405 research outputs found

    Multidimensional sampling for simulation and integration: measures, discrepancies, and quasi-random numbers

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    This is basically a review of the field of Quasi-Monte Carlo intended for computational physicists and other potential users of quasi-random numbers. As such, much of the material is not new, but is presented here in a style hopefully more accessible to physicists than the specialized mathematical literature. There are also some new results: On the practical side we give important empirical properties of large quasi-random point sets, especially the exact quadratic discrepancies; on the theoretical side, there is the exact distribution of quadratic discrepancy for random point sets.Comment: 51 pages. Full paper, including all figures also available at: ftp://ftp.nikhef.nl/pub/preprints/96-017.ps.gz Accepted for publication in Comp.Phys.Comm. Fixed some typos, corrected formula 108,figure 11 and table

    Discrepancy bounds for low-dimensional point sets

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    The class of (t,m,s)(t,m,s)-nets and (t,s)(t,s)-sequences, introduced in their most general form by Niederreiter, are important examples of point sets and sequences that are commonly used in quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms for integration and approximation. Low-dimensional versions of (t,m,s)(t,m,s)-nets and (t,s)(t,s)-sequences, such as Hammersley point sets and van der Corput sequences, form important sub-classes, as they are interesting mathematical objects from a theoretical point of view, and simultaneously serve as examples that make it easier to understand the structural properties of (t,m,s)(t,m,s)-nets and (t,s)(t,s)-sequences in arbitrary dimension. For these reasons, a considerable number of papers have been written on the properties of low-dimensional nets and sequences

    On the fast computation of the weight enumerator polynomial and the tt value of digital nets over finite abelian groups

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    In this paper we introduce digital nets over finite abelian groups which contain digital nets over finite fields and certain rings as a special case. We prove a MacWilliams type identity for such digital nets. This identity can be used to compute the strict tt-value of a digital net over finite abelian groups. If the digital net has NN points in the ss dimensional unit cube [0,1]s[0,1]^s, then the tt-value can be computed in O(Nslog⁥N)\mathcal{O}(N s \log N) operations and the weight enumerator polynomial can be computed in O(Ns(log⁥N)2)\mathcal{O}(N s (\log N)^2) operations, where operations mean arithmetic of integers. By precomputing some values the number of operations of computing the weight enumerator polynomial can be reduced further

    Explicit constructions of point sets and sequences with low discrepancy

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    In this article we survey recent results on the explicit construction of finite point sets and infinite sequences with optimal order of Lq\mathcal{L}_q discrepancy. In 1954 Roth proved a lower bound for the L2\mathcal{L}_2 discrepancy of finite point sets in the unit cube of arbitrary dimension. Later various authors extended Roth's result to lower bounds also for the Lq\mathcal{L}_q discrepancy and for infinite sequences. While it was known already from the early 1980s on that Roth's lower bound is best possible in the order of magnitude, it was a longstanding open question to find explicit constructions of point sets and sequences with optimal order of L2\mathcal{L}_2 discrepancy. This problem was solved by Chen and Skriganov in 2002 for finite point sets and recently by the authors of this article for infinite sequences. These constructions can also be extended to give optimal order of the Lq\mathcal{L}_q discrepancy of finite point sets for q∈(1,∞)q \in (1,\infty). The main aim of this article is to give an overview of these constructions and related results
