151 research outputs found

    Experimental characterization of the radio channel for systems with large bandwidth and multiple antennas

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    [SPA] Cada día son necesarias comunicaciones mejores y más eficientes, con mayores anchos de banda y mayores tasas de transferencias de datos. Por un lado los sistemas de múltiples antenas, MIMO, surgieron como una técnica para optimizar el uso de la potencia y el espectro. Por otro lado, los sistemas Ultra-Wideband, UWB, han ganado recientemente el interés de la comunidad científica por su gran ancho de banda combinado con su baja potencia de transmisión. A la hora de diseñar y testear nuevos dispositivos de comunicaciones inalámbricas, es esencial poseer un conocimiento preciso del canal de propagación por el que se propagan dichas señales. Esta tesis, se basa en el modelado del canal de propagación para sistemas de gran ancho de banda y múltiples antenas desde un punto de vista experimental. Primeramente se presentan las mejoras y desarrollos realizados en el ámbito de los sistemas de medida del canal, dado que es necesario disponer de equipos adecuados y precisos para realizar adecuadas medidas del canal. Seguidamente, se analiza el canal MIMO-UWB en interiores. Se realiza un análisis en profundidad de varios parámetros, especialmente parámetros de una antena como las pérdidas de propagación, el factor de polarización cruzada o la dispersión del retardo. Finalmente, la tesis particulariza el análisis del canal en un entorno especial como es el caso de túneles. Se realiza un análisis experimental de parámetros de una antena como multi antena para luego evaluar las prestaciones que pueden brindar varias técnicas de diversidad como es en el dominio de la frecuencia, la polarización, el espacio o el tiempo.[ENG] Wireless communications have become essential in our society [Rappaport, 1996], [Parsons, 2000]. Nowadays, people need to be connected everywhere and at any time, and demand faster and enhanced communications every day. New applications requires higher data rates and, therefore, higher bandwidths. On the one hand, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems were proposed as one solution to achieve higher data rates and optimize the use of the spectrum. On the other hand, more recently, systems with an ultra large bandwidth, and particularly Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems, have gained the interest of the scientific community. Such interest is owing to the extremely high data rates offered and its possible coexistence with existing systems due to the its low transmitted power. However, this improvement in mobile communications involves the development and testing of new wireless communications systems. Precise knowledge of the radio channel is an essential issue to design this new devices and, thus, reach such improvement in wireless communications. In general, the modeling of the radio channel can be undertaken in two main ways: Theoretically, where the channel is characterized by means of simulations and theoretical approaches. - Experimentally, where the radio channel is characterized by means of the analysis of measurements carried out in real scenarios. This thesis is mainly focused on the experimental characterization of the radio channel for systems with large bandwidth and multiple antennas (MIMO). However, characterizing experimentally the MIMO wideband channel implies the availability of adequate and accurate channel sounders.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversité des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (USTL)Programa de doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicacione

    Mobile and Wireless Communications

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    Mobile and Wireless Communications have been one of the major revolutions of the late twentieth century. We are witnessing a very fast growth in these technologies where mobile and wireless communications have become so ubiquitous in our society and indispensable for our daily lives. The relentless demand for higher data rates with better quality of services to comply with state-of-the art applications has revolutionized the wireless communication field and led to the emergence of new technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Wimax, Ultra wideband, OFDMA. Moreover, the market tendency confirms that this revolution is not ready to stop in the foreseen future. Mobile and wireless communications applications cover diverse areas including entertainment, industrialist, biomedical, medicine, safety and security, and others, which definitely are improving our daily life. Wireless communication network is a multidisciplinary field addressing different aspects raging from theoretical analysis, system architecture design, and hardware and software implementations. While different new applications are requiring higher data rates and better quality of service and prolonging the mobile battery life, new development and advanced research studies and systems and circuits designs are necessary to keep pace with the market requirements. This book covers the most advanced research and development topics in mobile and wireless communication networks. It is divided into two parts with a total of thirty-four stand-alone chapters covering various areas of wireless communications of special topics including: physical layer and network layer, access methods and scheduling, techniques and technologies, antenna and amplifier design, integrated circuit design, applications and systems. These chapters present advanced novel and cutting-edge results and development related to wireless communication offering the readers the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in specific topics as well as to explore the whole field of rapidly emerging mobile and wireless networks. We hope that this book will be useful for students, researchers and practitioners in their research studies

