620 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian systems with symmetry, coadjoint orbits and plasma physics

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    The symplectic and Poisson structures on reduced phase spaces are reviewed, including the symplectic structure on coadjoint orbits of a Lie group and the Lie-Poisson structure on the dual of a Lie algebra. These results are applied to plasma physics. We show in three steps how the Maxwell-Vlasov equations for a collisionless plasma can be written in Hamiltonian form relative to a certain Poisson bracket. First, the Poisson-Vlasov equations are shown to be in Hamiltonian form relative to the Lie-Poisson bracket on the dual of the (nite dimensional) Lie algebra of innitesimal canonical transformations. Then we write Maxwell's equations in Hamiltonian form using the canonical symplectic structure on the phase space of the electromagnetic elds, regarded as a gauge theory. In the last step we couple these two systems via the reduction procedure for interacting systems. We also show that two other standard models in plasma physics, ideal MHD and two- uid electrodynamics, can be written in Hamiltonian form using similar group theoretic techniques

    Entropy on effect algebras with the Riesz decomposition property I: Basic properties

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    summary:We define the entropy, lower and upper entropy, and the conditional entropy of a dynamical system consisting of an effect algebra with the Riesz decomposition property, a state, and a transformation. Such effect algebras allow many refinements of two partitions. We present the basic properties of these entropies and these notions are illustrated by many examples. Entropy on MV-algebras is postponed to Part II

    Entropy on effect algebras with Riesz decomposition property II: MV-algebras

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    summary:We study the entropy mainly on special effect algebras with (RDP), namely on tribes of fuzzy sets and sigma-complete MV-algebras. We generalize results from [RiMu] and [RiNe] which were known only for special tribes

    Tensor Product Structures, Entanglement, and Particle Scattering

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    Particle systems admit a variety of tensor product structures (TPSs) depending on the complete system of commuting observables chosen for the analysis. Different notions of entanglement are associated with these different TPSs. Global symmetry transformations and dynamical transformations factor into products of local unitary operators with respect to certain TPSs and not with respect to others. Symmetry-invariant and dynamical-invariant TPSs and corresponding measures of entanglement are defined for particle scattering systems.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; v.2 typo in references corrected, submitted to OSID as part of SMP3

    Entropy in Dynamic Systems

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    In order to measure and quantify the complex behavior of real-world systems, either novel mathematical approaches or modifications of classical ones are required to precisely predict, monitor, and control complicated chaotic and stochastic processes. Though the term of entropy comes from Greek and emphasizes its analogy to energy, today, it has wandered to different branches of pure and applied sciences and is understood in a rather rough way, with emphasis placed on the transition from regular to chaotic states, stochastic and deterministic disorder, and uniform and non-uniform distribution or decay of diversity. This collection of papers addresses the notion of entropy in a very broad sense. The presented manuscripts follow from different branches of mathematical/physical sciences, natural/social sciences, and engineering-oriented sciences with emphasis placed on the complexity of dynamical systems. Topics like timing chaos and spatiotemporal chaos, bifurcation, synchronization and anti-synchronization, stability, lumped mass and continuous mechanical systems modeling, novel nonlinear phenomena, and resonances are discussed

    Lectures on Spectrum Generating Symmetries and U-duality in Supergravity, Extremal Black Holes, Quantum Attractors and Harmonic Superspace

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    We review the underlying algebraic structures of supergravity theories with symmetric scalar manifolds in five and four dimensions, orbits of their extremal black hole solutions and the spectrum generating extensions of their U-duality groups. For 5D, N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGT) defined by Euclidean Jordan algebras, J, the spectrum generating symmetry groups are the conformal groups Conf(J) of J which are isomorphic to their U-duality groups in four dimensions. Similarly, the spectrum generating symmetry groups of 4D, N=2 MESGTs are the quasiconformal groups QConf(J) associated with J that are isomorphic to their U-duality groups in three dimensions. We then review the work on spectrum generating symmetries of spherically symmetric stationary 4D BPS black holes, based on the equivalence of their attractor equations and the equations for geodesic motion of a fiducial particle on the target spaces of corresponding 3D supergravity theories obtained by timelike reduction. We also discuss the connection between harmonic superspace formulation of 4D, N=2 sigma models coupled to supergravity and the minimal unitary representations of their isometry groups obtained by quantizing their quasiconformal realizations. We discuss the relevance of this connection to spectrum generating symmetries and conclude with a brief summary of more recent results.Comment: 55 pages; Latex fil