172 research outputs found

    Reliable Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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    A mobile wireless ad hoc network (MANET) consists of a group of mobile nodes communicating wirelessly with no fixed infrastructure. Each node acts as source or receiver, and all play a role in path discovery and packet routing. MANETs are growing in popularity due to multiple usage models, ease of deployment and recent advances in hardware with which to implement them. MANETs are a natural environment for multicasting, or group communication, where one source transmits data packets through the network to multiple receivers. Proposed applications for MANET group communication ranges from personal network apps, impromptu small scale business meetings and gatherings, to conference, academic or sports complex presentations for large crowds reflect the wide range of conditions such a protocol must handle. Other applications such as covert military operations, search and rescue, disaster recovery and emergency response operations reflect the mission critical nature of many ad hoc applications. Reliable data delivery is important for all categories, but vital for this last one. It is a feature that a MANET group communication protocol must provide. Routing protocols for MANETs are challenged with establishing and maintaining data routes through the network in the face of mobility, bandwidth constraints and power limitations. Multicast communication presents additional challenges to protocols. In this dissertation we study reliability in multicast MANET routing protocols. Several on-demand multicast protocols are discussed and their performance compared. Then a new reliability protocol, R-ODMRP is presented that runs on top of ODMRP, a well documented best effort protocol with high reliability. This protocol is evaluated against ODMRP in a standard network simulator, ns-2. Next, reliable multicast MANET protocols are discussed and compared. We then present a second new protocol, Reyes, also a reliable on-demand multicast communication protocol. Reyes is implemented in the ns-2 simulator and compared against the current standards for reliability, flooding and ODMRP. R-ODMRP is used as a comparison point as well. Performance results are comprehensively described for latency, bandwidth and reliable data delivery. The simulations show Reyes to greatly outperform the other protocols in terms of reliability, while also outperforming R-ODMRP in terms of latency and bandwidth overhead

    Resilient-ODMRP: Resilient On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol

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    (On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol) [5] [7] [1] is a popular multicast protocol for wireless ad hoc networks. The strengths of ODMRP are simplicity, high packet delivery ratio, and non-dependency on a specific unicast protocol. ODMRP floods a route request over the entire network to select a set of forwarding nodes for packet delivery. However, a single forwarding path is vulnerable to node failures, which are common due to the dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks. Furthermore, a set of misbehaving or malicious nodes can create network partitions and mount Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. We propose a ODMRP-based wireless multicast protocol named Resilient-ODMRP that offers more reliable forwarding paths in face of node and network failures. A subset of the nodes that are not on forwarding paths rebroadcast received packets to nodes in their neighborhoods to overcome perceived node failures. This rebroadcasting creates redundant forwarding paths to circumvent failed areas in the network. Each node makes this forwarding decision probabilistically. Our simulation results indicate that Resilient-ODMRP improves packet delivery ratio with minimal overheads, while retaining the original strengths of ODMRP

    A Review of the Energy Efficient and Secure Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    This paper presents a thorough survey of recent work addressing energy efficient multicast routing protocols and secure multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). There are so many issues and solutions which witness the need of energy management and security in ad hoc wireless networks. The objective of a multicast routing protocol for MANETs is to support the propagation of data from a sender to all the receivers of a multicast group while trying to use the available bandwidth efficiently in the presence of frequent topology changes. Multicasting can improve the efficiency of the wireless link when sending multiple copies of messages by exploiting the inherent broadcast property of wireless transmission. Secure multicast routing plays a significant role in MANETs. However, offering energy efficient and secure multicast routing is a difficult and challenging task. In recent years, various multicast routing protocols have been proposed for MANETs. These protocols have distinguishing features and use different mechanismsComment: 15 page

    MALMR: Medium Access Level Multicast Routing For Congestion Avoidance in Multicast Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Protocol

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    This paper is focused on a new solution for congestion avoidance in ad hoc multicast routing by bearing the congestion situations. As the routing strategy belongs to Medium Access Level, the routing strategy is named Medium Access Level Multicast Routing short MALMR. MALMR is aimed at Congestion Avoidance in Multicast Mobile Ad hoc routing protocol. The present MAC level routing strategy is independent which can work with any multicast routing protocol irrespective of tree or mesh structure. During the study of MALMR performance, the MALMR tested along with On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol where simulation results proved that MALMR raises the performance of ODMRP in order of magnitude

    A receiver-initiated soft-state probabilistic multicasting protocol in wireless ad hoc networks

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    A novel Receiver-Initiated Soft-State Probabilistic multicasting protocol (RISP) for mobile ad hoc network is proposed in this paper. RISP introduces probabilistic forwarding and soft-state for making relay decisions. Multicast members periodically initiate control packets, through which intermediate nodes adjust the forwarding probability. With a probability decay function (soft-state), routes traversed by more control packets are reinforced, while the less utilized paths are gradually relinquished. In this way, RISP can adapt to node mobility: at low mobility, RISP performs similar to a tree-based protocol; at high mobility, it produces a multicast mesh in the network. Simulation results show RISP has lower delivery redundancy than meshbased protocols, while achieving higher delivery ratio. Further, the control overhead is lower than other compared protocols. © 2005 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Na neizrazitoj logici zasnovano upravljanje frekvencijom za ODMRP u mobilnim ad hoc mrežama