    Propagation, Localization and Navigation in Tunnel-like Environments

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    La robótica de servicio, entendida como aquella destinada al uso de uno o varios robots con fines de, por ejemplo, vigilancia, rescate e inspecciones, ha ido tomando cada vez más relevancia en los últimos años. Debido a los grandes avances en las distintas áreas de la robótica, los robots han sido capaces de ejecutar satisfactoriamente tareas que resultan peligrosas o incluso imposibles para los humanos, en diversos entornos. Entre ellos, los entornos confinados como túneles, minas y tuberías, han atraído la atención en aplicaciones relacionadas con transporte ferroviario, redes vehiculares, búsqueda y rescate, y vigilancia, tanto en el ámbito civil como militar. En muchas tareas, la utilización de varios robots resulta más provechoso que utilizar sólo uno. Para cooperar, los robots deben intercambiar información sobre el entorno y su propio estado, por lo que la comunicación entre ellos resulta crucial. Debido a la imposibilidad de utilizar redes cableadas entre robots móviles, se despliegan redes inalámbricas. Para determinar la calidad de señal entre dos robots, inicialmente se utilizaban modelos de propagación basados únicamente en la distancia entre ellos. Sin embargo, estas predicciones sólo resultan útiles en exteriores y sin la presencia de obstáculos, que sólo componen una pequeña parte de los escenarios de la robótica de servicio. Mas aún, la naturaleza altamente multi-trayecto de la propagación electromagnética en túneles hace que éstos actúen como guías de onda para cierto rango de frecuencias, extendiendo considerablemente el alcance de comunicación en comparación con entornos exteriores. Sin embargo, la señal se ve afectada con profundos desvanecimientos (llamados fadings en inglés). Esto los convierte en un reto para la robótica que considera la comunicación entre robots como fundamental. Además, la naturaleza hostil de estos entornos, así como también la falta de características visuales y estructurales, dificultan la localización en estos escenarios, cuestión que resulta fundamental para ejecutar con éxito una tarea con un robot. Los métodos de localización utilizados en interiores, como aquellos basados en SLAM visual, resultan imprecisos por la falta de características distintivas para cámaras o lásers, mientras que los sensores utilizados en exteriores, como el GPS, no funcionan dentro de túneles o tuberías. En esta tesis abordamos problemas fundamentales para la robótica con el fin de proporcionar herramientas necesarias para la exploración con robots en entornos tipo túnel, manteniendo la conectividad de la red de comunicaciones formada por varios robots y una estación base. Para ello, primeramente caracterizamos, en términos de propagación, los dos escenarios tipo túnel más comunes: un túnel de hormigón y una tubería metálica. Hacemos énfasis en el fenómeno de los fadings, ya que son el problema más importante a considerar para mantener la comunicación. Posteriormente presentamos una estrategia de navegación para desplegar un equipo de robots en un túnel, lidiando con los fadings para mantener la conectividad de la red formada por los robots. Esta estrategia ha sido validada a través de numerosos experimentos realizados en un túnel real, el túnel de Somport. Luego, abordamos el problema de la localización, proponiendo e implementando una técnica que permite estimar la posición de un robot dentro de una tubería, basada en la periodicidad de los fadings. El método es validado a través de experimentos reales en tuberías de pequeña y grandes dimensiones. Finalmente, proponemos esquemas de diversidad espacial, de forma que se facilita la navegación mientras se mejora la localización.Deploying a team of robots for search and rescue, inspection, or surveillance, has increasingly gained attention in the last years. As a result of the advances in several areas of robotics, robots have been able to successfully execute tasks that are hazardous or even impossible for humans in a variety of scenarios, such as outdoors, indoors, or even underground. Among these scenarios, tunnel-like environments (such as tunnels, mines, or pipes) have attracted attention for train applications, vehicular networks, search and rescue, and even service and surveillance missions in both military and civilian contexts. In most of the tasks, utilizing a multi-robot team yields better results than a singlerobot system, as it makes the system more robust while reducing the time required to complete tasks. In order to cooperate, robots must exchange information about their current state and the surrounding environment, making communication between them a crucial task. However, due to the mobile nature of robots used for exploration, a wired architecture is not possible nor convenient. Instead, a wireless network is often deployed. Wireless propagation in tunnel-like environments, characterized for the presence of strong fading phenomena, differs from regular indoor and outdoor scenarios, posing multiple challenges for communication-aware robotics. In addition, accurate localization is a problem in environments such as tunnels or pipes. These environments generally lack distinctive visual and/or structural features and are longer than they are wide in shape. Standard indoor localization techniques do not perform well in pipelines or tunnels given the lack of exploitable features, while outdoor techniques (GPS in particular) do not work in these scenarios. In this thesis, we address basic robotics-related problems in order to provide some tools necessary for robotics exploration in tunnel-like scenarios under connectivity constraints. In the first part, we characterize, in terms of propagation, two of the most common tunnel-like environments: a pipe and a tunnel. We emphasize the spatial-fadings phenomena, as it is one of the most relevant issues to deal with, in a communications context. Secondly, we present a navigation strategy to deploy a team of robots for tunnel exploration, in particular maintaining network connectivity in the presence of these fadings. Several experiments conducted in a tunnel allow us to validate the connectivity maintenance of the system. Next, we address the localization problem and propose a technique that uses the periodicity of the fadings to estimate the position of the robots from the base station. The method is validated in small-scale and large-scale pipes. Finally, we propose spatial diversity schemes in order to ease the navigation while improving the localization

