84 research outputs found

    Exact bosonization of the Ising model

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    We present exact combinatorial versions of bosonization identities, which equate the product of two Ising correlators with a free field (bosonic) correlator. The role of the discrete free field is played by the height function of an associated bipartite dimer model. Some applications to the asymptotic analysis of Ising correlators are discussed.Comment: 35 page

    On spectra of Hermitian Randic matrix of second kind

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    We propose the Hermitian Randi\'c matrix Rω(X)=(Rijω)R^\omega(X)=(R^\omega_{ij}), where ω=1+i32\omega=\frac{1+i \sqrt{3}}{2} and Rijω=1/didjR^\omega_{ij}={1}/{\sqrt{d_id_j}} if vivjv_iv_j is an unoriented edge, ω/didj{\omega}/{\sqrt{d_id_j}} if vivjv_i\rightarrow v_j, ω/didj{\overline{\omega}}/{\sqrt{d_id_j}} if vivjv_i\leftarrow v_j, and 0 otherwise. This appears to be more natural because of ω+ω=1\omega+\overline{\omega}=1 and ω=1|\omega|=1. In this paper, we investigate some features of this novel Hermitian matrix and study a few properties like positiveness, bipartiteness, edge-interlacing etc. We also compute the characteristic polynomial for this new matrix and obtain some upper and lower bounds for the eigenvalues and the energy of this matrix

    Whole Genome Duplications and Contracted Breakpoint Graphs

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    The genome halving problem, motivated by the whole genome duplication events in molecular evolution, was solved by El-Mabrouk and Sankoff in the pioneering paper [SIAM J. Comput., 32 (2003), pp. 754–792]. The El-Mabrouk–Sankoff algorithm is rather complex, inspiring a quest for a simpler solution. An alternative approach to the genome halving problem based on the notion of the contracted breakpoint graph was recently proposed in [M. A. Alekseyev and P. A. Pevzner, IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinformatics, 4 (2007), pp. 98–107]. This new technique reveals that while the El-Mabrouk–Sankoff result is correct in most cases, it does not hold in the case of unichromosomal genomes. This raises a problem of correcting a flaw in the El- Mabrouk–Sankoff analysis and devising an algorithm that deals adequately with all genomes. In this paper we efficiently classify all genomes into two classes and show that while the El-Mabrouk–Sankoff theorem holds for the first class, it is incorrect for the second class. The crux of our analysis is a new combinatorial invariant defined on duplicated permutations. Using this invariant we were able to come up with a full proof of the genome halving theorem and a polynomial algorithm for the genome halving problem

    Reconfiguring Triangulations

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    The results in this thesis lie at the confluence of triangulations and reconfiguration. We make the observation that certain solved and unsolved problems about triangulations can be cast as reconfiguration problems. We then solve some reconfiguration problems that provide us new insights about triangulations. Following are the main contributions of this thesis: 1. We show that computing the flip distance between two triangulations of a point set is NP-complete. A flip is an operation that changes one triangulation into another by replacing one diagonal of a convex quadrilateral by the other diagonal. The flip distance, then, is the smallest number of flips needed to transform one triangulation into another. For the special case when the points are in convex position, the problem of computing the flip distance is a long-standing open problem. 2. Inspired by the problem of computing the flip distance, we start an investigation into computing shortest reconfiguration paths in reconfiguration graphs. We consider the reconfiguration graph of satisfying assignments of Boolean formulas where there is a node for each satisfying assignment of a formula and an edge whenever one assignment can be changed to another by changing the value of exactly one variable from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. We show that computing the shortest path between two satisfying assignments in the reconfiguration graph is either in P, NP-complete, or PSPACE-complete depending on the class the Boolean formula lies in. 3. We initiate the study of labelled reconfiguration. For the case of triangulations, we assign a unique label to each edge of the triangulation and a flip of an edge from e to e' assigns the same label to e' as e. We show that adding labels may make the reconfiguration graph disconnected. We also show that the worst-case reconfiguration distance changes when we assign labels. We show tight bounds on the worst case reconfiguration distance for edge-labelled triangulations of a convex polygon and of a spiral polygon, and edge-labelled spanning trees of a graph. We generalize the result on spanning trees to labelled bases of a matroid and show non-trivial upper bounds on the reconfiguration distance