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    On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) is a popular solution designed for ad hoc networks with mobile hosts. Its efficiency, simplicity, and robustness to mobility render it one of the most widely used multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANET). In ODMRP, there is no input rate control for upper layer traffic. So, it’s possible that high dense traffic flow causes congestion in networks. In this work, an enhancement to ODMRP is proposed referred to as fuzzy logic based Rate Control ODMRP (FRC-ODMRP). FRC-ODMRP attempts to adapt the arrival rate from upper layers to the state in the network by using feedback information from receivers of the multicast group. Accordingly, source comes up with a decision whether to increase or decrease its transmission rate based on information collected from the receivers. In this research, delay and packet delivery ratio reconsidered as indicators of congestion in addition to number of received packets. Simulation results demonstrate that FRC-ODMRP achieves significant performance improvements in comparison to conventional ODMRP and QoS-ODMRP. Indeed, it efficiently handles simultaneous traffic flows such that no one could dominate available bandwidth of networks.On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) popularno je rješenje namijenjeno ad hoc mrežama s mobilnim domaćinima. Efikasnost, jednostavnost i robusnost u smislu mobilnosti učini su ovu metodu jednom od najraširenijih multicast protokola u ad hoc mobilnim mrežam (eng. MANET). Kod ODMRP-a nema upravljanja ulaznom frekvencijom za promet višeg sloja. Zbog toga je moguće da gusti promet uzrokuje zagušenje u mrežama. U ovome je radu predstavljeno poboljšanje ODMRP-a nazvano ODMRP zasnovan na fuzzy logici (FRC-ODRMP). FRC-ODRMP pokušava prilagoditi dolazne signale iz viših slojeva stanju u mreži koristeći povratnu informaciju od primatelja iz multicast grupe. Prilikom istraživanja dodatno je uzet omjer kašnjenja i dostavljenih paketa kao pokazatelj zagušenosti mreže uz broj dostavljenih paketa. Simulacijski rezultati pokazuju kako FRC-ODMRP značajno poboljšava performanse u odnosu na konvencionalni ODMRP i Qos-ODMRP. Dodatno, simultani promet efikasno je upravljan tako da nitko ne može dominirati dostupnom propusnošću mreže

    Evaluation Comparison of Mesh-Based routing Protocols in MANET

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    A multicast routing protocol manages group membership and controls the path that multicast data takes over the network in mobile ad hoc network. This process is done through either tree-based or mesh-based protocols. The mesh-based protocols are more reliable and robust against the tree based protocols. One of the most used on-demand multicast routing protocol is ODMRP (On-Demand Routing Protocol). However, it has the significant overhead due to redundant data delivery group and path maintenance. This overhead has been eliminated through the forwarding node reduction and link break time prediction algorithm (FNRLP). This work aims to exhibit the performance characteristics of mesh-based on-demand multicast routing protocols ODMRP and ODMRP-FNRLP

    A receiver-initiated soft-state probabilistic multicasting protocol in wireless ad hoc networks

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    A novel Receiver-Initiated Soft-State Probabilistic multicasting protocol (RISP) for mobile ad hoc network is proposed in this paper. RISP introduces probabilistic forwarding and soft-state for making relay decisions. Multicast members periodically initiate control packets, through which intermediate nodes adjust the forwarding probability. With a probability decay function (soft-state), routes traversed by more control packets are reinforced, while the less utilized paths are gradually relinquished. In this way, RISP can adapt to node mobility: at low mobility, RISP performs similar to a tree-based protocol; at high mobility, it produces a multicast mesh in the network. Simulation results show RISP has lower delivery redundancy than meshbased protocols, while achieving higher delivery ratio. Further, the control overhead is lower than other compared protocols. © 2005 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Multicast Routing Algorithms and Failure Analyses for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication Networks

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    In the rapidly changing environment of mobile communications, the importance of the mobile satellite (e,g,, low earth orbit satellites (LEOsats)) networks will increase due to their global visibility and connection. Multicasting is an effective communication method in terms of frequency spectrum usage for a LEO network. It is devised to provide lower network traffic (i,e,, one-to-many transmissions). This research examines the system performance of two dissimilar terrestrially-based multicasting protocols: the Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) and the On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP). These two protocols are simulated in large group membership density and in the presence of satellite failures. Two different algorithms are developed and used to select critical satellites for degrading a LEO network constellation. The simulation results show that the ODMRP protocol successfully reconfigured routes in large group membership density areas and in satellite failure conditions. Results also show that the ODMRP provided reliable packet delivery. However, ODMRP showed an enormous end-to-end delay in severe satellite failure conditions. This result is attributable to the delayed route refreshing procedure of ODMRP. In contrast, the DVMRP suffered from broken routes and complexity in the large group membership density and in satellite failure conditions. It had a smaller packet delivery ratio than the ODMRP (approximately 85,5% versus 98,9% for the 80 user case). The DVMRP showed scalable and stable end-to-end delay under multiple failed satellite conditions. The large group membership density and the multiple satellite failure conditions provide a more complete assessment for these two protocols

    ADMP: an adaptive multicast routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks

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    We present ADMP, the adaptive mesh-based multicast routing protocol, in which nodes are able to independently tune the amount of redundancy used to transmit data packets with the goal of improving the overall packet delivery ratio while keeping the retransmission overhead as low as possible. ADMP is based on a novel distributed algorithm for computing connected dominating sets. ADMP uses a single type of control packet, called multicast announcement, which is used to build the meshes of multicast groups, elect the core of each mesh and obtain two-hop neighborhood information. Using detailed simulations for different scenarios, we show that ADMP achieves similar or better reliability than two mesh-based multicast protocols that are very resilient (ODMRP and PUMA) while inducing low packet retransmission overhead.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI