252,356 research outputs found

    The Influence of Perceived Risk on the uptake of Mobile Money Services by SMEs Operations in Karagwe District, Tanzania

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    Mobile money services (MMS) USAge through mobile phones and other ICT tools has increased with time and dramatically pave the way in business communication among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania. Some of SME operators in Karagwe District are escaping from MMS USAge due to perceived risk associated with financial communication and hence pulls down its USAge. The growth of MMS and perceived risk embodied in it is taking a crucial part in business communication. A study sought to analyse the influences of perceived risk on MMS USAge to support SME business undertaking. Perceived risk theory was reviewed and become a corners stone for this study. It can be recalled that, risk is the stake in use and individual feeling which is subjected in certainty. Variables in mobile MMS USAge including financial risk, performance risk and SME business operation were identified and measured using quantitative techniques. Questionnaires were designed to collect data from all respondent. Data were collected from 154 runners of micro, small and medium enterprises using simple random sampling method. Data were analysed by sing SPSS version 22 in which descriptive analysis were used to analyses demographic data while factor analysis were used to test the study hypothesis. The study found that financial and operational risks are negatively and significantly influences MMS USAge in business operation. This study highlights remedial action for players of MMS in business operation which will facilitate to mitigate perceived risk and enhance smooth running SME business orientation. Furthermore, the study recommends that the Government should institute the developed ICT policies and other legislation to enforce MMS USAge security and regulate its uptakes

    Heavy Hitters and the Structure of Local Privacy

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    We present a new locally differentially private algorithm for the heavy hitters problem which achieves optimal worst-case error as a function of all standardly considered parameters. Prior work obtained error rates which depend optimally on the number of users, the size of the domain, and the privacy parameter, but depend sub-optimally on the failure probability. We strengthen existing lower bounds on the error to incorporate the failure probability, and show that our new upper bound is tight with respect to this parameter as well. Our lower bound is based on a new understanding of the structure of locally private protocols. We further develop these ideas to obtain the following general results beyond heavy hitters. ∙\bullet Advanced Grouposition: In the local model, group privacy for kk users degrades proportionally to ≈k\approx \sqrt{k}, instead of linearly in kk as in the central model. Stronger group privacy yields improved max-information guarantees, as well as stronger lower bounds (via "packing arguments"), over the central model. ∙\bullet Building on a transformation of Bassily and Smith (STOC 2015), we give a generic transformation from any non-interactive approximate-private local protocol into a pure-private local protocol. Again in contrast with the central model, this shows that we cannot obtain more accurate algorithms by moving from pure to approximate local privacy

    The Impacts of Privacy Rules on Users' Perception on Internet of Things (IoT) Applications: Focusing on Smart Home Security Service

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    Department of Management EngineeringAs communication and information technologies advance, the Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way people live. In particular, as smart home security services have been widely commercialized, it is necessary to examine consumer perception. However, there is little research that explains the general perception of IoT and smart home services. This article will utilize communication privacy management theory and privacy calculus theory to investigate how options to protect privacy affect how users perceive benefits and costs and how those perceptions affect individuals??? intentions to use of smart home service. Scenario-based experiments were conducted, and perceived benefits and costs were treated as formative second-order constructs. The results of PLS analysis in the study showed that smart home options to protect privacy decreased perceived benefits and increased perceived costs. In addition, the perceived benefits and perceived costs significantly affected the intention to use smart home security services. This research contributes to the field of IoT and smart home research and gives practitioners notable guidelines.ope

    Confirmation of Nelson A. Rockefeller as Vice President of the United States

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    Report issued by House Committee on the Judiciary following its hearings on the nomination of Nelson Rockefeller to be the 41st Vice President of the United States. President Gerald Ford had nominated Rockefeller pursuant to Section 2 of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment following Ford’s succession to the presidency upon President Richard Nixon’s resignation.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/twentyfifth_amendment_watergate_era/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Gaussian Operations and Privacy

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    We consider the possibilities offered by Gaussian states and operations for two honest parties, Alice and Bob, to obtain privacy against a third eavesdropping party, Eve. We first extend the security analysis of the protocol proposed in M. Navascues et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 010502 (2005). Then, we prove that a generalized version of this protocol does not allow to distill a secret key out of bound entangled Gaussian states

    Privacy Issues of the W3C Geolocation API

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    The W3C's Geolocation API may rapidly standardize the transmission of location information on the Web, but, in dealing with such sensitive information, it also raises serious privacy concerns. We analyze the manner and extent to which the current W3C Geolocation API provides mechanisms to support privacy. We propose a privacy framework for the consideration of location information and use it to evaluate the W3C Geolocation API, both the specification and its use in the wild, and recommend some modifications to the API as a result of our analysis

    Review on Data Security in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud Computing is a set of Information Technology Services, like network, software system, storage, hardware, software, and resources and these services are provided to a customer over a internet. These services of Cloud Computing are delivered by third party provider who owns the infrastructure. This technology has a major potential to bring the numerous benefits, however, it faces the risks in terms of unintended economic and security impacts. Cloud computing technology offers a great potential to improve the civil military, interoperability, information sharing and infrastructure resilience. The great benefits offered by the cloud computing technology, data security concerns about their availability, confidentiality, integrity and loss of governance have a great influence on risk management decision process. The paper assesses how security and privacy issues transpire in the context of cloud computing and examines ways in which they might be addressed. This paper aims to solve privacy and security in cloud computing. The methodology used involves encrypting and decrypting data to ensure privacy and security in the cloud
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