859 research outputs found

    Source-Channel Diversity for Parallel Channels

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    We consider transmitting a source across a pair of independent, non-ergodic channels with random states (e.g., slow fading channels) so as to minimize the average distortion. The general problem is unsolved. Hence, we focus on comparing two commonly used source and channel encoding systems which correspond to exploiting diversity either at the physical layer through parallel channel coding or at the application layer through multiple description source coding. For on-off channel models, source coding diversity offers better performance. For channels with a continuous range of reception quality, we show the reverse is true. Specifically, we introduce a new figure of merit called the distortion exponent which measures how fast the average distortion decays with SNR. For continuous-state models such as additive white Gaussian noise channels with multiplicative Rayleigh fading, optimal channel coding diversity at the physical layer is more efficient than source coding diversity at the application layer in that the former achieves a better distortion exponent. Finally, we consider a third decoding architecture: multiple description encoding with a joint source-channel decoding. We show that this architecture achieves the same distortion exponent as systems with optimal channel coding diversity for continuous-state channels, and maintains the the advantages of multiple description systems for on-off channels. Thus, the multiple description system with joint decoding achieves the best performance, from among the three architectures considered, on both continuous-state and on-off channels.Comment: 48 pages, 14 figure

    Probabilistic Shaping for Finite Blocklengths: Distribution Matching and Sphere Shaping

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    In this paper, we provide for the first time a systematic comparison of distribution matching (DM) and sphere shaping (SpSh) algorithms for short blocklength probabilistic amplitude shaping. For asymptotically large blocklengths, constant composition distribution matching (CCDM) is known to generate the target capacity-achieving distribution. As the blocklength decreases, however, the resulting rate loss diminishes the efficiency of CCDM. We claim that for such short blocklengths and over the additive white Gaussian channel (AWGN), the objective of shaping should be reformulated as obtaining the most energy-efficient signal space for a given rate (rather than matching distributions). In light of this interpretation, multiset-partition DM (MPDM), enumerative sphere shaping (ESS) and shell mapping (SM), are reviewed as energy-efficient shaping techniques. Numerical results show that MPDM and SpSh have smaller rate losses than CCDM. SpSh--whose sole objective is to maximize the energy efficiency--is shown to have the minimum rate loss amongst all. We provide simulation results of the end-to-end decoding performance showing that up to 1 dB improvement in power efficiency over uniform signaling can be obtained with MPDM and SpSh at blocklengths around 200. Finally, we present a discussion on the complexity of these algorithms from the perspective of latency, storage and computations.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Algorithms for compression of high dynamic range images and video

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    The recent advances in sensor and display technologies have brought upon the High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging capability. The modern multiple exposure HDR sensors can achieve the dynamic range of 100-120 dB and LED and OLED display devices have contrast ratios of 10^5:1 to 10^6:1. Despite the above advances in technology the image/video compression algorithms and associated hardware are yet based on Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) technology, i.e. they operate within an effective dynamic range of up to 70 dB for 8 bit gamma corrected images. Further the existing infrastructure for content distribution is also designed for SDR, which creates interoperability problems with true HDR capture and display equipment. The current solutions for the above problem include tone mapping the HDR content to fit SDR. However this approach leads to image quality associated problems, when strong dynamic range compression is applied. Even though some HDR-only solutions have been proposed in literature, they are not interoperable with current SDR infrastructure and are thus typically used in closed systems. Given the above observations a research gap was identified in the need for efficient algorithms for the compression of still images and video, which are capable of storing full dynamic range and colour gamut of HDR images and at the same time backward compatible with existing SDR infrastructure. To improve the usability of SDR content it is vital that any such algorithms should accommodate different tone mapping operators, including those that are spatially non-uniform. In the course of the research presented in this thesis a novel two layer CODEC architecture is introduced for both HDR image and video coding. Further a universal and computationally efficient approximation of the tone mapping operator is developed and presented. It is shown that the use of perceptually uniform colourspaces for internal representation of pixel data enables improved compression efficiency of the algorithms. Further proposed novel approaches to the compression of metadata for the tone mapping operator is shown to improve compression performance for low bitrate video content. Multiple compression algorithms are designed, implemented and compared and quality-complexity trade-offs are identified. Finally practical aspects of implementing the developed algorithms are explored by automating the design space exploration flow and integrating the high level systems design framework with domain specific tools for synthesis and simulation of multiprocessor systems. The directions for further work are also presented