    Genome Rearrangement Problems

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    Various global rearrangements of permutations, such as reversals and transpositions, have recently become of interest because of their applications in computational molecular biology. A reversal is an operation that reverses the order of a substring of a permutation. A transposition is an operation that swaps two adjacent substrings of a permutation. The problem of determining the smallest number of reversals required to transform a given permutation into the identity permutation is called sorting by reversals. Similar problems can be defined for transpositions and other global rearrangements. Related to sorting by reversals is the problem of establishing the reversal diameter. The reversal diameter of Sn (the symmetric group on n elements) is the maximum number of reversals required to sort a permutation of length n. Of course, diameter problems can be posed for other global rearrangements. These various problems are of interest because the permutations can be used to represent sequences of genes in chromosomes, and the global rearrangements then represent evolutionary events. As a result, we call these problems genome rearrangement problems. Genome rearrangement problems seem to be unlike previously studied algorithmic problems on sequences, so new methods have had to be developed to deal with them. These methods predominantly employ graphs to model permutation structure. However, even using these methods, often a genome rearrangement problem has no obvious polynomial-time algorithm, and in some cases can be shown to be NP-hard. For example, the problem of sorting by reversals is NP-hard, whereas the computational complexity of sorting by transpositions is open. For problems like these, it is natural to seek polynomial-time approximation algorithms that achieve an approximation guarantee. In this thesis, we study several genome rearrangement problems as interesting and challenging algorithmic problems in their own right, including some problems for which the global rearrangement has no immediate biological equivalent. For example, we define a block-interchange to be a rearrangement that swaps any two substrings of the permutation. We examine, in particular, how the graph theoretic models relate to the genome rearrangement problems that we study. The major new results contained in this thesis are as follows: We present a 3/2-approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals. This is the best known approximation algorithm for the problem, and improves upon the 7/4 approximation bound of the previous best algorithm. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for a significant special case of sorting by reversals, thereby disproving a conjecture of Kececioglu and Sankoff, who had suggested that this special case was likely to be NP-hard. We analyse the structure of the so-called cpcle graph of a permutation in the context of sorting by transpositions, and thereby gain a deeper insight into this problem. Among the consequences are; a tighter lower bound for the problem, a simpler 3/2-aproximation algorithm than had previously been described, and algorithms that, in empirical tests, almost always find the exact transposition distance of random permutations. We introduce a natural generalisation of sorting by transpositions called sorting by block-interchanges, and present a polynomial-time algorithm for this problem. We initiate the study of analogous problems on strings over a fixed length alphabet. We establish upper and lower bounds and diameter results for the problems over a binary alphabet. We also prove that the problems analogous to sorting by reversals and sorting by block-interchanges are NP-hard. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Design and Optimization in Near-term Quantum Computation

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    Quantum computers have come a long way since conception, and there is still a long way to go before the dream of universal, fault-tolerant computation is realized. In the near term, quantum computers will occupy a middle ground that is popularly known as the “Noisy, Intermediate-Scale Quantum” (or NISQ) regime. The NISQ era represents a transition in the nature of quantum devices from experimental to computational. There is significant interest in engineering NISQ devices and NISQ algorithms in a manner that will guide the development of quantum computation in this regime and into the era of fault-tolerant quantum computing. In this thesis, we study two aspects of near-term quantum computation. The first of these is the design of device architectures, covered in Chapters 2, 3, and 4. We examine different qubit connectivities on the basis of their graph properties, and present numerical and analytical results on the speed at which large entangled states can be created on nearest-neighbor grids and graphs with modular structure. Next, we discuss the problem of permuting qubits among the nodes of the connectivity graph using only local operations, also known as routing. Using a fast quantum primitive to reverse the qubits in a chain, we construct a hybrid, quantum/classical routing algorithm on the chain. We show via rigorous bounds that this approach is faster than any SWAP-based algorithm for the same problem. The second part, which spans the final three chapters, discusses variational algorithms, which are a class of algorithms particularly suited to near-term quantum computation. Two prototypical variational algorithms, quantum adiabatic optimization (QAO) and the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), are studied for the difference in their control strategies. We show that on certain crafted problem instances, bang-bang control (QAOA) can be as much as exponentially faster than quasistatic control (QAO). Next, we demonstrate the performance of variational state preparation on an analog quantum simulator based on trapped ions. We show that using classical heuristics that exploit structure in the variational parameter landscape, one can find circuit parameters efficiently in system size as well as circuit depth. In the experiment, we approximate the ground state of a critical Ising model with long-ranged interactions on up to 40 spins. Finally, we study the performance of Local Tensor, a classical heuristic algorithm inspired by QAOA on benchmarking instances of the MaxCut problem, and suggest physically motivated choices for the algorithm hyperparameters that are found to perform well empirically. We also show that our implementation of Local Tensor mimics imaginary-time quantum evolution under the problem Hamiltonian

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum