19 research outputs found

    Моделювання маршрутизації гранями у бездротових динамічних мережах за допомогою віртуальних графів

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    The general formulation of the problem of routing packets in nonfat faces of network graphs. The common routing process faces in a virtual planar graph. An algorithm for computing virtual path in the virtual plane graphsПредложена общая постановка задачи маршрутизации пакетов гранями в неплоских сетевых графах. Проанализированы общий процесс маршрутизации гранями в плоском виртуальном графе. Предложен алгоритм вычисления виртуального пути в плоских виртуальных графахЗапропоновано загальну постановку задачі маршрутизації пакетів гранями у неплоских мережевих графах. Проаналізовано загальний процес маршрутизації гранями у віртуальному плоскому графі. Запропоновано алгоритм обчислення віртуального шляху у плоских віртуальних графа

    An Analysis of Planarity in Face-Routing

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    In this report we investigate the limits of routing according to left- or right-hand rule (LHR). Using LHR, a node upon receipt of a message will forward to the neighbour that sits next in counter-clockwise order in the network graph. When used to recover from greedy routing failures, LHR guarantees success if implemented over planar graphs. This is often referred to as face or geographic routing. In the current body of knowledge it is known that if planarity is violated then LHR is guaranteed only to eventually return to the point of origin. Our work seeks to understand why a non-planar environment stops LHR from making delivery guarantees. Our investigation begins with an analysis to enumerate all node con gurations that cause intersections. A trace over each con guration reveals that LHR is able to recover from all but a single case, the `umbrella' con guration so named for its appearance. We use this information to propose the Prohibitive Link Detection Protocol (PDLP) that can guarantee delivery over non-planar graphs using standard face-routing techniques. As the name implies, the protocol detects and circumvents the `bad' links that hamper LHR. The goal of this work is to maintain routing guarantees while disturbing the network graph as little as possible. In doing so, a new starting point emerges from which to build rich distributed protocols in the spirit of protocols such as CLDP and GDSTR

    Greedy routing with guaranteed delivery using Ricci flows

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    Greedy forwarding with geographical locations in a wireless sensor network may fail at a local minimum. In this paper we propose to use conformal mapping to compute a new embedding of the sensor nodes in the plane such that greedy forwarding with the virtual coordinates guarantees delivery. In particular, we extract a planar triangulation of the sensor network with non-triangular faces as holes, by either using the nodes ’ location or using a landmark-based scheme without node location. The conformal map is computed with Ricci flow such that all the non-triangular faces are mapped to perfect circles. Thus greedy forwarding will never get stuck at an intermediate node. The computation of the conformal map and the virtual coordinates is performed at a preprocessing phase and can be implemented by local gossip-style computation. The method applies to both unit disk graph models and quasi-unit disk graph models. Simulation results are presented for these scenarios

    Prohibitive-link Detection and Routing Protocol

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    Abstract In this paper we investigate the limits of routing according to left-or righthand rule (LHR). Using LHR, a node upon receipt of a message will forward to the neighbour that sits next in counter-clockwise order in the network graph. When used to recover from greedy routing failures, LHR guarantees success if implemented over planar graphs. We note, however, that if planarity is violated then LHR is only guaranteed to eventually return to the point of origin. Our work seeks to understand why. An enumeration and analysis of possible intersections leads us to propose the Prohibitive-link Detection and Routing Protocol (PDRP) that can guarantee delivery over non-planar graphs. As the name implies, the protocol detects and circumvents the 'bad' links that hamper LHR. Our implementation of PDRP in TinyOS reveals the same level of service as face-routing protocols despite preserving most intersecting links in the network

    S4: Small State and Small Stretch Compact Routing Protocol for Large Static Wireless Networks

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    Routing geografico in reti di sensori basato su coordinate virtuali

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    Questo lavoro realizza un algoritmo di routing applicabile in reti di sensori di grandi dimensioni e sprovviste di supporto GPS. L'algoritmo prevede un metodo per assegnare ad ogni nodo delle coordinate virtuali e che permetta un elevato tasso di consegna dei pacchetti. L'algoritmo tiene inoltre in considerazione la bassa disponibilità di energia e potenza computazionale fornita dai sensori. La soluzione proposta costituisce una reale alternativa agli algoriti di routing esistenti


