70,616 research outputs found

    On the editing distance of graphs

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    An edge-operation on a graph GG is defined to be either the deletion of an existing edge or the addition of a nonexisting edge. Given a family of graphs G\mathcal{G}, the editing distance from GG to G\mathcal{G} is the smallest number of edge-operations needed to modify GG into a graph from G\mathcal{G}. In this paper, we fix a graph HH and consider Forb(n,H){\rm Forb}(n,H), the set of all graphs on nn vertices that have no induced copy of HH. We provide bounds for the maximum over all nn-vertex graphs GG of the editing distance from GG to Forb(n,H){\rm Forb}(n,H), using an invariant we call the {\it binary chromatic number} of the graph HH. We give asymptotically tight bounds for that distance when HH is self-complementary and exact results for several small graphs HH

    Stability of Reeb graphs under function perturbations: the case of closed curves

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    Reeb graphs provide a method for studying the shape of a manifold by encoding the evolution and arrangement of level sets of a simple Morse function defined on the manifold. Since their introduction in computer graphics they have been gaining popularity as an effective tool for shape analysis and matching. In this context one question deserving attention is whether Reeb graphs are robust against function perturbations. Focusing on 1-dimensional manifolds, we define an editing distance between Reeb graphs of curves, in terms of the cost necessary to transform one graph into another. Our main result is that changes in Morse functions induce smaller changes in the editing distance between Reeb graphs of curves, implying stability of Reeb graphs under function perturbations.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    On the Threshold of Intractability

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    We study the computational complexity of the graph modification problems Threshold Editing and Chain Editing, adding and deleting as few edges as possible to transform the input into a threshold (or chain) graph. In this article, we show that both problems are NP-complete, resolving a conjecture by Natanzon, Shamir, and Sharan (Discrete Applied Mathematics, 113(1):109--128, 2001). On the positive side, we show the problem admits a quadratic vertex kernel. Furthermore, we give a subexponential time parameterized algorithm solving Threshold Editing in 2O(klogk)+poly(n)2^{O(\surd k \log k)} + \text{poly}(n) time, making it one of relatively few natural problems in this complexity class on general graphs. These results are of broader interest to the field of social network analysis, where recent work of Brandes (ISAAC, 2014) posits that the minimum edit distance to a threshold graph gives a good measure of consistency for node centralities. Finally, we show that all our positive results extend to the related problem of Chain Editing, as well as the completion and deletion variants of both problems

    Multicolor and directed edit distance

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    The editing of a combinatorial object is the alteration of some of its elements such that the resulting object satisfies a certain fixed property. The edit problem for graphs, when the edges are added or deleted, was first studied independently by the authors and K\'ezdy [J. Graph Theory (2008), 58(2), 123--138] and by Alon and Stav [Random Structures Algorithms (2008), 33(1), 87--104]. In this paper, a generalization of graph editing is considered for multicolorings of the complete graph as well as for directed graphs. Specifically, the number of edge-recolorings sufficient to be performed on any edge-colored complete graph to satisfy a given hereditary property is investigated. The theory for computing the edit distance is extended using random structures and so-called types or colored homomorphisms of graphs.Comment: 25 page

    Graph Edit Distance Reward: Learning to Edit Scene Graph

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    Scene Graph, as a vital tool to bridge the gap between language domain and image domain, has been widely adopted in the cross-modality task like VQA. In this paper, we propose a new method to edit the scene graph according to the user instructions, which has never been explored. To be specific, in order to learn editing scene graphs as the semantics given by texts, we propose a Graph Edit Distance Reward, which is based on the Policy Gradient and Graph Matching algorithm, to optimize neural symbolic model. In the context of text-editing image retrieval, we validate the effectiveness of our method in CSS and CRIR dataset. Besides, CRIR is a new synthetic dataset generated by us, which we will publish it soon for future use.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, ECCV camera ready versio

    Sequential Manipulation Planning on Scene Graph

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    We devise a 3D scene graph representation, contact graph+ (cg+), for efficient sequential task planning. Augmented with predicate-like attributes, this contact graph-based representation abstracts scene layouts with succinct geometric information and valid robot-scene interactions. Goal configurations, naturally specified on contact graphs, can be produced by a genetic algorithm with a stochastic optimization method. A task plan is then initialized by computing the Graph Editing Distance (GED) between the initial contact graphs and the goal configurations, which generates graph edit operations corresponding to possible robot actions. We finalize the task plan by imposing constraints to regulate the temporal feasibility of graph edit operations, ensuring valid task and motion correspondences. In a series of simulations and experiments, robots successfully complete complex sequential object rearrangement tasks that are difficult to specify using conventional planning language like Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL), demonstrating the high feasibility and potential of robot sequential task planning on contact graph.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by IROS 202

    Next Generation Cluster Editing

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    This work aims at improving the quality of structural variant prediction from the mapped reads of a sequenced genome. We suggest a new model based on cluster editing in weighted graphs and introduce a new heuristic algorithm that allows to solve this problem quickly and with a good approximation on the huge graphs that arise from biological datasets

    Fast Parallel Fixed-Parameter Algorithms via Color Coding

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    Fixed-parameter algorithms have been successfully applied to solve numerous difficult problems within acceptable time bounds on large inputs. However, most fixed-parameter algorithms are inherently \emph{sequential} and, thus, make no use of the parallel hardware present in modern computers. We show that parallel fixed-parameter algorithms do not only exist for numerous parameterized problems from the literature -- including vertex cover, packing problems, cluster editing, cutting vertices, finding embeddings, or finding matchings -- but that there are parallel algorithms working in \emph{constant} time or at least in time \emph{depending only on the parameter} (and not on the size of the input) for these problems. Phrased in terms of complexity classes, we place numerous natural parameterized problems in parameterized versions of AC0^0. On a more technical level, we show how the \emph{color coding} method can be implemented in constant time and apply it to embedding problems for graphs of bounded tree-width or tree-depth and to model checking first-order formulas in graphs of bounded degree