117,078 research outputs found

    Ризико-операційний підхід до вирішення проблеми оптимального випуску програмних систем

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    Запропоновано підхід до вирішення задачі оптимального випуску програмних систем, базований на аналізі ризику відмов програмних компонентів і врахуванні операційного профілю функціонування системи при формуванні критерію оптимізації. Розроблено метод оцінки ризику відмов програмних компонентів та модель для визначення оптимального часу тестування програмних модулів, яка враховує ризики відмов модулів під час експлуатації.The approach to the decision of task of optimal software systems release is represented. It is based on the software failure risk analysis and of operational profile of system functioning for building the optimization criteria. The method of modules risks evaluation has been developed. A model for the determination of the optimum time of the system’s modules testing has been developed. It takes into account risks of module failures during the system operation

    Optimasi Formula Tablet Lepas Lambat Tramadol HCl dengan Kombinasi Matriks Mukoadhesif PVP dan Xanthan Gum secara Simplex Lattice Design

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    Tramadol HCl is a synthetic opioid of cyclohexanol group which acts as an analgesic. To improve the comfort and compliance of patient, therefore tramadol HCl is made in sustained release tablet. In this study, sustained release tablet of tramadol HCl was combined with PVP and xanthan gum mucoadhesive matrix. This study was made in four formulas, they were: control formula (without the matrix), F I (25% PVP : 75% xanthan gum), F II (50% PVP : 50% xanthan gum), and F III (75% PVP : 25% xanthan gum). The tablets were made by dry granulation and compressed to 250 mg weight of tablet. The obtained granules and tablets were tested for the physical properties. The properties determination of the optimum formula used Simplex Lattice Design method (SLD) with Software Design Expert 8.0.6. The parameters used were: flowing time, hardness, friability, and disolution. The experimental results and the theoretical optimum formula were analyzed using t-test. The optimum formula sustained release tablet of tramadol HCl with PVP and xanthan gum mucoadhesive matrix combination by Simplex Lattice Design was obtained in proportion of 55,031% PVP and 44,969% xanthan gum. Pattern of tramadol HCl release on the optimum formula followed diffusion mechanism and zerro orde kinetic. The response of physical properties of optimum formula was obtained from prediction result and examination showed that there was not different significant.Tramadol HCl merupakan sintetik opioid kelompok sikloheksanol yang bertindak sebagai analgesik. Untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan dan kepatuhan pasien, maka tramadol HCl dibuat dalam sediaan lepas lambat. Pada penelitian ini tablet lepas lambat tramadol HCl dikombinasi dengan matriks mukoadhesif PVP dan xanthan gum. Penelitian ini dibuat dalam empat formulasi antara lain: formula kontrol (tanpa matriks), F I (25% PVP : 75% xanthan gum), F II (50% PVP : 50% xanthan gum), dan F III (75% PVP : 25% xanthan gum). Tablet dibuat dengan granulasi kering dan dicetak dengan bobot tablet 250 mg. Granul dan tablet yang terbentuk dilakukan pengujian sifat fisik granul dan tablet. Penentuan formula optimum menggunakan metode Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) dengan Software Design Expert 8.0.6. Parameter yang digunakan yaitu: waktu alir, kekerasan tablet, kerapuhan tablet, dan disolusi tablet. Hasil teoritis dan percobaan formula optimum dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t. Formula optimum tablet lepas lambat tramadol HCl kombinasi matriks mukoadhesif PVP dan xanthan gum secara Simplex Lattice Design diperoleh dengan proporsi PVP 55,031% dan xanthan gum 44,969%. Pola pelepasan tramadol HCl pada formula optimum mengikuti mekanisme difusi dan kinetika orde nol. Respon sifat fisik formula optimum dari hasil prediksi dan percobaan menunjukkan tidak ada beda signifikan

