27 research outputs found

    Vigorous Module Based Data Management

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    Data is important in today’s life and it must be saved using less amount of memory. Data is important in day to day life for many purposes, like Government activities, any organization needs their own database, hospitals, schools etc. It is necessary to save data into database as per the user’s query generation with less memory conjunction. One of the novel techniques we have developed for saving data into database by using file similarity algorithm. This technique is used to split the text file into number of paragraphs and save these paragraphs using appropriate reference number. These reference numbers are stored in database, whenever same paragraph will appeared in another text file it will check database and then save the other references of that file which are new for that file. This technique requires less memory and data can be stored in appropriate manner

    DL-Lite: Tractable Description Logics for Ontologies: A Survey

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    Description Logic, called DL-Lite, specially used to capture essential ontology languages, and keeping low difficulty of logic. Here logic means computing subsumption between concepts, and checking satisfiability of the whole knowledge base, as well as answer complex queries over the set of instances maintained in secondary storage. DL-Lite the usual DL logical tasks are polynomial in the amount of the TBox, and query answering is polynomial in the amount of the ABox (i.e., in data difficulty). To the best of knowledge, this is the first result of polynomial data difficulty for query answering over DL knowledge bases. A distinguished visage of logic is to allow for a partitions between TBox and ABox logic during query evaluation: the part of the process requiring TBox logic is self-determining of the ABox, and the some part of the process requiring access to the ABox which can be carried out by an SQL engine, thus taking benefit of the query optimization strategies provided by current DBMSs

    Priority-Based Conflict Resolution in Inconsistent Relational Databases

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    We study here the impact of priorities on conflict resolution in inconsistent relational databases. We extend the framework of repairs and consistent query answers. We propose a set of postulates that an extended framework should satisfy and consider two instantiations of the framework: (locally preferred) l-repairs and (globally preferred) g-repairs. We study the relationships between them and the impact each notion of repair has on the computational complexity of repair checking and consistent query answers