we prove that its threshold with pure Z noise is 50%, and we show that its distance to Z errors, and the number of failure modes, can be tuned by modifying its boundary. For codes with appropriately modified boundaries, the distance to Z errors is O(n) compared to O(n1/2) for square codes, where n is the number of physical qubits. We demonstrate that these characteristics yield a significant improvement in logical error rate with pure Z and Z-biased noise. Finally, we introduce an efficient approach to decoding that exploits code symmetries with respect to a given noise model, and extends readily to the fault-tolerant context, where measurements are unreliable. We use this approach to define a decoder for the tailored surface code with Z-biased noise. Although the decoder is suboptimal, we observe exceptionally high fault-tolerant thresholds of ~5% with bias = 100 and exceeding 6% with pure Z noise. Our results open up many avenues of research and, recent developments in bias-preserving gates, highlight their direct relevance to experiment

    Fault-tolerance in two-dimensional topological systems

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    This thesis is a collection of ideas with the general goal of building, at least in the abstract, a local fault-tolerant quantum computer. The connection between quantum information and topology has proven to be an active area of research in several fields. The introduction of the toric code by Alexei Kitaev demonstrated the usefulness of topology for quantum memory and quantum computation. Many quantum codes used for quantum memory are modeled by spin systems on a lattice, with operators that extract syndrome information placed on vertices or faces of the lattice. It is natural to wonder whether the useful codes in such systems can be classified. This thesis presents work that leverages ideas from topology and graph theory to explore the space of such codes. Homological stabilizer codes are introduced and it is shown that, under a set of reasonable assumptions, any qubit homological stabilizer code is equivalent to either a toric code or a color code. Additionally, the toric code and the color code correspond to distinct classes of graphs. Many systems have been proposed as candidate quantum computers. It is very desirable to design quantum computing architectures with two-dimensional layouts and low complexity in parity-checking circuitry. Kitaev\u27s surface codes provided the first example of codes satisfying this property. They provided a new route to fault tolerance with more modest overheads and thresholds approaching 1%. The recently discovered color codes share many properties with the surface codes, such as the ability to perform syndrome extraction locally in two dimensions. Some families of color codes admit a transversal implementation of the entire Clifford group. This work investigates color codes on the 4.8.8 lattice known as triangular codes. I develop a fault-tolerant error-correction strategy for these codes in which repeated syndrome measurements on this lattice generate a three-dimensional space-time combinatorial structure. I then develop an integer program that analyzes this structure and determines the most likely set of errors consistent with the observed syndrome values. I implement this integer program to find the threshold for depolarizing noise on small versions of these triangular codes. Because the threshold for magic-state distillation is likely to be higher than this value and because logical CNOT gates can be performed by code deformation in a single block instead of between pairs of blocks, the threshold for fault-tolerant quantum memory for these codes is also the threshold for fault-tolerant quantum computation with them. Since the advent of a threshold theorem for quantum computers much has been improved upon. Thresholds have increased, architectures have become more local, and gate sets have been simplified. The overhead for magic-state distillation has been studied, but not nearly to the extent of the aforementioned topics. A method for greatly reducing this overhead, known as reusable magic states, is studied here. While examples of reusable magic states exist for Clifford gates, I give strong reasons to believe they do not exist for non-Clifford gates