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    This thesis describes and develops two planarization algorithms for geographic routing and a geographic routing protocol for mobile ad hoc and sensor networks. As all nodes are mobile and there is no fixed infrastructure, the design of routing protocols is one of the most challenging issues in mobile ad hoc and sensor networks. In recent years, greedyface- greedy (GFG) geographic routing protocols have been widely used, which need nodes to construct planar graphs as the underlying graphs for face routing. Two kinds of planarization algorithms have been developed, idealized and realistic planarization algorithms, respectively. The idealized planarization algorithms make the ideal assumption that the original network graph is a unit-disk graph (UDG). On the other hand, the realistic planarization algorithms do not need the original network to be a UDG. We propose an idealized planarization algorithm, which constructs an Edge Constrained Localized Delaunay graph (ECLDel). Compared to the existing planarized localized Delaunay graph [42], the construction of an ECLDel graph is far simpler, which reduces the communication cost and saves the network bandwidth. We propose a Pre-Processed Cross Link Detection Protocol (PPCLDP), which generates a planar spanning subgraph of the original network graph in realistic environments with obstacles. The proposed PPCLDP outperforms the existing Cross Link Detection Protocol [32] with much lower communication cost and better convergence time. In GFG routing protocols, greedy routing may fail at concave nodes, in which case, face routing is applied to recover from the greedy routing failure. This may cause extra hops in routing in networks containing voids. We propose a Hill-Area-Restricted (HAR) routing protocol, which avoids the extra hops taken in the original GFG routing. Compared to the existing Node Elevation Ad hoc Routing [4], the proposed HAR guarantees the packet delivery and decreases the communication cost greatly

    Routing and Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) consists of a set of nodes which can form a network among themselves. MANETs have applications in areas such as military, disaster rescue operations, monitoring animal habitats, etc. where establishing fixed communication infrastructure is not feasible. Routing protocols designed for MANETs can be broadly classified as position-based (geographic), topology-based and hybrid. Geographic routing uses location information of nodes to route messages. Topology-based routing uses network state information for route discovery and maintenance. Hybrid routing protocols use features in both position-based and topology-based approaches. Position-based routing protocols route packets towards the destination using greedy forwarding (i.e., an intermediate node forwards packets to a neighbor that is closer to the destination than itself). If a node has no neighbor that is closer to the destination than itself, greedy forwarding fails. In this case, we say there is void. Different position-based routing protocols use different methods for dealing with voids. Topology-based routing protocols can be classified into on-demand (reactive) routing protocols and proactive routing protocols. Generally, on-demand routing protocols establish routes when needed by flooding route requests throughout the entire network, which is not a scalable approach. Reactive routing protocols try to maintain routes between every pair of nodes by periodically exchanging messages with each other which is not a scalable approach also. This thesis addresses some of these issues and makes the following contribution. First, we present a position-based routing protocol called Greedy Routing Protocol with Backtracking (GRB) which uses a simple backtracking technique to route around voids, unlike existing position-based routing protocols which construct planarized graph of the local network to route around voids. We compare the performance of our protocol with the well known Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) protocol and the Ad-Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol as well as the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. Performance evaluation shows that our protocol has less control overhead than those of DSR, AODV, and GPSR. Performance evaluation also shows that our protocol has a higher packet-delivery ratio, lower end-to-end delay, and less hop count, on average, compared to AODV, DSR and GPSR. We then present an on-demand routing protocol called ``Hybrid On-demand Greedy Routing Protocol with Backtracking for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks which uses greedy approach for route discovery. This prevents flooding route requests, unlike the existing on-demand routing protocols. This approach also helps in finding routes that have lower hop counts than AODV and DSR. Our performance evaluation confirms that our protocol performs better than AODV and DSR, on average, with respect to hop count, packet-delivery ratio and control overhead. In MANETs, all nodes need to cooperate to establish routes. Establishing secure and valid routes in the presence of adversaries is a challenge in MANETs. Some of the well-known source routing protocols presented in the literature (e.g., Ariadne and endairA) which claim to establish secure routes are susceptible to hidden channel attacks. We address this issue and present a secure routing protocol called SAriadne, based on sanitizable signatures. We show that our protocol detects and prevents hidden channel attacks

