18,545 research outputs found

    Steered mixture-of-experts for light field images and video : representation and coding

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    Research in light field (LF) processing has heavily increased over the last decade. This is largely driven by the desire to achieve the same level of immersion and navigational freedom for camera-captured scenes as it is currently available for CGI content. Standardization organizations such as MPEG and JPEG continue to follow conventional coding paradigms in which viewpoints are discretely represented on 2-D regular grids. These grids are then further decorrelated through hybrid DPCM/transform techniques. However, these 2-D regular grids are less suited for high-dimensional data, such as LFs. We propose a novel coding framework for higher-dimensional image modalities, called Steered Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE). Coherent areas in the higher-dimensional space are represented by single higher-dimensional entities, called kernels. These kernels hold spatially localized information about light rays at any angle arriving at a certain region. The global model consists thus of a set of kernels which define a continuous approximation of the underlying plenoptic function. We introduce the theory of SMoE and illustrate its application for 2-D images, 4-D LF images, and 5-D LF video. We also propose an efficient coding strategy to convert the model parameters into a bitstream. Even without provisions for high-frequency information, the proposed method performs comparable to the state of the art for low-to-mid range bitrates with respect to subjective visual quality of 4-D LF images. In case of 5-D LF video, we observe superior decorrelation and coding performance with coding gains of a factor of 4x in bitrate for the same quality. At least equally important is the fact that our method inherently has desired functionality for LF rendering which is lacking in other state-of-the-art techniques: (1) full zero-delay random access, (2) light-weight pixel-parallel view reconstruction, and (3) intrinsic view interpolation and super-resolution

    Video Registration in Egocentric Vision under Day and Night Illumination Changes

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    With the spread of wearable devices and head mounted cameras, a wide range of application requiring precise user localization is now possible. In this paper we propose to treat the problem of obtaining the user position with respect to a known environment as a video registration problem. Video registration, i.e. the task of aligning an input video sequence to a pre-built 3D model, relies on a matching process of local keypoints extracted on the query sequence to a 3D point cloud. The overall registration performance is strictly tied to the actual quality of this 2D-3D matching, and can degrade if environmental conditions such as steep changes in lighting like the ones between day and night occur. To effectively register an egocentric video sequence under these conditions, we propose to tackle the source of the problem: the matching process. To overcome the shortcomings of standard matching techniques, we introduce a novel embedding space that allows us to obtain robust matches by jointly taking into account local descriptors, their spatial arrangement and their temporal robustness. The proposal is evaluated using unconstrained egocentric video sequences both in terms of matching quality and resulting registration performance using different 3D models of historical landmarks. The results show that the proposed method can outperform state of the art registration algorithms, in particular when dealing with the challenges of night and day sequences

    Orthogonal Codes for Robust Low-Cost Communication

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    Orthogonal coding schemes, known to asymptotically achieve the capacity per unit cost (CPUC) for single-user ergodic memoryless channels with a zero-cost input symbol, are investigated for single-user compound memoryless channels, which exhibit uncertainties in their input-output statistical relationships. A minimax formulation is adopted to attain robustness. First, a class of achievable rates per unit cost (ARPUC) is derived, and its utility is demonstrated through several representative case studies. Second, when the uncertainty set of channel transition statistics satisfies a convexity property, optimization is performed over the class of ARPUC through utilizing results of minimax robustness. The resulting CPUC lower bound indicates the ultimate performance of the orthogonal coding scheme, and coincides with the CPUC under certain restrictive conditions. Finally, still under the convexity property, it is shown that the CPUC can generally be achieved, through utilizing a so-called mixed strategy in which an orthogonal code contains an appropriate composition of different nonzero-cost input symbols.Comment: 2nd revision, accepted for publicatio

    Low-Rank Matrices on Graphs: Generalized Recovery & Applications

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    Many real world datasets subsume a linear or non-linear low-rank structure in a very low-dimensional space. Unfortunately, one often has very little or no information about the geometry of the space, resulting in a highly under-determined recovery problem. Under certain circumstances, state-of-the-art algorithms provide an exact recovery for linear low-rank structures but at the expense of highly inscalable algorithms which use nuclear norm. However, the case of non-linear structures remains unresolved. We revisit the problem of low-rank recovery from a totally different perspective, involving graphs which encode pairwise similarity between the data samples and features. Surprisingly, our analysis confirms that it is possible to recover many approximate linear and non-linear low-rank structures with recovery guarantees with a set of highly scalable and efficient algorithms. We call such data matrices as \textit{Low-Rank matrices on graphs} and show that many real world datasets satisfy this assumption approximately due to underlying stationarity. Our detailed theoretical and experimental analysis unveils the power of the simple, yet very novel recovery framework \textit{Fast Robust PCA on Graphs

    Recognizing recurrent neural networks (rRNN): Bayesian inference for recurrent neural networks

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are widely used in computational neuroscience and machine learning applications. In an RNN, each neuron computes its output as a nonlinear function of its integrated input. While the importance of RNNs, especially as models of brain processing, is undisputed, it is also widely acknowledged that the computations in standard RNN models may be an over-simplification of what real neuronal networks compute. Here, we suggest that the RNN approach may be made both neurobiologically more plausible and computationally more powerful by its fusion with Bayesian inference techniques for nonlinear dynamical systems. In this scheme, we use an RNN as a generative model of dynamic input caused by the environment, e.g. of speech or kinematics. Given this generative RNN model, we derive Bayesian update equations that can decode its output. Critically, these updates define a 'recognizing RNN' (rRNN), in which neurons compute and exchange prediction and prediction error messages. The rRNN has several desirable features that a conventional RNN does not have, for example, fast decoding of dynamic stimuli and robustness to initial conditions and noise. Furthermore, it implements a predictive coding scheme for dynamic inputs. We suggest that the Bayesian inversion of recurrent neural networks may be useful both as a model of brain function and as a machine learning tool. We illustrate the use of the rRNN by an application to the online decoding (i.e. recognition) of human kinematics
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