8 research outputs found


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    <p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper considers the bi-criteria scheduling problem of simultaneously minimising the total completion time and the number of tardy jobs with release dates on a single machine. Since the problem had been classified as NP-Hard, two heuristics (HR9 and HR10) were proposed for solving this problem. Performance evaluations of the proposed heuristics and selected solution methods (HR7 and BB) from the literature were carried out on 1,100 randomly generated problems ranging from 3 to 500 jobs. Experiment results show that HR7 outperformed HR10 when the number of jobs (n) is less than 30, while HR10 outperformed HR7 for n≥ 30.</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie artikel word die bi-kriteria-skeduleringsprobleem bestudeer waar die totale voltooiingstyd en die aantal take wat laat is op ‘n enkele masjien geminimiseer moet word. Verskeie heuristieke word voorgestel en getoets om sodoende die beste benadering te identifiseer.</p&gt

    On the Existence of Schedules that are Near-Optimal for both Makespan and Total Weighted Completion Time

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    We give a simple proof that, for any instance of a very general class of scheduling problems, there exists a schedule of makespan at most twice that of the optimal possible and of total weighted completion time at most twice that of the optimal possible. We then refine the analysis, yielding variants of this theorem with improved constants, and give some algorithmic consequences of the technique

    Approximation Techniques for Average Completion Time Scheduling

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    We consider the problem of nonpreemptive scheduling to minimize average ( weighted) completion time, allowing for release dates, parallel machines, and precedence constraints. Recent work has led to constant-factor approximations for this problem based on solving a preemptive or linear programming relaxation and then using the solution to get an ordering on the jobs. We introduce several new techniques which generalize this basic paradigm. We use these ideas to obtain improved approximation algorithms for one-machine scheduling to minimize average completion time with release dates. In the process, we obtain an optimal randomized on-line algorithm for the same problem that beats a lower bound for deterministic on-line algorithms. We consider extensions to the case of parallel machine scheduling, and for this we introduce two new ideas: first, we show that a preemptive one-machine relaxation is a powerful tool for designing parallel machine scheduling algorithms that simultaneously produce good approximations and have small running times; second, we show that a nongreedy “rounding” of the relaxation yields better approximations than a greedy one. We also prove a general theore mrelating the value of one- machine relaxations to that of the schedules obtained for the original m-machine problems. This theorem applies even when there are precedence constraints on the jobs. We apply this result to obtain improved approximation ratios for precedence graphs such as in-trees, out-trees, and series-parallel graphs

    Minimization of passenger takeoff and landing risk in offshore helicopter transportation: models, approaches and analysis

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    Offshore petroleum industry uses helicopters to transport the employees to and from installations. Takeoff and landing represent a substantial part of the flight risks for passengers. In this paper, we propose and analyze approaches to create a safe flight schedule to perform pickup of employees by several independent flights. Two scenarios are considered. Under the non-split scenario, exactly one visit is allowed to each installation. Under the split scenario, the pickup demand of an installation can be split between several flights. Interesting links between our problem and other problems of combinatorial optimization, e.g., parallel machine scheduling and bin-packing are established. We provide worst-case analysis of the performance of some of our algorithms and report the results of computational experiments conducted on randomly generated instances based on the real sets of installations in the oil fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. This paper is the first attempt to handle takeoff and landing risk in a flight schedule that consists of several flights and lays ground for the study on more advanced and practically relevant models

    Existence Theorems for Scheduling to Meet Two Objectives

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    We will look at the existence of schedules which are simultaneously near-optimal for two criteria. First,we will present some techniques for proving existence theorems,in a very general setting,for bicriterion scheduling problems. We will then use these techniques to prove existence theorems for a large class of problems. We will consider the relationship between objective functions based on completion time,flow time,lateness and the number of on-time jobs. We will also present negative results first for the problem of simultaneously minimizing the maximum flow time and average weighted flow time and second for minimizing the maximum flow time and simultaneously maximizing the number of on-time jobs. In some cases we will also present lower bounds and algorithms that approach our bicriterion existence theorems. Finally we will improve upon our general existence results in one more specific environment

    Department of Computer Science Activity 1998-2004

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    This report summarizes much of the research and teaching activity of the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College between late 1998 and late 2004. The material for this report was collected as part of the final report for NSF Institutional Infrastructure award EIA-9802068, which funded equipment and technical staff during that six-year period. This equipment and staff supported essentially all of the department\u27s research activity during that period

    Approximation and online algorithms in scheduling and coloring

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    In the last three decades, approximation and online algorithms have become a major area of theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics. Scheduling and coloring problems are among the most popular ones for which approximation and online algorithms have been analyzed. On one hand, motivated by the well-known difficulty to obtain good lower bounds for the problems, it is particularly hard to prove results on the online and offline performance of algorithms. On the other hand, the theoretically oriented studies of approximation and online algorithms for scheduling and coloring have also impact on the development of better algorithms for real world applications. In the thesis we present approximation algorithms and online algorithms for a number of scheduling and labeling (coloring) problems. Our work in the first part of the thesis is devoted to scheduling problems with the average weighted completion time objective function, that is primarily motivated by some theoretical questions which were open for a number of recent years. Here we present a general method which leads to the design of polynomial time approximation schemes (PTASs), best possible approximation results. In contrast, our work in the second part of the thesis is motivated by practical applications. We consider a number of new labeling and scheduling problems which occur in the design of communication networks. Here we present and analyze efficient approximation and online algorithms. We use very simple techniques which do not require large computational resources