    Caractérisation du canal de propagation BAN dans un milieu minier

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    Le Body Area Network (BAN) est une technologie de réseau sans fil qui consiste à interconnecter, autour ou sur le corps humain des transmetteurs et des récepteurs afin d’établir une communication sans fil, impliquant le corps humain. À titre d’exemple, ces composants électroniques utilisant des courants de très faible puissance pourraient communiquer avec un centre de commande distant, pour alerter un service d'urgence. Les applications se trouvent principalement dans les domaines de la santé, militaire, et divertissement. Cette technologie (BAN) pourrait être appliquée davantage dans un environnement minier en raison de sa simplicité et sa capacité à fournir des informations utiles telles que la surveillance de l'environnement ou d’état de santé des employés. En effet, les mineurs sont exposés quotidiennement à un certain nombre de risques qui affecte leurs santés. Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous proposons un système BAN efficace qui sera à la fois rentable et simple à utiliser dans une mine souterraine. Ce projet de recherche consiste à déterminer, à la fréquence 2,4 GHz du standard IEEE 802.11, les performances des systèmes de communication SISO (Single Input Single Output) et MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) pour les canaux BAN, en termes de l’étalement des retards (RMS delay spread), l’affaiblissement de parcours, la bande de cohérence et la capacité du canal. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, une campagne de mesure a été effectuée dans une galerie de la mine CANMET (niveau 40m) en ligne de vue directe (LOS) et en ligne de vue indirecte (NLOS) en utilisant les topologies SISO et MIMO. The Body Area Network (BAN) is a wireless networking technology that consists in interconnecting, on or around the human body, transmitters and receivers to establish wireless communication. For example, electronic components, mounted on the human body, using very low power could communicate with a remote control center to alert an emergency service. The BAN applications are mainly found in the areas of health, military, and entertainment. This technology (BAN) could be applied in a mining environment because of its simplicity and its ability to provide useful information such as environmental conditions and employees’ health status data. In fact, the miners are exposed daily to a number of risks that affect their health. As part of this project, we propose an efficient BAN system ,dedicated to the security of the miners, that is both cost effective and easy to use in an underground mine. This research project consists in determining, at the 2.4 GHz frequency of the IEEE 802.11 standard, the performance of the SISO and MIMO communication systems for BAN channels, in terms of the RMS delay spread, the path loss, the coherence bandwidth and the channel capacity. In order to achieve these objectives, measurement campaigns were carried out in the CANMET mine gallery (40m level) in line of sight (LOS) and no line of sight (NLOS) using SISO and MIMO topologies