    Release angle for attaining maximum distance in the soccer throw-in

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    We investigated the release angle that maximises the distance attained in a long soccer throw-in. One male soccer player performed maximum-effort throws using release angles of between 10 and 60º, and the throws were analysed using two-dimensional videography. The player’s optimum release angle was calculated by substituting mathematical expressions for the measured relationships between release speed, release height and release angle into the equations for the flight of a spherical projectile. We found that the musculoskeletal structure of the player’s body had a strong influence on the optimum release angle. When using low release angles the player released the ball with a greater release speed and, because the range of a projectile is strongly dependent on the release speed, this bias toward low release angles reduced the optimum release angle to about 30°. Calculations showed that the distance of a throw may be increased by a few metres by launching the ball with a fast backspin, but the ball must be launched at a slightly lower release angle

    A new intrinsic thermal parameter for enzymes reveals true temperature optima

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    Two established thermal properties of enzymes are the Arrhenius activation energy and thermal stability. Arising from anomalies found in the variation of enzyme activity with temperature, a comparison has been made of experimental data for the activity and stability properties of five different enzymes with theoretical models. The results provide evidence for a new and fundamental third thermal parameter of enzymes, Teq, arising from a subsecond timescale-reversible temperature-dependent equilibrium between the active enzyme and an inactive (or less active) form. Thus, at temperatures above its optimum, the decrease in enzyme activity arising from the temperature-dependent shift in this equilibrium is up to two orders of magnitude greater than what occurs through thermal denaturation. This parameter has important implications for our understanding of the connection between catalytic activity and thermostability and of the effect of temperature on enzyme reactions within the cell. Unlike the Arrhenius activation energy, which is unaffected by the source (“evolved”) temperature of the enzyme, and enzyme stability, which is not necessarily related to activity, Teq is central to the physiological adaptation of an enzyme to its environmental temperature and links the molecular, physiological, and environmental aspects of the adaptation of life to temperature in a way that has not been described previously. We may therefore expect the effect of evolution on Teq with respect to enzyme temperature/activity effects to be more important than on thermal stability. Teq is also an important parameter to consider when engineering enzymes to modify their thermal properties by both rational design and by directed enzyme evolution

    Optimizing a sustainable ultrasound assisted extraction method for the recovery of polyphenols from lemon by-products:comparison with hot water and organic solvent extractions

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    Response surface methodology (RSM) based on a three-factor and three-level Box–Behnken design was employed for optimizing the aqueous ultrasound-assisted extraction (AUAE) conditions, including extraction time (35–45 min), extraction temperature (45–55 °C) and ultrasonic power (150–250 W), for the recovery of total phenolic content (TPC) and rutin from lemon by-products. The independent variables and their values were selected on the basis of preliminary experiments, where the effects of five extraction parameters (particle size, extraction time and temperature, ultrasonic power and sample-to-solvent ratio) on TPC and rutin extraction yields were investigated. The yields of TPC and rutin were studied using a second-order polynomial equation. The optimum AUAE conditions for TPC were extraction time of 45 min, extraction temperature of 50 °C and ultrasonic power of 250 W with a predicted value of 18.10 ± 0.24 mg GAE/g dw, while the optimum AUAE conditions for rutin were extraction time of 35 min, extraction temperature of 48 °C and ultrasonic power of 150W with a predicted value of 3.20 ± 0.12 mg/g dw. The extracts obtained at the optimum AUAE conditions were compared with those obtained by a hot water and an organic solvent conventional extraction in terms of TPC, total flavonoid content (TF) and antioxidant capacity. The extracts obtained by AUAE had the same TPC, TF and ferric reducing antioxidant power as those achieved by organic solvent conventional extraction. However, hot water extraction led to extracts with the highest flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity. Scanning electron microscopy analysis showed that all the extraction methods led to cell damage to varying extents

    Technical guide on documentation requirements for open market contract acquisitions of information resources

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    A guide is presented to assist requestors in formulating and submitting the required Complete Package for Information Resources (IR) acquisitions. Advance discussions with cognizant procurement personnel are strongly recommended for complex IR requirements or for those requestors new to the acquisition process. Open Market means the requirement either is not available on GSA Schedule Contract or exceeds the 300,000thresholdand/orthequantityMaximumOrderLimitationoftheGSAScheduleContract.Onlyopenmarketcontractacquisitions(i.e.,inexcessofthe300,000 threshold and/or the quantity Maximum Order Limitation of the GSA Schedule Contract. Only open market contract acquisitions (i.e., in excess of the 25,000 small purchase threshold), are addressed