8 research outputs found

    Making Robust Decisions in Discrete Optimization Problems as a Game against Nature

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    In this paper a discrete optimization problem under uncertainty is discussed. Solving such a problem can be seen as a game against nature. In order to choose a solution, the minmax and minmax regret criteria can be applied. In this paper an extension of the known minmax (regret) approach is proposed. It is shown how different types of uncertainty can be simultaneously taken into account. Some exact and approximation algorithms for choosing a best solution are constructed.Discrete optimization, minmax, minmax regret, game against nature

    Robust Inference of Trees

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    This paper is concerned with the reliable inference of optimal tree-approximations to the dependency structure of an unknown distribution generating data. The traditional approach to the problem measures the dependency strength between random variables by the index called mutual information. In this paper reliability is achieved by Walley's imprecise Dirichlet model, which generalizes Bayesian learning with Dirichlet priors. Adopting the imprecise Dirichlet model results in posterior interval expectation for mutual information, and in a set of plausible trees consistent with the data. Reliable inference about the actual tree is achieved by focusing on the substructure common to all the plausible trees. We develop an exact algorithm that infers the substructure in time O(m^4), m being the number of random variables. The new algorithm is applied to a set of data sampled from a known distribution. The method is shown to reliably infer edges of the actual tree even when the data are very scarce, unlike the traditional approach. Finally, we provide lower and upper credibility limits for mutual information under the imprecise Dirichlet model. These enable the previous developments to be extended to a full inferential method for trees.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Computing Minimum Spanning Trees with Uncertainty

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    We consider the minimum spanning tree problem in a setting where information about the edge weights of the given graph is uncertain. Initially, for each edge ee of the graph only a set AeA_e, called an uncertainty area, that contains the actual edge weight wew_e is known. The algorithm can `update' ee to obtain the edge weight weAew_e \in A_e. The task is to output the edge set of a minimum spanning tree after a minimum number of updates. An algorithm is kk-update competitive if it makes at most kk times as many updates as the optimum. We present a 2-update competitive algorithm if all areas AeA_e are open or trivial, which is the best possible among deterministic algorithms. The condition on the areas AeA_e is to exclude degenerate inputs for which no constant update competitive algorithm can exist. Next, we consider a setting where the vertices of the graph correspond to points in Euclidean space and the weight of an edge is equal to the distance of its endpoints. The location of each point is initially given as an uncertainty area, and an update reveals the exact location of the point. We give a general relation between the edge uncertainty and the vertex uncertainty versions of a problem and use it to derive a 4-update competitive algorithm for the minimum spanning tree problem in the vertex uncertainty model. Again, we show that this is best possible among deterministic algorithms

    The update complexity of selection and related problems

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    We present a framework for computing with input data specified by intervals, representing uncertainty in the values of the input parameters. To compute a solution, the algorithm can query the input parameters that yield more refined estimates in form of sub-intervals and the objective is to minimize the number of queries. The previous approaches address the scenario where every query returns an exact value. Our framework is more general as it can deal with a wider variety of inputs and query responses and we establish interesting relationships between them that have not been investigated previously. Although some of the approaches of the previous restricted models can be adapted to the more general model, we require more sophisticated techniques for the analysis and we also obtain improved algorithms for the previous model. We address selection problems in the generalized model and show that there exist 2-update competitive algorithms that do not depend on the lengths or distribution of the sub-intervals and hold against the worst case adversary. We also obtain similar bounds on the competitive ratio for the MST problem in graphs

    Minmax regret combinatorial optimization problems: an Algorithmic Perspective

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    Candia-Vejar, A (reprint author), Univ Talca, Modeling & Ind Management Dept, Curico, Chile.Uncertainty in optimization is not a new ingredient. Diverse models considering uncertainty have been developed over the last 40 years. In our paper we essentially discuss a particular uncertainty model associated with combinatorial optimization problems, developed in the 90's and broadly studied in the past years. This approach named minmax regret (in particular our emphasis is on the robust deviation criteria) is different from the classical approach for handling uncertainty, stochastic approach, where uncertainty is modeled by assumed probability distributions over the space of all possible scenarios and the objective is to find a solution with good probabilistic performance. In the minmax regret (MMR) approach, the set of all possible scenarios is described deterministically, and the search is for a solution that performs reasonably well for all scenarios, i.e., that has the best worst-case performance. In this paper we discuss the computational complexity of some classic combinatorial optimization problems using MMR. approach, analyze the design of several algorithms for these problems, suggest the study of some specific research problems in this attractive area, and also discuss some applications using this model

    On the Complexity of the Robust Spanning Tree Problem With Interval Data

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    This paper studies the complexity of the robust spanning tree problem with interval data (RSTID). It settles the conjecture of Kouvelis and Yu [9] and shows that the problem remains NP-complete even when the underlying graph is complete or when the cost intervals are all [0; 1]. These results prove that the diculty of RSTID stems from two distinct aspects: the topology of the graph and the numerical properties of the cost intervals. As a consequence, they suggest new directions for improving and evaluating existing search algorithms [2,15,20] for this problem, since they have so far focused only on one of these aspects