    Measurement techniques enhancements for MIMO 4G mobile communication systems. extension of mode stirred reverberation chambers (MSRCs) emulation capabilities

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    [ENG] Mobile communications have experienced a brutal raise over the past 15 years. What started as a voice communication system (GSM or 2G) has finished yet as a data communication system of any kind, which in some cases has come to replace the conventional cabled data access infrastructure. This change in the use given to mobile devices necessarily entails a change in the underlying technology, which should be capable to provide the transmission speeds that these new applications require. This has emerged in recent years an increasing interest in multiple antenna techniques, usually referred as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques, as they increase the spectral efficiency (and thus the transmission rate for a given bandwidth) of wireless systems. In this thesis, some of the factors limiting the ideal advantages of these multiantenna techniques are studied, in order to quantify the differences between the ideal behavior of 4G devices and behavior that users will experience in actual use conditions. The effect that the user has on the final performance of the devices is one of the main limitations that these devices are in daily use. Mobile phones are used almost all the time in the vicinity of the user, causing a decrease in the richness of the multipath electromagnetic environment (and thus a reduction of the MIMO benefits). As a result of this reduction, the number of signal paths that reach the user is also reduced. In this thesis both factors (user influence and influence of the number of signal paths) will be studied both for passive devices (antenna prototypes) and active devices (commercial phones). The second part of this thesis consist on the study of how to transfer some of these factors reducing the isotropicity of the environment, to one of the most promising measurement techniques, as it is the mode-stirred reverberation chamber (MSRC). This technique emulates naturally an isotropic rich multipath environment with the signal strength following a Rayleigh distribution. However, in this thesis two new techniques are proposed that allow the emulation of less isotropic environments without altering the basic operating principle of the MSRC. [SPA] Las comunicaciones móviles han experimentado un aumento brutal en los últimos 15 años. Lo que comenzó como un sistema de comunicación de voz (GSM o 2G) ha terminado todavía como un sistema de comunicación de datos de cualquier tipo, que en algunos casos ha llegado a sustituir la infraestructura de cableado convencional de acceso a datos. Este cambio en el uso que se da a los dispositivos móviles implica necesariamente un cambio en la tecnología subyacente, que debe ser capaz de proporcionar las velocidades de transmisión que estas nuevas aplicaciones requieren. Esto se ha convertido en los últimos años un creciente interés en las técnicas de múltiples antenas, normalmente se conoce como técnicas de múltiple entrada y múltiple salida (MIMO), ya que aumentan la eficiencia espectral (y por lo tanto la velocidad de transmisión para un ancho de banda dado) de los sistemas inalámbricos. En esta tesis, algunos de los factores que limitan las ventajas ideales de estas técnicas de múltiples antenas son estudiados, con el fin de cuantificar las diferencias entre el comportamiento ideal de dispositivos 4G y comportamiento que los usuarios experimentarán en condiciones reales de uso. El efecto que el usuario tiene sobre el rendimiento final de los dispositivos es una de las principales limitaciones que estos dispositivos son de uso diario. Los teléfonos móviles se utilizan en casi todo el tiempo en la proximidad del usuario, causando una disminución en la riqueza del entorno electromagnético trayectos múltiples (y por tanto una reducción de los beneficios MIMO). Como resultado de esta reducción, el número de trayectorias de señal que llegan al usuario también se reduce. En esta tesis ambos factores (la influencia del usuario y la influencia del número de caminos de señal) se estudió tanto para dispositivos pasivos (prototipos de antenas) y los dispositivos activos (los teléfonos comerciales). La segunda parte de esta tesis consisten en el estudio de cómo transferir algunos de estos factores que reducen la isotropicity del medio ambiente, a una de las técnicas de medición más prometedores, como es la cámara de agitación de modos (MSRC). Esta técnica emula naturalmente un entorno isotrópico multipath rico con la intensidad de la señal después de una distribución de Rayleigh. Sin embargo, en esta tesis, dos nuevas técnicas que se proponen permitir la emulación de entornos isotrópicos menos sin alterar el principio de funcionamiento básico del MSRC.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Massive MIMO for Dependable Communication

