97 research outputs found

    An efficient method for constructing an ILU preconditioner for solving large sparse nonsymmetric linear systems by the GMRES method

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    AbstractThe main idea of this paper is in determination of the pattern of nonzero elements of the LU factors of a given matrix A. The idea is based on taking the powers of the Boolean matrix derived from A. This powers of a Boolean matrix strategy (PBS) is an efficient, effective, and inexpensive approach. Construction of an ILU preconditioner using PBS is described and used in solving large nonsymmetric sparse linear systems. Effectiveness of the proposed ILU preconditioner in solving large nonsymmetric sparse linear systems by the GMRES method is also shown. Numerical experiments are performed which show that it is possible to considerably reduce the number of GMRES iterations when the ILU preconditioner constructed here is used. In numerical examples, the influence of k, the dimension of the Krylov subspace, on the performance of the GMRES method using an ILU preconditioner is tested. For all the tests carried out, the best value for k is found to be 10

    Author index to volumes 41–60 (1981–1984)

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    Quadrature Strategies for Constructing Polynomial Approximations

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    Finding suitable points for multivariate polynomial interpolation and approximation is a challenging task. Yet, despite this challenge, there has been tremendous research dedicated to this singular cause. In this paper, we begin by reviewing classical methods for finding suitable quadrature points for polynomial approximation in both the univariate and multivariate setting. Then, we categorize recent advances into those that propose a new sampling approach and those centered on an optimization strategy. The sampling approaches yield a favorable discretization of the domain, while the optimization methods pick a subset of the discretized samples that minimize certain objectives. While not all strategies follow this two-stage approach, most do. Sampling techniques covered include subsampling quadratures, Christoffel, induced and Monte Carlo methods. Optimization methods discussed range from linear programming ideas and Newton's method to greedy procedures from numerical linear algebra. Our exposition is aided by examples that implement some of the aforementioned strategies

    Complexity of parallel matrix computations

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    AbstractWe estimate parallel complexity of several matrix computations under both Boolean and arithmetic machine models using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Those computations include the evaluation of the inverse, the determinant, and the characteristic polynomial of a matrix. Recently, processor efficiency of the previous parallel algorithms for numerical matrix inversion has been substantially improved in (Pan and Reif, 1987), reaching optimum estimates up to within a logarithmic factor; that work, however, applies neither to the evaluation of the determinant and the characteristic polynomial nor to exact matrix inversion nor to the numerical inversion of ill-conditioned matrices. We present four new approaches to the solution of those latter problems (having several applications to combinatorial computations) in order to extend the suboptimum time and processor bounds of (Pan and Reif, 1987) to the case of computing the inverse, determinant, and characteristic polynomial of an arbitrary integer input matrix. In addition, processor efficient algorithms using polylogarithmic parallel time are devised for some other matrix computations, such as triangular and QR-factorizations of a matrix and its reduction to Hessenberg form

    Hard isogeny problems over RSA moduli and groups with infeasible inversion

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    We initiate the study of computational problems on elliptic curve isogeny graphs defined over RSA moduli. We conjecture that several variants of the neighbor-search problem over these graphs are hard, and provide a comprehensive list of cryptanalytic attempts on these problems. Moreover, based on the hardness of these problems, we provide a construction of groups with infeasible inversion, where the underlying groups are the ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic orders. Recall that in a group with infeasible inversion, computing the inverse of a group element is required to be hard, while performing the group operation is easy. Motivated by the potential cryptographic application of building a directed transitive signature scheme, the search for a group with infeasible inversion was initiated in the theses of Hohenberger and Molnar (2003). Later it was also shown to provide a broadcast encryption scheme by Irrer et al. (2004). However, to date the only case of a group with infeasible inversion is implied by the much stronger primitive of self-bilinear map constructed by Yamakawa et al. (2014) based on the hardness of factoring and indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). Our construction gives a candidate without using iO.Comment: Significant revision of the article previously titled "A Candidate Group with Infeasible Inversion" (arXiv:1810.00022v1). Cleared up the constructions by giving toy examples, added "The Parallelogram Attack" (Sec 5.3.2). 54 pages, 8 figure