    Application of Visual Simulation in Communication Systems

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    A communications system is a collection of individual communications networks, transmission systems, relay stations, tributary stations, and data terminal equipment (DTE) usually capable of interconnection and interoperation to form an integrated whole. The components of a communications system serve a common purpose, are technically compatible, use common procedures, respond to controls, and operate in unison. A typical communication link includes, at a minimum, three key elements: a transmitter, a communication medium (or channel), and a receiver. The ability to simulate all three of these elements is required in order to successfully model any end-to-end communication system. In order to achieve this target we have used a simulation software “VisSim” ,or Visual Simulator ,that allows us to use a graphical approach to simulation and modeling. With graphical programming, the diagram is the source code, depicted as an arrangement of nodes connected by wires. Each piece of data flows through the wires, to be consumed by nodes that transform the data mathematically or perform some action such as I/O. The visual simulator allows us to model end-to-end communication systems at the signal or physical level. We use VisSim/ Comm to build both transmitter and receiver models, filters and equalizers, as well as channel models and coding techniques from a first principles perspective, by selecting and connecting predefined blocks. In this project work we simulate a variety of models including analog, digital and mixed mode designs, and quickly simulate their behavior using the VisSim/Comm software and graphical programming

    Robust Transmission of Images Based on JPEG2000 Using Edge Information

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    In multimedia communication and data storage, compression of data is essential to speed up the transmission rate, minimize the use of channel bandwidth, and minimize storage space. JPEG2000 is the new standard for image compression for transmission and storage. The drawback of Compression is that compressed data are more vulnerable to channel noise during transmission. Previous techniques for error concealment are classified into three groups depending on the Approach employed by the encoder and decoder: Forward Error Concealment, Error Concealment by Post Processing and Interactive Error Concealment. The objective of this thesis is to develop a Concealment methodology that has the capability of both error detection and concealment, be Compatible with the JPEG2000 standard, and guarantees minimum use of channel bandwidth. A new methodology is developed to detect corrupted regions/coefficients in the received Images the edge information. The methodology requires transmission of edge information of wavelet coefficients of the original image along with JPEG2000 compressed image. At the receiver, the edge information of received wavelet coefficients is computed and compared with the received edge information of the original image to determine the corrupted coefficients. Three methods of concealment, each including a filter, are investigated to handle the corrupted regions/coefficients. MATLAB™ functions are developed that simulate channel noise, image transmission Using JPEG2000 standard and the proposed methodology. The objective quality measure such as Peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), root-mean-square error (rms) and subjective quality Measure are used to evaluate processed images. The simulation results are presented to demonstrate The performance of the proposed methodology. The results are also compared with recent approaches Found in the literature. Based on performance of the proposed approach, it is claimed that the Proposed approach can be successfully used in wireless and Internet communications

    Design of a fault tolerant airborne digital computer. Volume 1: Architecture

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    This volume is concerned with the architecture of a fault tolerant digital computer for an advanced commercial aircraft. All of the computations of the aircraft, including those presently carried out by analogue techniques, are to be carried out in this digital computer. Among the important qualities of the computer are the following: (1) The capacity is to be matched to the aircraft environment. (2) The reliability is to be selectively matched to the criticality and deadline requirements of each of the computations. (3) The system is to be readily expandable. contractible, and (4) The design is to appropriate to post 1975 technology. Three candidate architectures are discussed and assessed in terms of the above qualities. Of the three candidates, a newly conceived architecture, Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT), provides the best match to the above qualities. In addition SIFT is particularly simple and believable. The other candidates, Bus Checker System (BUCS), also newly conceived in this project, and the Hopkins multiprocessor are potentially more efficient than SIFT in the use of redundancy, but otherwise are not as attractive