16 research outputs found

    Author index of Volume 68

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    Transformation de modèles de lignes de produits en environnement hétérogène

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    Article de 4 pages,INFORSID 14 LYONArticle soumis dans le cadre de La septième édition du Forum Jeunes Chercheurs qui était organisé à Lyon le 22 mai 2014, dans le cadre du 32e congrès INFORSID.National audienceLe domaine de l'ingénierie de ligne de produits est en cours de développement, dans un monde où la concurrence est de plus en plus rude et où les entreprises sont de plus en plus amenées à diversifier leurs gammes de produits. Les entreprises les plus compétitives et innovantes se dirigent vers ce nouveau paradigme, afin d'augmenter leurs productivités et diminuer le temps de réalisation du produit. L'identification des points variables et communs d'une ligne de produits dans un modèle est une approche clé dans l'ingénierie des lignes de produits et plus particulièrement pour la gestion d'éléments commun et variable. Le processus de développement d'une ligne de produits passe par plusieurs phases, chaque phase est réalisée par un outil différent, si bien que des incohérences peuvent avoir lieu. Pour assurer la bonne collaboration et la cohérence de ces outils, il est nécessaire de faire face aux problèmes d'interopérabilité de ces outils. Dans cet article nous considérons que la transformation du modèle est l'une des solutions clés d'interopérabilité

    MDA-based interoperability establishment using language independent information models

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    Nowadays, more and more enterprises realize that one important step to success in their business is to create new and innovative products. Many times the solution to do that is to abandon the idea of an enterprise as an "isolated island", and get collaboration with others: worldwide non-hierarchical networks are characterized by collaboration and non-centralized decision making. This paper proposes a conceptual model common to the entire business network, in a framework that enables the abstraction of individual models at their meta-level and increase language independency and interoperability, keeping all the enterprise software's integrity intact. The strategy presented allows an incremental mapping construction, to achieve growing integration.publishersversionpublishe

    Standards Framework for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Supply Chain

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    ISBN 979-953-307-708-5 http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/standards-framework-for-intelligent-manufacturing-systems-supply-chain#referenceThe global market is striving to increase competitiveness among organizations and networks. Nowadays, management of supply chains does not only consider business processes in the traditional value chain, but also processes that penetrate networks of organisations. Indeed, the formation of cooperation and collaboration partnerships between several small organizations can be, in multiple cases, more efficient by comparison with big companies (Rudberg et al., 2002). This way, the research on supply chain management has turned from an intra-enterprise focus towards an inter-enterprise focus with companies looking for enhanced interoperability between computer systems and applications. Supply chain networks are characterized by different structures such as, business processes and technological, organizational, topological, informational, and financial structures. All are interrelated but following their own dynamics. Thus, in order to ensure a high responsiveness level, the supply chain plans must be formed robustly and extremely quickly in relation to all the structures (Gupta & Maranas, 2003). In fact, with regards to supply chain in the advent of globalization, one of the difficulties enterprises are facing is the lack of interoperability of systems and software applications to manage and orchestrate the different structures involved (Jardim-Goncalves et al. 2006; Panetto et al., 2006; Farinha et al., 2007). The increasing need for cooperation and collaboration together with the rapid advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have brought supply chain planning into the forefront of the business practices of most manufacturing and service organizations (Gupta & Maranas, 2003). Moreover, there has been a growing interest and research in e-business solutions to facilitate information sharing between organisations in the supply chain network

    Towards a family of model transformation languages

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    Abstract. Many model transformation languages of different nature have been proposed during the last years, each one of them suitable for a certain kind of transformation task. However, a complex transformation problem may not fall into a single transformation category, making the solution written in the chosen transformation language suboptimal, as some concerns cannot be handled naturally. To tackle this issue, we propose to define a model transformation tool as a family of model transformation languages. Each member of the family is a simple language intended to deal with a particular kind of transformation task. In this paper we discuss the different issues involved, such as design decisions, interoperability among languages, and composability. We illustrate the paper with a transformation from UML and OCL to Java, in which languages for pattern matching, mapping, attribution and target-oriented transformations are used. Finally, the approach is validated with a proof-of-concept implementation

    Apport du Web sémantique au travail collaboratif : Application à l'édition d'un document d'information sur les risques majeurs

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    http://www.irit.fr/~Guillaume.Cabanac/docs/fjc2014/fjc2014actes.pdf" Collaborer " , " travailler ensemble " , ce sont des réalités familières à chacun d'entre nous. Or les techniques ont progressé et ont pris un nouveau tournant avec l'arrivée du numérique dans l'entreprise. Bien que l'introduction du numérique ne se fasse pas sans difficultés, de nouveaux outils continuent d'apparaître : le travail collaboratif assisté par ordinateur est progressivement devenu un domaine d'étude à part entière. Notre recherche s'inscrit dans ce courant et étudie les apports possibles des technologies du Web sémantique au travail collaboratif. Ces technologies, en apportant les concepts d'ontologie, de métadonnées, d'inférence, participent au passage d'un système d'information à un système plus orienté connaissance. Devant ce vaste champ d'étude, nous avons pour nous guider un cas d'application qui est d'ailleurs à l'origine de ces travaux. Il s'agit du DDRM " Dossier Départemental sur les Risques Majeurs " un document administratif réalisé sous la supervision du préfet et qui compile les informations essentielles concernant les risques naturels et technologiques majeurs connus sur le territoire d'un département. Ce document d'information et de prévention destiné aux citoyens, doit être actualisé tous les cinq ans, étape nécessitant le concours de plusieurs acteurs issus d'horizons et de métiers différents. C'est ici qu'intervient la possibilité d'améliorer ce travail, qui est par essence collaboratif, à l'aide des nouvelles technologies et en particulier celles issues du Web sémantique. Nous imaginons que le système, plongé dans le Web 2.0 et les Linked Open Data , favorisera les échanges entre départements

