24 research outputs found

    Fast, numerically stable computation of oscillatory integrals with stationary points

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    We present a numerically stable way to compute oscillatory integrals of the form āˆ«āˆ’11f(x)eiĻ‰g(x)dx\int{-1}^{1} f(x)e^{i\omega g(x)}dx. For each additional frequency, only a small, well-conditioned linear system with a Hessenberg matrix must be solved, and the amount of work needed decreases as the frequency increases. Moreover, we can modify the method for computing oscillatory integrals with stationary points. This is the first stable algorithm for oscillatory integrals with stationary points which does not lose accuracy as the frequency increases and does not require deformation into the complex plane

    The Approximate Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations with Oscillatory Trigonometric Kernels

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    Asymptotic expansions and fast computation of oscillatory Hilbert transforms

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    In this paper, we study the asymptotics and fast computation of the one-sided oscillatory Hilbert transforms of the form H+(f(t)eiĻ‰t)(x)=āˆ’int0āˆžeiĻ‰tf(t)tāˆ’xdt,Ļ‰>0,xā‰„0,H^{+}(f(t)e^{i\omega t})(x)=-int_{0}^{\infty}e^{i\omega t}\frac{f(t)}{t-x}dt,\qquad \omega>0,\qquad x\geq 0, where the bar indicates the Cauchy principal value and ff is a real-valued function with analytic continuation in the first quadrant, except possibly a branch point of algebraic type at the origin. When x=0x=0, the integral is interpreted as a Hadamard finite-part integral, provided it is divergent. Asymptotic expansions in inverse powers of Ļ‰\omega are derived for each fixed xā‰„0x\geq 0, which clarify the large Ļ‰\omega behavior of this transform. We then present efficient and affordable approaches for numerical evaluation of such oscillatory transforms. Depending on the position of xx, we classify our discussion into three regimes, namely, x=O(1)x=\mathcal{O}(1) or xā‰«1x\gg1, 0<xā‰Ŗ10<x\ll 1 and x=0x=0. Numerical experiments show that the convergence of the proposed methods greatly improve when the frequency Ļ‰\omega increases. Some extensions to oscillatory Hilbert transforms with Bessel oscillators are briefly discussed as well.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    An extended Filon--Clenshaw--Curtis method for high-frequency wave scattering problems in two dimensions

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    We study the efficient approximation of integrals involving Hankel functions of the first kind which arise in wave scattering problems on straight or convex polygonal boundaries. Filon methods have proved to be an effective way to approximate many types of highly oscillatory integrals, however finding such methods for integrals that involve non-linear oscillators and frequency-dependent singularities is subject to a significant amount of ongoing research. In this work, we demonstrate how Filon methods can be constructed for a class of integrals involving a Hankel function of the first kind. These methods allow the numerical approximation of the integral at uniform cost even when the frequency Ļ‰\omega is large. In constructing these Filon methods we also provide a stable algorithm for computing the Chebyshev moments of the integral based on duality to spectral methods applied to a version of Bessel's equation. Our design for this algorithm has significant potential for further generalisations that would allow Filon methods to be constructed for a wide range of integrals involving special functions. These new extended Filon methods combine many favourable properties, including robustness in regard to the regularity of the integrand and fast approximation for large frequencies. As a consequence, they are of specific relevance to applications in wave scattering, and we show how they may be used in practice to assemble collocation matrices for wavelet-based collocation methods and for hybrid oscillatory approximation spaces in high-frequency wave scattering problems on convex polygonal shapes

    Numerical aspects of enriched and high-order boundary element basis functions for Helmholtz problems.

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    In this thesis several aspects of the Partition of Unity Boundary Element Method (PUBEM) are investigated, with novel results in three main areas: 1. Enriched modelling of wave scattering from polygonal obstacles. The plane waves are augmented by a set of enrichment functions formed from fractional order Bessel functions, as informed by classical asymptotic solutions for wave fields in the vicinity of sharp corners. It is shown that the solution accuracy can be improved markedly by the addition of a very small number of these enrichment functions, with very little effect on the run time. 2. High-order formulations. Plane waves are not the only effective means of introducing oscillatory approximation spaces. High-Order Lagrange polynomials and high-order Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) also exhibit oscillation and these are tested and compared against PUBEM. It is found that these high-order functions significantly outperform the corresponding low-order (typically quadratic) polynomials and NURBS that are commonly used, and that for large problems the highest order tested (11th) has potential to be competitive with PUBEM without the associated ill-conditioning. 3. Integration. The accuracy of PUBEM traditionally comes at the cost of the requirement to evaluate many highly-oscillatory integrals. Several candidate integration strategies are investigated with the aim of find- ing a robust, accurate and efficient approach. Schemes tested include the Filon and asymptotic methods, as well as the Method of Stationary Phase (MSP). Although these schemes are found to be spectacularly successful for many cases, they fail for a sufficient number of situations to cause a complete PUBEM analysis based on these methods to lack robustness. Conclusions are drawn about the effective use of more traditional quadrature for robust implementations

    Studies in numerical quadrature

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    Various types of quadrature formulae for oscillatory integrals are studied with a view to improving the accuracy of existing techniques. Concentration is directed towards the production of practical algorithms which facilitate the efficient evaluation of integrals of this type arising in applications. [Continues.