26,631 research outputs found

    A Study on the Automatic Ship Control Based on Adaptive Neural Networks

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    Recently, dynamic models of marine ships are often required to design advanced control systems. In practice, the dynamics of marine ships are highly nonlinear and are affected by highly nonlinear, uncertain external disturbances. This results in parametric and structural uncertainties in the dynamic model, and requires the need for advanced robust control techniques. There are two fundamental control approaches to consider the uncertainty in the dynamic model: robust control and adaptive control. The robust control approach consists of designing a controller with a fixed structure that yields an acceptable performance over the full range of process variations. On the other hand, the adaptive control approach is to design a controller that can adapt itself to the process uncertainties in such a way that adequate control performance is guaranteed. In adaptive control, one of the common assumptions is that the dynamic model is linearly parameterizable with a fixed dynamic structure. Based on this assumption, unknown or slowly varying parameters are found adaptively. However, structural uncertainty is not considered in the existing control techniques. To cope with the nonlinear and uncertain natures of the controlled ships, an adaptive neural network (NN) control technique is developed in this thesis. The developed neural network controller (NNC) is based on the adaptive neural network by adaptive interaction (ANNAI). To enhance the adaptability of the NNC, an algorithm for automatic selection of its parameters at every control cycle is introduced. The proposed ANNAI controller is then modified and applied to some ship control problems. Firstly, an ANNAI-based heading control system for ship is proposed. The performance of the ANNAI-based heading control system in course-keeping and turning control is simulated on a mathematical ship model using computer. For comparison, a NN heading control system using conventional backpropagation (BP) training methods is also designed and simulated in similar situations. The improvements of ANNAI-based heading control system compared to the conventional BP one are discussed. Secondly, an adaptive ANNAI-based track control system for ship is developed by upgrading the proposed ANNAI controller and combining with Line-of-Sight (LOS) guidance algorithm. The off-track distance from ship position to the intended track is included in learning process of the ANNAI controller. This modification results in an adaptive NN track control system which can adapt with the unpredictable change of external disturbances. The performance of the ANNAI-based track control system is then demonstrated by computer simulations under the influence of external disturbances. Thirdly, another application of the ANNAI controller is presented. The ANNAI controller is modified to control ship heading and speed in low-speed maneuvering of ship. Being combined with a proposed berthing guidance algorithm, the ANNAI controller becomes an automatic berthing control system. The computer simulations using model of a container ship are carried out and shows good performance. Lastly, a hybrid neural adaptive controller which is independent of the exact mathematical model of ship is designed for dynamic positioning (DP) control. The ANNAI controllers are used in parallel with a conventional proportional-derivative (PD) controller to adaptively compensate for the environmental effects and minimize positioning as well as tracking error. The control law is simulated on a multi-purpose supply ship. The results are found to be encouraging and show the potential advantages of the neural-control scheme.1. Introduction = 1 1.1 Background and Motivations = 1 1.1.1 The History of Automatic Ship Control = 1 1.1.2 The Intelligent Control Systems = 2 1.2 Objectives and Summaries = 6 1.3 Original Distributions and Major Achievements = 7 1.4 Thesis Organization = 8 2. Adaptive Neural Network by Adaptive Interaction = 9 2.1 Introduction = 9 2.2 Adaptive Neural Network by Adaptive Interaction = 11 2.2.1 Direct Neural Network Control Applications = 11 2.2.2 Description of the ANNAI Controller = 13 2.3 Training Method of the ANNAI Controller = 17 2.3.1 Intensive BP Training = 17 2.3.2 Moderate BP Training = 17 2.3.3 Training Method of the ANNAI Controller = 18 3. ANNAI-based Heading Control System = 21 3.1 Introduction = 21 3.2 Heading Control System = 22 3.3 Simulation Results = 26 3.3.1 Fixed Values of n and = 28 3.3.2 With adaptation of n and r = 33 3.4 Conclusion = 39 4. ANNAI-based Track Control System = 41 4.1 Introduction = 41 4.2 Track Control System = 42 4.3 Simulation Results = 48 4.3.1 Modules for Guidance using MATLAB = 48 4.3.2 M-Maps Toolbox for MATLAB = 49 4.3.3 Ship Model = 50 4.3.4 External Disturbances and Noise = 50 4.3.5 Simulation Results = 51 4.4 Conclusion = 55 5. ANNAI-based Berthing Control System = 57 5.1 Introduction = 57 5.2 Berthing Control System = 58 5.2.1 Control of Ship Heading = 59 5.2.2 Control of Ship Speed = 61 5.2.3 Berthing Guidance Algorithm = 63 5.3 Simulation Results = 66 5.3.1 Simulation Setup = 66 5.3.2 Simulation Results and Discussions = 67 5.4 Conclusion = 79 6. ANNAI-based Dynamic Positioning System = 80 6.1 Introduction = 80 6.2 Dynamic Positioning System = 81 6.2.1 Station-keeping Control = 82 6.2.2 Low-speed Maneuvering Control = 86 6.3 Simulation Results = 88 6.3.1 Station-keeping = 89 6.3.2 Low-speed Maneuvering = 92 6.4 Conclusion = 98 7. Conclusions and Recommendations = 100 7.1 Conclusion = 100 7.1.1 ANNAI Controller = 100 7.1.2 Heading Control System = 101 7.1.3 Track Control System = 101 7.1.4 Berthing Control System = 102 7.1.5 Dynamic Positioning System = 102 7.2 Recommendations for Future Research = 103 References = 104 Appendixes A = 112 Appendixes B = 11

