16 research outputs found

    Competitive-Ratio Approximation Schemes for Minimizing the Makespan in the Online-List Model

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    We consider online scheduling on multiple machines for jobs arriving one-by-one with the objective of minimizing the makespan. For any number of identical parallel or uniformly related machines, we provide a competitive-ratio approximation scheme that computes an online algorithm whose competitive ratio is arbitrarily close to the best possible competitive ratio. We also determine this value up to any desired accuracy. This is the first application of competitive-ratio approximation schemes in the online-list model. The result proves the applicability of the concept in different online models. We expect that it fosters further research on other online problems

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 9. Number 2.

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    General Bounds for Incremental Maximization

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    We propose a theoretical framework to capture incremental solutions to cardinality constrained maximization problems. The defining characteristic of our framework is that the cardinality/support of the solution is bounded by a value kNk\in\mathbb{N} that grows over time, and we allow the solution to be extended one element at a time. We investigate the best-possible competitive ratio of such an incremental solution, i.e., the worst ratio over all kk between the incremental solution after kk steps and an optimum solution of cardinality kk. We define a large class of problems that contains many important cardinality constrained maximization problems like maximum matching, knapsack, and packing/covering problems. We provide a general 2.6182.618-competitive incremental algorithm for this class of problems, and show that no algorithm can have competitive ratio below 2.182.18 in general. In the second part of the paper, we focus on the inherently incremental greedy algorithm that increases the objective value as much as possible in each step. This algorithm is known to be 1.581.58-competitive for submodular objective functions, but it has unbounded competitive ratio for the class of incremental problems mentioned above. We define a relaxed submodularity condition for the objective function, capturing problems like maximum (weighted) (bb-)matching and a variant of the maximum flow problem. We show that the greedy algorithm has competitive ratio (exactly) 2.3132.313 for the class of problems that satisfy this relaxed submodularity condition. Note that our upper bounds on the competitive ratios translate to approximation ratios for the underlying cardinality constrained problems.Comment: fixed typo

    Online Makespan Minimization with Parallel Schedules

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    In online makespan minimization a sequence of jobs σ=J1,...,Jn\sigma = J_1,..., J_n has to be scheduled on mm identical parallel machines so as to minimize the maximum completion time of any job. We investigate the problem with an essentially new model of resource augmentation. Here, an online algorithm is allowed to build several schedules in parallel while processing σ\sigma. At the end of the scheduling process the best schedule is selected. This model can be viewed as providing an online algorithm with extra space, which is invested to maintain multiple solutions. The setting is of particular interest in parallel processing environments where each processor can maintain a single or a small set of solutions. We develop a (4/3+\eps)-competitive algorithm, for any 0<\eps\leq 1, that uses a number of 1/\eps^{O(\log (1/\eps))} schedules. We also give a (1+\eps)-competitive algorithm, for any 0<\eps\leq 1, that builds a polynomial number of (m/\eps)^{O(\log (1/\eps) / \eps)} schedules. This value depends on mm but is independent of the input σ\sigma. The performance guarantees are nearly best possible. We show that any algorithm that achieves a competitiveness smaller than 4/3 must construct Ω(m)\Omega(m) schedules. Our algorithms make use of novel guessing schemes that (1) predict the optimum makespan of a job sequence σ\sigma to within a factor of 1+\eps and (2) guess the job processing times and their frequencies in σ\sigma. In (2) we have to sparsify the universe of all guesses so as to reduce the number of schedules to a constant. The competitive ratios achieved using parallel schedules are considerably smaller than those in the standard problem without resource augmentation


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    Исследуются две модели с неполной информацией для задач теории расписаний с идентичны-ми процессорами. Предлагается общая параметрическая схема построения решений для таких задач. Достигаются рекордные гарантированные оценки точности для алгоритмов при соответствующих параметрах, которые доказывают принципиальное различие моделей