    Design of an energy-efficient geographic routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks

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    Mobile Ad-hoc networks extend communications beyond the limit of infrastructure based networks. Future wireless applications will take advantage of rapidly deployable, self-configuring multi-hop mobile Ad-hoc networks. In order to provide robust performance in mobile Ad-hoc networks and hence cope with dynamic path loss conditions, it is apparent that research and development of energy efficient geographic routing protocols is of great importance. Therefore various mobile Ad-hoc routing protocols have been studied for their different approaches. Forwarding strategies for geographic routing protocols are discussed and there is a particular focus on the pass loss model used by those routing protocols, the restriction and disadvantage of using such path loss model is then discussed. A novel geographic routing protocol which incorporates both the link quality and relay node location information has been developed to determine an energy efficient route from source to destination. The concepts of a gain region and a relay region to minimize the energy consumption have been proposed to define the area in where the candidate relay nodes will be selected with the minimized hop count. The signalling overhead required by the protocol has been analyzed in various scenarios with different traffic load, node densities and network sizes. Discrete event simulation models are therefore developed to capture the behaviour and characteristics of the operation of the developed routing protocol under different path loss conditions and network scenarios. A non-free space path loss model has been developed with a random loss between the nodes to simulate a realistic path loss scenario in the network. An enhanced signalling process has been designed in order to achieve advanced routing information exchange and assist routing determination. Comparison of simulated characteristics demonstrates the significant improvement of the new routing protocol because of its novel features, the gain region to ensure the deductiono f the energyc onsumptiont,h e relay region to ensuret he forward progress to the destination and hence maintain an optimised hop count. The simulation results showed that the energy consumption under the operation of the developed protocol is 30% of that with a conventionagl eographicarl outing protocol

    Load Balancing Hotspots in Sensor Storage Systems

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    Sensor networks provide us with the means of effectively monitoring and interacting with the physical world. A sensor network usually consists of a large number of small inexpensive battery-operated sensors deployed in a geographic area. This dissertation considers a sensor network deployed to monitor a disaster area. First responders continuously issue ad-hoc queries while moving in the disaster area. In such an environment, it is often more beneficial to store sensor readings and process ad-hoc queries within rather than outside the sensor network.Recently, this led to an increased popularity of Data-Centric Storage (DCS).A DCS scheme is based on a mapping function from readings to sensors based on the attribute values of each reading. This mapping function defines the DCS index structure.Two significant problems arising in this DCS network model due to data and traffic skewness are storage hotspots and query hotspots. Storage hotspots are formed when many sensor readings are mapped for storage to a relatively small number of sensor nodes. Query hotspots occur when many user queries target few sensor nodes. Both types of hotspots are hard to predict. Storage hotspots result in an uncontrolled reading shedding that decreases the Quality of Data (QoD). Due to the limited wireless bandwidth of sensors, hotspots decrease QoD by increasing collisions (thus losses) of reading/query packets. When lasting long enough, hotspots affect the Quality of Service (QoS) by unevenly depleting energy in the sensor network.This dissertation addresses both problems of hotspots through load balancing. The main dissertation hypothesis is that data migration resulting from local or global load balancing of the DCS index structure can effectively solve the hotspot problems. The contributions of this dissertation lie in developing two schemes, namely, the Zone Sharing/Zone Partitioning/Zone Partial Replication (ZS/ZP/ZPR) scheme and the K-D tree based Data-Centric Storage (KDDCS) scheme. ZS/ZP/ZPR detects and decomposes both types of hotspots through load balancing in the hotspot area. KDDCS avoids the formation of hotspots through globally load-balancing the underlying DCS index structure. Experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of the proposed schemes in coping with hotspots in comparison to the state-of-the-art DCS schemes