597 research outputs found

    A tension approach to controlling the shape of cubic spline surfaces on FVS triangulations

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    We propose a parametric tensioned version of the FVS macro-element to control the shape of the composite surface and remove artificial oscillations, bumps and other undesired behaviour. In particular, this approach is applied to C1 cubic spline surfaces over a four-directional mesh produced by two-stage scattered data fitting methods

    Gauss images of hyperbolic cusps with convex polyhedral boundary

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    We prove that a 3--dimensional hyperbolic cusp with convex polyhedral boundary is uniquely determined by its Gauss image. Furthermore, any spherical metric on the torus with cone singularities of negative curvature and all closed contractible geodesics of length greater than 2π2\pi is the metric of the Gauss image of some convex polyhedral cusp. This result is an analog of the Rivin-Hodgson theorem characterizing compact convex hyperbolic polyhedra in terms of their Gauss images. The proof uses a variational method. Namely, a cusp with a given Gauss image is identified with a critical point of a functional on the space of cusps with cone-type singularities along a family of half-lines. The functional is shown to be concave and to attain maximum at an interior point of its domain. As a byproduct, we prove rigidity statements with respect to the Gauss image for cusps with or without cone-type singularities. In a special case, our theorem is equivalent to existence of a circle pattern on the torus, with prescribed combinatorics and intersection angles. This is the genus one case of a theorem by Thurston. In fact, our theorem extends Thurston's theorem in the same way as Rivin-Hodgson's theorem extends Andreev's theorem on compact convex polyhedra with non-obtuse dihedral angles. The functional used in the proof is the sum of a volume term and curvature term. We show that, in the situation of Thurston's theorem, it is the potential for the combinatorial Ricci flow considered by Chow and Luo. Our theorem represents the last special case of a general statement about isometric immersions of compact surfaces.Comment: 55 pages, 17 figure

    Two-sided combinatorial volume bounds for non-obtuse hyperbolic polyhedra

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    We give a method for computing upper and lower bounds for the volume of a non-obtuse hyperbolic polyhedron in terms of the combinatorics of the 1-skeleton. We introduce an algorithm that detects the geometric decomposition of good 3-orbifolds with planar singular locus and underlying manifold the 3-sphere. The volume bounds follow from techniques related to the proof of Thurston's Orbifold Theorem, Schl\"afli's formula, and previous results of the author giving volume bounds for right-angled hyperbolic polyhedra.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figure