    Model morphisms (MoMo) to enable language independent information models and interoperable business networks

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    MSc. Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Master degree in Electrical and Computer EngineeringWith the event of globalisation, the opportunities for collaboration became more evident with the effect of enlarging business networks. In such conditions, a key for enterprise success is a reliable communication with all the partners. Therefore, organisations have been searching for flexible integrated environments to better manage their services and product life cycle, where their software applications could be easily integrated independently of the platform in use. However, with so many different information models and implementation standards being used, interoperability problems arise. Moreover,organisations are themselves at different technological maturity levels, and the solution that might be good for one, can be too advanced for another, or vice-versa. This dissertation responds to the above needs, proposing a high level meta-model to be used at the entire business network, enabling to abstract individual models from their specificities and increasing language independency and interoperability, while keeping all the enterprise legacy software‟s integrity intact. The strategy presented allows an incremental mapping construction, to achieve a gradual integration. To accomplish this, the author proposes Model Driven Architecture (MDA) based technologies for the development of traceable transformations and execution of automatic Model Morphisms

    Model-to-model transformation approach for systematic integration of security aspects into UML 2.0 design models

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    Security is a challenging task in software engineering. Traditionally, security concerns are considered as an afterthought to the development process and thus are fitted into pre-existing software without the consideration of whether this would jeopardize the main functionality of the software or even produce additional vulnerabilities. Enforcing security policies should be taken care of during early phases of the software development life cycle in order to decrease the development costs and reduce the maintenance time. In addition to cost saving, this way of development will produce more reliable software since security related concepts will be considered in each step of the design. Similarly, the implications of inserting such mechanisms into the existing system's requirements will be considered as well. Since security is a crosscutting concern that pervades the entire software, integrating security solutions at the software design level may result in the scattering and tangling of security features throughout the entire design. Additionally, traditional hardening approaches are tedious and error-prone as they involve manual modifications. In this context, the need for a systematic way to integrate security concerns into the process of developing software becomes crucial. In this thesis, we define an aspect-oriented modeling approach for specifying and integrating security concerns into UML design models. The proposed approach makes use of the expertise of the software security specialist by providing him with the means to specify generic UML aspects that are going to be incorporated "weaved" into the developers' models. Model transformation mechanisms are instrumented in order to have an efficient and a fully automatic weaving process

    Semantic adaptability for the systems interoperability

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    In the current global and competitive business context, it is essential that enterprises adapt their knowledge resources in order to smoothly interact and collaborate with others. However, due to the existent multiculturalism of people and enterprises, there are different representation views of business processes or products, even inside a same domain. Consequently, one of the main problems found in the interoperability between enterprise systems and applications is related to semantics. The integration and sharing of enterprises knowledge to build a common lexicon, plays an important role to the semantic adaptability of the information systems. The author proposes a framework to support the development of systems to manage dynamic semantic adaptability resolution. It allows different organisations to participate in a common knowledge base building, letting at the same time maintain their own views of the domain, without compromising the integration between them. Thus, systems are able to be aware of new knowledge, and have the capacity to learn from it and to manage its semantic interoperability in a dynamic and adaptable way. The author endorses the vision that in the near future, the semantic adaptability skills of the enterprise systems will be the booster to enterprises collaboration and the appearance of new business opportunities

    Sustainability of systems interoperability in dynamic business networks

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresCollaborative networked environments emerged with the spread of the internet, contributing to overcome past communication barriers, and identifying interoperability as an essential property to support businesses development. When achieved seamlessly, efficiency is increased in the entire product life cycle support. However, due to the different sources of knowledge, models and semantics, enterprise organisations are experiencing difficulties exchanging critical information, even when they operate in the same business environments. To solve this issue, most of them try to attain interoperability by establishing peer-to-peer mappings with different business partners, or use neutral data and product standards as the core for information sharing, in optimized networks. In current industrial practice, the model mappings that regulate enterprise communications are only defined once, and most of them are hardcoded in the information systems. This solution has been effective and sufficient for static environments, where enterprise and product models are valid for decades. However, more and more enterprise systems are becoming dynamic, adapting and looking forward to meet further requirements; a trend that is causing new interoperability disturbances and efficiency reduction on existing partnerships. Enterprise Interoperability (EI) is a well established area of applied research, studying these problems, and proposing novel approaches and solutions. This PhD work contributes to that research considering enterprises as complex and adaptive systems, swayed to factors that are making interoperability difficult to sustain over time. The analysis of complexity as a neighbouring scientific domain, in which features of interoperability can be identified and evaluated as a benchmark for developing a new foundation of EI, is here proposed. This approach envisages at drawing concepts from complexity science to analyse dynamic enterprise networks and proposes a framework for sustaining systems interoperability, enabling different organisations to evolve at their own pace, answering the upcoming requirements but minimizing the negative impact these changes can have on their business environment