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    Cellular communication is constantly evolving; currently 5G systems are being deployed and research towards 6G is ongoing. Three use cases have been discussed as enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine-type communication (mMTC), and ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC). To fulfill the requirements of these use cases, new technologies are needed and one enabler is massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). By increasing the number of antennas at the base station side, data rates can be increased, more users can be served simultaneously, and there is a potential to improve reliability. In addition, it is possible to achieve better coverage, improved energy efficiency, and low-complex user devices. The performance of any wireless system is limited by the underlying channels. Massive MIMO channels have shown several beneficial properties: the array gain stemming from the combining of the signals from the many antennas, improved user separation due to favourable propagation -- where the user channels become pair-wise orthogonal -- and the channel hardening effect, where the variations of channel gain decreases as the number of antennas increases. Previous theoretical works have commonly assumed independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex Gaussian channels. However, in the first studies on massive MIMO channels, it was shown that common outdoor and indoor environments are not that rich in scattering, but that the channels are rather spatially correlated. To enable the above use cases, investigations are needed for the targeted environments. This thesis focuses on the benefits of deploying massive MIMO systems to achieve dependable communication in a number of scenarios related to the use cases. The first main area is the study of an industrial environment and aims at characterizing and modeling massive MIMO channels to assess the possibility of achieving the requirements of URLLC in a factory context. For example, a unique fully distributed array is deployed with the aim to further exploit spatial diversity. The other main area concerns massive MIMO at sub-GHz, a previously unexplored area. The channel characteristics when deploying a physically very large array for IoT networks are explored. To conclude, massive MIMO can indeed bring great advantages when trying to achieve dependable communication. Although channels in regular indoor environments are not i.i.d. complex Gaussian, the model can be justified in rich scattering industrial environments. Due to massive MIMO, the small-scale fading effects are reduced and when deploying a distributed array also the large-scale fading effects are reduced. In the Internet-of-Things (IoT) scenario, the channel is not as rich scattering. In this use case one can benefit from the array gain to extend coverage and improved energy efficiency, and diversity is gained due to the physically large array

    Modulation adaptative pour les systèmes MIMO dans un environnement minier souterrain

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    La technique de modulation adaptative augmente considérablement le débit des systèmes de communications sans fil en ajustant l'indice de modulation en fonction des conditions de changement du canal. Par exemple, lorsque le canal est en mauvais état (c'est à dire, à faible SNR), nous pouvons réduire la taille des constellations du signal afin d'améliorer et optimiser les performances du système. Inversement, lorsque le canal est en bon état (SNR élevé), nous pouvons augmenter la taille de la constellation du signal afin d'augmenter le débit de données. Les systèmes à antennes multiples, ou systèmes MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) exploitent la dimension spatiale et les réseaux d'antennes pour transmettre plusieurs flux parallèles dans le même canal de fréquence. En effet, ils ont le potentiel d'augmenter la capacité du canal proportionnellement aux nombres d'antennes émettrices et réceptrices considérées, en particulier dans les environnements riches en multi-trajets tels que les mines souterraines. Dans ce projet, nous proposons d' associer la modulation adaptative au système MIMO dans le canal de propagation minier souterrain qui est un milieu confiné et interne. La première adapte les modulations en émission en fonction des conditions radio afin de maximiser l'efficacité spectrale tout en respectant une contrainte sur la probabilité d'erreur. Alors que la deuxième présente des avantages importants pour améliorer la fiabilité et le débit de transmission
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