12,044 research outputs found

    Minimizing weighted total earliness, total tardiness and setup costs

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    The paper considers a (static) portfolio system that satisfies adding-up contraints and the gross substitution theorem. The paper shows the relationship of the two conditions to the weak dominant diagonal property of the matrix of interest rate elasticities. This enables to investigate the impact of simultaneous changes in interest rates on the asset demands.

    An exact procedure for the resource-constrained weighted earliness-tardiness project scheduling problem.

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    In this paper we study the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with weighted earliness-tardiness penalty costs. Project activities are assumed to have a known deterministic due date, a unit earliness as well as a unit tardiness penalty cost and constant renewable resource requirements. The objective is to schedule the activities in order to minimize the total weighted earliness-tardiness penalty cost of the project subject to the finish)start precedence constraints and the constant renewable resource availability constraints. With these features the problem becomes highly attractive in just-in -time environments.We introduce e depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm for the unconstrained weighted earliness-tardiness problem to compute lower bounds. The procedure has been coded in Visual C++, version 4.0 under Windows NT and has been validated on a randomly generated problem set.Studies; Scheduling; Costs; Requirements; Just-in-time;

    An exact procedure for the resource-constrained weighted earliness-tardiness project scheduling problem.

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    In this paper we study the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with weighted earliness-tardinesss penalty costs. Project activities are assumed to have a known deterministic due date, a unit earliness as well as a unit tardiness penalty cost and constant renewable resource requirements. The objective is to schedule the activities in order to minimize the total weighted earliness-tardinesss penalty cost of the project subject to the finish-start precedence constraints and the constant renewable resource availability constraints. With these features the problem becomes highly attractive in just-in-time environments.resource-constrained project scheduling; weighted earliness-tardiness costs; branch-and-bound; discounted cash flows; bound procedure;

    Combining column generation and Lagrangean relaxation : an application to a single-machine common due date scheduling problem

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    Column generation has proved to be an effective technique for solving the linear programming relaxation of huge set covering or set partitioning problems, and column generation approaches have led to state-of-the-art so-called branch-and-price algorithms for various archetypical combinatorial optimization problems. Usually, if Lagrangean relaxation is embedded at all in a column generation approach, then the Lagrangean bound serves only as a tool to fathom nodes of the branch-and-price tree. We show that the Lagrangean bound can be exploited in more sophisticated and effective ways for two purposes: to speed up convergence of the column generation algorithm and to speed up the pricing algorithm. Our vehicle to demonstrate the effectiveness of teaming up column generation with Lagrangean relaxation is an archetypical single-machine common due date scheduling problem. Our comprehensive computational study shows that the combined algorithm is by far superior to two existing purely column generation algorithms: it solves instances with up to 125 jobs to optimality, while purely column generation algorithm can solve instances with up to only 60 jobs

    Earliness-tardiness scheduling around almost equal due dates

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    The just-in-time concept in manufacturing has aroused interest in machine scheduling problems with earliness-tardiness penalties. In particular, common due date problems, which are structurally less complicated than problems with general due dates, have emerged as an interesting and prolific field of research

    Synthesis and Stochastic Assessment of Cost-Optimal Schedules

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    We present a novel approach to synthesize good schedules for a class of scheduling problems that is slightly more general than the scheduling problem FJm,a|gpr,r_j,d_j|early/tardy. The idea is to prime the schedule synthesizer with stochastic information more meaningful than performance factors with the objective to minimize the expected cost caused by storage or delay. The priming information is obtained by stochastic simulation of the system environment. The generated schedules are assessed again by simulation. The approach is demonstrated by means of a non-trivial scheduling problem from lacquer production. The experimental results show that our approach achieves in all considered scenarios better results than the extended processing times approach

    Black, Brown, and Over-Policed in L.A. Schools

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    This report provides structural proposals to end the school-to-prison pipeline in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and to build a national movement to stop the mass incarceration of Black and Latino Communities. It analyzes the LAUSD and the Los Angles School Police Department's (LASPD) citation and arrest patterns for the school years of 2011-2013 through the lens of race, gender, age, and neighborhood impacts
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