    Rudder roll stabilization for ships

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    This paper describes the design of an autopilot for rudder roll stabilization for ships. This autopilot uses the rudder not only for course keeping but also for reduction of the roll. The system has a series of properties which make the controller design far from straightforward: the process has only one input (the rudder angle) and two outputs (the heading and the roll angle); the transfer from rudder to roll is non-minimum-phase; because large and high-frequency rudder motions are necessary, the non-linearities of the steering machine cannot be disregarded; the disturbances caused by the waves vary considerably in amplitude and frequency spectrum.\ud \ud In order to solve these problems a new approach to the LQG method has been developed. The control algorithms were tested by means of computer simulations, scale-model experiments and full-scale trials at sea. The results indicate that a rudder roll stabilization system is able to reduce the roll as well as a conventional fin stabilization system, while it requires less investments. Based on the results obtained in this project the Royal Netherlands Navy has decided to implement rudder roll stabilization on a series of ships under construction at this moment

    Optimal Universal Controllers for Roll Stabilization

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    Roll stabilization is an important problem of ship motion control. This problem becomes especially difficult if the same set of actuators (e.g. a single rudder) has to be used for roll stabilization and heading control of the vessel, so that the roll stabilizing system interferes with the ship autopilot. Finding the "trade-off" between the concurrent goals of accurate vessel steering and roll stabilization usually reduces to an optimization problem, which has to be solved in presence of an unknown wave disturbance. Standard approaches to this problem (loop-shaping, LQG, HH_{\infty}-control etc.) require to know the spectral density of the disturbance, considered to be a \colored noise". In this paper, we propose a novel approach to optimal roll stabilization, approximating the disturbance by a polyharmonic signal with known frequencies yet uncertain amplitudes and phase shifts. Linear quadratic optimization problems in presence of polyharmonic disturbances can be solved by means of the theory of universal controllers developed by V.A. Yakubovich. An optimal universal controller delivers the optimal solution for any uncertain amplitudes and phases. Using Marine Systems Simulator (MSS) Toolbox that provides a realistic vessel's model, we compare our design method with classical approaches to optimal roll stabilization. Among three controllers providing the same quality of yaw steering, OUC stabilizes the roll motion most efficiently

    A Supervisor for Control of Mode-switch Process

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    Many processes operate only around a limited number of operation points. In order to have adequate control around each operation point, and adaptive controller could be used. When the operation point changes often, a large number of parameters would have to be adapted over and over again. This makes application of conventional adaptive control unattractive, which is more suited for processes with slowly changing parameters. Furthermore, continuous adaptation is not always needed or desired. An extension of adaptive control is presented, in which for each operation point the process behaviour can be stored in a memory, retrieved from it and evaluated. These functions are co-ordinated by a ¿supervisor¿. This concept is referred to as a supervisor for control of mode-switch processes. It leads to an adaptive control structure which quickly adjusts the controller parameters based on retrieval of old information, without the need to fully relearn each time. This approach has been tested on experimental set-ups of a flexible beam and of a flexible two-link robot arm, but it is directly applicable to other processes, for instance, in the (petro) chemical industry


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    In this paper, the heading control of a large ship is enhanced with a specific end goal, to check the unwanted impact of the waves on the actuator framework. The Nomoto model is investigated to describe the ship’s guiding progression. First and second order models are considered here. The viability of the models is examined based on the principal properties of the Nomoto model. Different controllers are proposed, these are Proportional Integral Derivative (PID), Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and Model Reference Adaptive Control Genetic optimization Algorithm (MRAC-GA) for a ship heading control. The results show that the MRAC-GA controller provides the best results to satisfy the design requirements. The Matlab/Simulink tool is utilized to demonstrate the proposed arrangement in the control loop

    Ship Course Keeping Using Different Sliding Mode Controllers

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    This study addresses three sliding mode heading controllers for dealing with uncertain wave disturbances. A nonlinear steering model is derived, and the feedback linearization method is chosen to simplify the nonlinear system in this study. The adaptive method and disturbance observer technique are proposed for course keeping and ensuring robust performance of the time varying wave moment and actuator dynamics. Finally, the simulation results on a navy ship illustrate the effectiveness of the presented control algorithms for course keeping

    Automatic Control and Routing of Marine Vessels

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    Due to the intensive development of the global economy, many problems are constantly emerging connected to the safety of ships’ motion in the context of increasing marine traffic. These problems seem to be especially significant for the further development of marine transportation services, with the need to considerably increase their efficiency and reliability. One of the most commonly used approaches to ensuring safety and efficiency is the wide implementation of various automated systems for guidance and control, including such popular systems as marine autopilots, dynamic positioning systems, speed control systems, automatic routing installations, etc. This Special Issue focuses on various problems related to the analysis, design, modelling, and operation of the aforementioned systems. It covers such actual problems as tracking control, path following control, ship weather routing, course keeping control, control of autonomous underwater vehicles, ship collision avoidance. These problems are investigated using methods such as neural networks, sliding mode control, genetic algorithms, L2-gain approach, optimal damping concept, fuzzy logic and others. This Special Issue is intended to present and discuss significant contemporary problems in the areas of automatic control and the routing of marine vessels

    An improved control algorithm for ship course keeping based on nonlinear feedback and decoration

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