107 research outputs found

    Judeo-arabic commentary on the Song of Songs. A digital edition

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    Questa ricerca propone uno studio sul giudeo-arabo, varietà linguistica di particolare rilievo, considerando l’importante produzione di testi redatti in giudeo-arabo nell’ambito della cultura letteraria delle comunità ebraiche che vivevano nei paesi di lingua araba. La ricerca si è basata sull’analisi di un testimone inedito (ms. 5491, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York) del 15° secolo. Il testo è trilingue, e contiene il Cantico dei Cantici, la sua traduzione aramaica (targum), la traduzione del Cantico in giudeo-arabo, ed un commentario, sempre in giudeo-arabo. Oltre ad un'indagine linguistica, si è prodotta un'edizione digitale del testo contenuto in JTS, ms. 5491, in formato TEI

    Estimating the Rate-Distortion Function by Wasserstein Gradient Descent

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    In the theory of lossy compression, the rate-distortion (R-D) function R(D)R(D) describes how much a data source can be compressed (in bit-rate) at any given level of fidelity (distortion). Obtaining R(D)R(D) for a given data source establishes the fundamental performance limit for all compression algorithms. We propose a new method to estimate R(D)R(D) from the perspective of optimal transport. Unlike the classic Blahut--Arimoto algorithm which fixes the support of the reproduction distribution in advance, our Wasserstein gradient descent algorithm learns the support of the optimal reproduction distribution by moving particles. We prove its local convergence and analyze the sample complexity of our R-D estimator based on a connection to entropic optimal transport. Experimentally, we obtain comparable or tighter bounds than state-of-the-art neural network methods on low-rate sources while requiring considerably less tuning and computation effort. We also highlight a connection to maximum-likelihood deconvolution and introduce a new class of sources that can be used as test cases with known solutions to the R-D problem.Comment: Accepted as conference paper at NeurIPS 202

    The Sixth Data Release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (R ave). II. Stellar Atmospheric Parameters, Chemical Abundances, and Distances

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    We present part 2 of the sixth and final Data Release (DR6) of the Radial Velocity Experiment (Rave), a magnitude-limited spectroscopic survey of Galactic stars randomly selected in Earth's southern hemisphere. The Rave medium-resolution spectra (R ∼ 7500) cover the Ca triplet region (8410-8795 Å) and span the complete time frame from the start of Rave observations on 2003 April 12 to their completion on 2013 April 4. In the second of two publications, we present the data products derived from 518,387 observations of 451,783 unique stars using a suite of advanced reduction pipelines focusing on stellar atmospheric parameters, in particular purely spectroscopically derived stellar atmospheric parameters, and the overall metallicity), enhanced stellar atmospheric parameters inferred via a Bayesian pipeline using Gaia DR2 astrometric priors, and asteroseismically calibrated stellar atmospheric parameters for giant stars based on asteroseismic observations for 699 K2 stars. In addition, we provide abundances of the elements Fe, Al, and Ni, as well as an overall [α/Fe] ratio obtained using a new pipeline based on the GAUGUIN optimization method that is able to deal with variable signal-to-noise ratios. The Rave DR6 catalogs are cross-matched with relevant astrometric and photometric catalogs, and are complemented by orbital parameters and effective temperatures based on the infrared flux method. The data can be accessed via the Rave website (http://rave-survey.org) or the Vizier database

    The American Astronomical Society, find out more The Institute of Physics, find out more The Sixth Data Release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (Rave). II. Stellar Atmospheric Parameters, Chemical Abundances, and Distances

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    We present part 2 of the 6th and final Data Release (DR6 or FDR) of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE), a magnitude-limited (9<I<12) spectroscopic survey of Galactic stars randomly selected in the southern hemisphere. The RAVE medium-resolution spectra (R~7500) cover the Ca-triplet region (8410-8795A) and span the complete time frame from the start of RAVE observations on 12 April 2003 to their completion on 4 April 2013. In the second of two publications, we present the data products derived from 518387 observations of 451783 unique stars using a suite of advanced reduction pipelines focussing on stellar atmospheric parameters, in particular purely spectroscopically derived stellar atmospheric parameters (Teff, log(g), and the overall metallicity), enhanced stellar atmospheric parameters inferred via a Bayesian pipeline using Gaia DR2 astrometric priors, and asteroseismically calibrated stellar atmospheric parameters for giant stars based on asteroseismic observations for 699 K2 stars. In addition, we provide abundances of the elements Fe, Al, and Ni, as well as an overall [alpha/Fe] ratio obtained using a new pipeline based on the GAUGUIN optimization method that is able to deal with variable signal-to-noise ratios. The RAVE DR6 catalogs are cross matched with relevant astrometric and photometric catalogs, and are complemented by orbital parameters and effective temperatures based on the infrared flux method. The data can be accessed via the RAVE Web site (http://rave-survey.org) or the Vizier database

    The Sixth Data Release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (Rave). II. Stellar Atmospheric Parameters, Chemical Abundances, and Distances

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    We present part 2 of the sixth and final Data Release (DR6) of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE), a magnitude-limited (9 &lt;I &lt;12) spectroscopic survey of Galactic stars randomly selected in Earth's southern hemisphere. The RAVE medium-resolution spectra (R similar to 7500) cover the Ca triplet region (8410-8795 angstrom) and span the complete time frame from the start of RAVE observations on 2003 April 12 to their completion on 2013 April 4. In the second of two publications, we present the data products derived from 518,387 observations of 451,783 unique stars using a suite of advanced reduction pipelines focusing on stellar atmospheric parameters, in particular purely spectroscopically derived stellar atmospheric parameters (T-eff, log g, and the overall metallicity), enhanced stellar atmospheric parameters inferred via a Bayesian pipeline using Gaia DR2 astrometric priors, and asteroseismically calibrated stellar atmospheric parameters for giant stars based on asteroseismic observations for 699 K2 stars. In addition, we provide abundances of the elements Fe, Al, and Ni, as well as an overall [alpha/Fe] ratio obtained using a new pipeline based on the GAUGUIN optimization method that is able to deal with variable signal-to-noise ratios. The RAVE DR6 catalogs are cross-matched with relevant astrometric and photometric catalogs, and are complemented by orbital parameters and effective temperatures based on the infrared flux method. The data can be accessed via the RAVE website (http://rave-survey.org) or the Vizier database.</p
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